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IMFL 2016

hi kids. I've been MIA for a few months but figured that it was time to check in and get serious about IMFL. Is there a 2016 forum or group put together? I couldn't find one.



  • Hey Jimmy! Good to see you!! ?? yeah 12 1/2 weeks until IMFL!!! ??
  • Steph are you going to florida too? Will that be 3 for you this year?
  • Its on the table as of right now. Chattanooga first. ??
  • ok so potentially 4 fulls this year? I just want to be sure before I tell you how crazy you are!!!!
  • It was/is a backup plan/spot in case there's a problem/issue with CHOO. My goal this year is to get legacy qualified ASAP b/c my father has cancer and I'd love the opportunity for him to see me race Kona.

  • Hello AMAZING IM Florida Racers!!!
    HEYY group!! You must have read my mind----- it’s time!!! Here we are! 13 weeks from the race! And I am PUMPED to join you on this journey as your Race Captain! I can see we are going to have an active group! Shout out to Stephanie- girl you are going to be an expert in these forums after all the IM races you are doin!! WOOHOO!!!

    Please know I am HERE FOR YOU. So if you have questions, comments, concerns, need some venting time- whatever! SEND IT MY WAY! Next week we will start weekly training threads but before we do that, I want to get some of the administrative homework out of the way.

    View, Share, Read etc our IM Florida Racing Page: HERE

    On Social Media? Follow, Share, Spread the word about training with EN using #EN4Keys and tagging us on all platforms:

    Twitter - @teamen ---- Instagram - @teamendurancenation ------ Facebook - www.facebook.com/endurancenation

    Use email friend@endurancenation.us to get a friend to train with you and EN (they get 30 days FREE and you can earn referral bonuses)

    Nudge all current EN members that you know are racing IM Florida to chime in on the weekly forums

    Check the box to follow the entire IM Florida forum so you don't miss a single announcement

    Friend Mariah Bridges and me on Facebook so that we can tag you in pictures and race recaps the week after your race on the EN page

    Your training hashtag is #EN4Keys and of course tag us if you wish, let’s tell the world!

    Charge all your swim, bike and run electronics, tune up that bike, stretch out those legs and prepare that mental game and order the nutrition you need because we are about to dive head first into EN training.
    Starting next Sunday night I will post the weekly forum with the training dates, some mojo, advice, admin notices and general EN awesomeness. Whether you're a veteran EN member or newbie, this is the magic of training with the team. We will keep each other motivated, have a place to talk about our daily training ups and downs, get questions answered, answer fellow teammates questions and make some friends along the way. The more everyone participates the more everyone will crush this race the Endurance Nation way!
    If you have any questions about race weekend, Endurance Nation, whatever it is------I your trusty Race Captain extraordinaire will be here to answer any and all you can throw at me- just send me a message or post it here!!
    I'm sure I have left some things out but no need to worry, we have plenty of time to IRON (see what I did there) all that out before race week.
    On your mark.... get set.... GO!
  • steph I am so very sorry to hear that. It was really obvious how close y'all are at texas. I think that what you are attempting is awesome.
    How far along are you? The minimum number is 12 right?
  • Laura - where should we set up a weekly thread to share training and general mojo?
  • @ Stephanie- I am sorry to hear about your father- I am sending tons of positive thoughts his way!

    @ Jimmy- I will be posting a new thread every Sunday or Monday to begin the week! That is where you can do alllll your posting and where I will do tons of cheerleading!!


  • ok then. Here we go. The theme (for me anyway) for this one will be "No Whining" I have not had the year that I had hoped for and am not coming into the home stretch for this race in the shape that I had wanted. But given what Steph and her dad are facing, those are the last negative remarks I plan to make between now and bedtime on November 5th.
  • Thanks @Laura & @Jimmy! My dad has his ups and downs but one thing he's taught me for sure is to appreciate each day the best I can. I try not to whine as well. My thoughts this year have been basically that no pain that I feel on race day can stack up to what people dealing with cancer, radiation, chemotherapy etc day after day after day. I'm not discounting the pain I do feel but I feel my dads situation has taught me to face it with a good attitude. Of course triathlon isn't my day job thank goodness. It's been a really fun year and I feel very happy and healthy. Hope it stays that way through Nov. ??

    @Jimmy....if I finish CHOO that will be Legacy magic 12th!! ??
  • wow steph. IMFL will be #6 for me. I am hoping to knock down 3 every 2 years and hit # 12 at the end of 2019. We shall see. Hope to see you and your in FL if it works out.
  • ok. work week completed. Got all the session in that I was aiming for. I won't be doing a "big day" this weekend but hope to get one in in the next week or so.
    This weekend I am aiming for 90 more min of running and a 2hr easy bike tomorrow and a 3:30 bike on sunday.
    Weekend work done. Got the run in, had to cut the 2hr bike to 90 min and got the 3:30 ride in. Bike sessions were on the trainer as it has been raining off and on. Not a fan. Watts were low but the work got done.
    Next week will have some challenges as I have to travel for work. But I should get 90% done.

  • Posted By Stephanie Weldon on 08 Aug 2016 05:16 PM
    It was/is a backup plan/spot in case there's a problem/issue with CHOO. My goal this year is to get legacy qualified ASAP b/c my father has cancer and I'd love the opportunity for him to see me race Kona.
    image oh my! Stephanie,
    So sorry to learn about your Dad's health issus. Sending prayers and support to you and your family.
    You are an amazing person and athlete. I hope you reach Kona for Dad to see.
    See you in Florida .
  • image hi I'M Florida group!
    I will be joining you this year. Looking forward to racing with you.
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