Welcome to the Epic Forum
As the Endurance Nation community grows into more sports than “just” triathlon, we need a space to talk about what you are up to. Not just to celebrate what you’re doing, but do capture critical information and resources so we can begin to share these with your teammates.
Introducing The Epic Forum -- A place for you to discuss, network, brainstorm, and otherwise share with each other what Out of the Box stuff you’re interested in accomplishing.
Examples include:
John Withrow’s Rim 2 Rim 2 Rim run;
Simon Shurey’s UltraMan Florida experience;
Tim Cronk’s Everesting pursuit;
Peter Noyes 100 Mile Angeles Crest 100 run;
Scott Dinhofer’s Leadville 100
It’s our intention that this forum grows organically and thereby gives us ideas for how we as coaches can support you in your non-triathlon endeavors. As specific events become more popular, we can then begin to build more around participation in those areas.
Thanks and semper epic $#it!
The Coaches