George Penn Macro
I am currently following 2 plans. The first plan is an intermediate plan to get me ready for Rev3 Old Orchard Beach. The second plan is entitled, "Final 12 Weeks to BQ Marathon: Volume and Specificity" is to get me ready for my October marathon. The situation I have is, the long run that I am performing on Sunday is starting to leave me with tired and sore legs for my workouts during the week. For example, the schedule reads that I should do a 10 mile run today (Sunday) but I know that my Tuesday bike ride will be on tired legs and I probably won't be able to do the listed workout. Should I do the best I can, or should something be altered? Thanks.
Hey George,
Sorry, I'm confused. Your TSR is here. I wanted you to be in the Short Course plan through your Olympic, then transition over to the marathon plan. I also don't recognized that BQ plan above, pretty sure that's not one of ours?
Regardless, what you're experiencing is typical of trying to train for a marathon while also training for a triathlon: at some point the two races/goals can begin to conflict with each other. Anyway, please give me more insights into how you're mixing these two training plans.
Thanks for clarifying things. It definitely helped to watch that video again. I was trying to add the long runs following a hard bike ride. I see where I made my mistake combining the plans too early.
Talk to you later.
I checked out my TSR for my marathon on October 9. It reads I should load up the Balanced Marathon Training Plan. What version should I do, advanced, intermediate or beginner?
In your TSR you identified yourself as Intermediate so go ahead and load that one up...which I see you already did
. Good luck!
My plan for the day was going perfectly, staying in zone 2 and averaging in the high 10'/mile and mid 11'/mile pace. My wife and chief Sherpa ??was actually surprised about how good I was feeling considering I had been sick and spending a lot of hours at work the last few weeks. And then came mile 23and that is when the wheels came off! My quads and glutes were starting to revolt against me and it became a difficult 3.2 miles.
My legs are extremely sore today. I went for a massage and did a walk around the block to try and keep them lose. I'm not sure what else to do. Any suggestions would be appreciated.
Now I am curious about my next steps. I plan to do the local turkey trot 5k race on Thanksgiving. I have also signed up for the Bad Water Cape Fear 50k race in March of 2017, the Keys 50 miler in May 2017 and Lake Placid 1/2 Ironman in September of 2017.
I'm looking forward to getting back to work.??
Please submit a TSR for me for your 2017 schedule and I'll plan that out for you.