Swim Guidance
Hi Patrick. I need some direction on swim training. As you may or may not recall, this is my first race season since 2014 due to really bad zip lining accident that lead to 3 ankle/leg surgeries. Good news is it's been a really good season all things considering. 4 Olympic and 3 sprint distance races so far. Maybe room for one more Olympic this year. Bike strength/speed is back. FTP is 253, VO2 max is 285 and I've been top 1-10 overall biker in all races I've competed in. Running is what it is at this point. Surgeon, ankle/leg only allow me to run 2-3x a week up to a total of 10miles per week. Run pace has been between 7:30-8:00 for all races. Ok for very little run training.
Now for the problem......my swimming is awful. 1500meter wetsuit time is 28 minutes. One non-wetsuit Olympic this year took me 30 minutes. I'm giving up at least 4-5 minutes on the swim, making it up on the bike and then trying to hold on during the run. I'm committed this off-season to get that 4-5 minutes on the swim so I'm not playing catch up on the bike. Races are simply too short to give away that much time. My question is where do I begin? I have limited ability to consistently attend Master's swim programs because I travel each week for work. I do have a good Master's swim program in CT that I think I can get to at least 1x per week. I'm looking for guidance on videos I should watch, equipment/machines I should consider buying, coaches in the New England area that I could hire to get me on the right track,etc.
Any guidance you can provide would be helpful. I've been looking through the forums but can't seem to locate a forum that addresses what I'm trying to fix.
Thanks to you, Rich and all the EN members for the ongoing support/guidance. Pat