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2016 IM Louisville- Week 12- Testing

                                                             Week 12 - Be a Scientist
Heyyyy Louisville Crew! Hope everyone had a great BIG DAY!! Let’s hear about it!!
This week is a test week.  The coaches want us to focus on the following:
- Measure
- Gather Data
- Don’t forget to Sweat Test

When you head to an Ironman event, you will see lots of athletes suffer because they did not know something as simple as having a nutrition plan.  However- in the “haus”, EN’rs know how important EXECUTION is because we practiced and show up prepared. Lots of little things can take a toll on you over 140.6 miles.  Having muscles be so tight on the run from poor form on the bike. Not knowing sodium totals to account for the change in temperature on the course.  Not knowing their power meter numbers, not knowing their heart rate numbers in case power meter fails, etc. Coach Patrick has said how important it is to have multiple "A games" because so many things can change within a race. This is what we talk about when we say "stay inside your box" You can adapt and change to the things outside of your control on the course but that comes from testing, gathering data about your body, how it reacts to nutrition, heat, cold, rain etc. And those results are gathered now. Be a scientist, a student of your body as an athlete in this sport. This is another reason why posting in the forum and weekly training recaps is critical!!!
Here are the sweat test rules in case you forgot or haven't done one in awhile
1) Weigh yourself nude right before a run.
2) Run at race pace for one hour, keeping track of how much you drink (in ounces) during the run.
3) After the run, strip down, towel off any sweat, and weigh yourself nude again.
4) Subtract your weight from your prerun weight and convert to ounces. Then add to that number however many ounces of liquid you consumed on your run. (For example, if you lost a pound and drank 16 ounces of fluid, your total fluid loss is 32 ounces.)
5) To determine how much you should be drinking about every 15 minutes, divide your hourly fluid loss by 4 (in the above example it would be 8 ounces).
6) Because the test only determines your sweat losses for the environmental conditions you run in that day, you should retest on another day when conditions are different to see how your sweat rate is affected. You should also redo the test during different seasons, in different environments (such as higher or lower altitudes), and as you become faster, since pace also affects your sweat rate.

P.S. Ya'll Rock - Now go out there and crush it!


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    Made it through the Chattanooga camp - the big day was all three days. Bike 114 on Friday, bike 90 / run 3 on Saturday, and run 7 on Sunday. (The other campers did 13 on Sunday -- I wanted to keep on our plan as much as possible).

    It was a HUGE confidence boost to get through 114. My longest ride going in was 75 miles - it really wasn't that bad to jump up that much.
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    The bike power test is scheduled for today but the legs don't feel ready. I may move it to tomorrow.

    For me the swim needs the most work - hopefully adding another swim or two will improve my confidence.
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    Checking in for testing - I think I did well! I forgot to reset my Garmin (I don't have power or HR) after the warmup, but I kept my goal IM pace and felt that I worked the hills well.

    For the run, I did 50' and I live rural / residential so choosing a course that had ample hill was not a problem. Over the past few weeks, I've seen some really nice gains on the run even though I am run light due to my knees. Just need to keep on doing what I am doing and know that I will go into LOU ready!

    Looking forward to reading everyone's check in!

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    Did the Chattanooga camp and it really took a lot out of me, not going to do thr bike test as it seems pointless. My legs just don't feel up to it.I plan on getting all the workouts in but I'm going to have to move them around a bit. After the camp I realize that I need to work hard on my long bike and runs, it's gonna be a tough few weeks.
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    Hi Jim - I bagged the bike test as well. Did not have the legs even today after only swimming yesterday. Still got a decent workout with 2x10' z4 and1x15' z3, but now I've got the split run looming tomorrow.

    If the fatigue persists then I'll push the long run to Sunday and drop the planned 3-hour ABP ride. Yes, it's going to be a tough few weeks - I think a key to success is how well we adapt to what our bodies say versus what the plan says.
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    I am not doing any of the testing at this point.  I think to get a good number on either the bike or run, I would need a day of rest and that is not in the cards.  Just doing the intensity instead.  Actually had a great bike intensity this week.

    Moved my long split run today.  Was tough getting in the second one - I like to get most of my work done in the am.  My daughter got dinner ready and I got in my pm run.  I havent decided which I like less, one long run or 2 runs in a day.  Our weather in Chicago has been hot and humid.  Getting some runs done on treadmill as it is much cooler.

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    Kudos on getting your split run in Julie! Treadmill runs are a great alternative when it's killer-hot outside.

    I got the first SR done this morning. I plan to do either trails or the treadmill for SR 2 this evening. Still not sure whether I've recovered from all the Chattanooga Camp volume ... trying to get extra sleep to get rid of this zombie-like feeling.
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    If anyone is interested, I'll be in Louisville August 26-28 to ride the course. I'm hoping to stay on the EN planned workouts. Itinerary as follows: arrive mid-afternoon Friday, run near the riverfront; Saturday run early, then drive out to the church near KY-1694 and ride 5 hours; Sunday a bike/run brick (probably from the church again - no desire to ride on River Road).

    Trent indicated he may come down Friday and ride Saturday. If that weekend works for anyone else let me know.
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