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2016 IMCDA "Game Ball"


IMCDA "Game Ball"

As the Tri Club competition winners for IMCDA - our award is given to an athlete who showed courage and inspiration to the team. That award is our "game ball" and it goes to Kori Martini Retzbach this year. I had the privilege of being one of her Sherpas for race day, her husband Eric being the other! The weekend brought many conversations about the journey, the emotions and the struggle to wrap her head around what it would look like not to race, but to simply finish. As a strong athlete, I can only imagine what that must have been for her. As she was reminded, this is part of her story now and its a beautiful one. All leading up to the moment when Eric kissed her goodbye and good luck, I gave her a big hug and a "you got this girl" fist bump and we watched her walk down the beach to the start. 

Her Journey: 

A year ago brought an unexpected bike accident that began a different path. On a training day she was hit by a car and launched off her bike. Im sure you all remember being told she was in an accident. The team pulled together in thoughts and prayers and surrounding her in the knowledge that she wasn't alone. Her Endurance Nation family was with her. Thus began surgeries, physical therapy and emotional understanding. She wouldn't let us call it a comeback as she put it "Don't call it a comeback because I never left" 

Watching her fight for this seventh Ironman finish line was nothing short of an inspiration. Ive seen her race before and while that was fun and epic to watch.... this was something that you never forget. These times become part of your soul. For once the journey through the race wasn't going to be about the time, it was going to be the mental toughness side of triathlon. As she is still in recovery and still in physical therapy, her knee isn't back in full force yet. The knee doesn't realize, it's on the body of a rockstar, and that it would comply... or else. Through tears, sweat, smiles, grit, laughter and even some dancing, Kori left her mark on IMCDA. I believe she had every single human emotion in the span of her race, ending in VICTORY! 

I'm sure we all have those moments, regardless of the situation where you refuse to give up, having to fight the demons to allow you GRACE if you needed to step aside and POWER to put one foot in front of the other. Her husband Eric and I made sure she had both. 

With Power and Grace, Kori:

You. Are. An. Ironman. Again and Forever!


Thank you for your continued inspiration in the sport, your dedication to the team and allowing us to be a part of your story.

Your Endurance Nation Family loves you Kori! 


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