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2016 IM Florida Week 10- Split Run

Week 10-- Focus: The Split Run
Greeting EN Florida athletes! THANK YOU for chiming in last week and sharing who is out there!! We are starting to get a group going :-) Who else is in?? I LOVED seeing your posts last week…….you all are RAMPING UP!!! Burning a hole in Strava and posting some on social media.  Now that we have a laser focus on IM Florida let’s keep that up! It’s FANTASTIC!
Remember……  #EN4Keys
This year the coaches made big changes to the training plans, adding a significant "run durability" component by adding running frequency. So now as you head into the IM Full plan you will notice the following…….

Split Long Run: in weeks 9 through 12, the long run is split into two Thursday sessions. The coaches experimented with this in 2015 and found they were able to run both runs a faster average pace and put up higher single day mileage, with less recovery cost vs a traditional one-session long run. Then then enables...

Additional Friday Run: the ability to put in a run the day after the long run allows us to significantly boost the run volume, and therefore the run durability component, of the long course training plans.

Saturday Pre-Ride Brick Run: this run, added to the plans years ago, remains a running staple.

Sunday Post-Ride Brick Run: an extremely valuable session for helping our athletes dial in the critical first 4-6 miles of their running race execution strategy

So this week- let’s focus on that split long run and report back on how we do!  Check out the wiki page for more info! http://members.endurancenation.us/Resources/Wiki/tabid/91/Default.aspx?topic=Understanding+the+Endurance+Nation+Split+Long+Run

Remember…..your race day run should be:




Sustained Pace

No one run will make or break your race but how you look at pacing will.  
Focus on sustainable pace.

Set yourself up like a rock star---

Eat and Hydrate during your workout

Recovery Shake immediately after

Compression socks or resting in the first half hour window after.  Aim for at least one minute elevated resting legs per mile. i.e. 10 mile run, 10 minutes legs elevated, compression socks and resting.

Recovery sets you up for the weekend volume rides
****** Remember to use the forum!  You're building friendships that you will LOVE to have out there on race day. The more you know each other the more you might be able to help, and this is the beauty of EN. We are all one big endurance racing family! If you need ANYTHING from your trusty Race Captain…...I'm here! ******
Admin check in:   Make sure you are following all social media for EN and Facebook


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    I'm in the same boat as Jimmy, I did everything minus 1 swim last week and spent all my bike time on the trainer. My treadmill broke on Friday...while I'd like to think it was due to my blistering speed I think it's just age.

    So far so good this week, but the legs are feeling fatigued.
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    schedule is being impinged upon this week. Kids back to school means morning session mon to thurs are cut to 1hr from 90 min.
    BUT kids back in activities means 3 short 40min run oppertunities in the evenings. So the week should work out fine. Soon I should know my youngest daughter's soccer schedule. Once I have that I will know my weekend training windows and then I can set the rest of my schedule. It is complicated but basically If I have only a short block on saturday mornings due to soccer then I will do a long run saturday morning and a recovery ride in the afternoon. If I have a longer saturday morning block I will adopt the EN thursday split run and do the weekend rides as written.
    There is very little family SAUs at this point as this is IM #2 for the year. So I will just do what I can and enjoy the journey.
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      I'm in the IM FLA plan now too, coming out of the GF plan. So far I've hit all workouts this week, and we're finally getting a break from the heat. We've been in a Bermuda High for weeks which makes it 80 deg. with a 75 deg. dewpoint at 5 a.m., and close to 100 deg. in the afternoon. Looking forward to preparing for FLA with yall.
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    new swimsuit today. It was overdue as the old one was starting to be a bit to sheer if you know what I mean.
    Instantly a faster swimmer. Funny how much drag matters in the water!
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    my local pool was in use for a swim meet, so I put in 3400m on the vasa erg last night & my mind is still a bit numb. Kids' school open house tonight means split run was turned into the blended long run this morning. Glad to have it complete, but it wasn't as bad as I was expecting...except temp & dew point like @Mark describes above.

    @jimmy so I guess it's safe to say that both you AND the people that swim at your pool appreciate the fact that you got a new suit?
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    Yes Scott, a new suit for me is a gift to all...
    My schedule is out of synch w the standard right now. Did an interval bike this morning and power / heart rate was vastly improved. Fluke or fitness? time will tell...
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        Yesterday was the first split run since early June. The second run was pretty tough, almost feels like a brick where you way over-cooked the bike. Got it done, more like a Zn 1 pace-it was 93 deg! This morning's swim went well, I seem to be swimming better this year. Yall be safe out there.
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    ok well another week in the books. hard to get all the work in. Body feels ok but the mind isn't into it for this one at the moment. 897tss. was shooting for about 100 more but it is what it is.
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