Saturday Ride Thread 5/29
Going away for the weekend to celebrate out 8th anniversary. Seems like yesterday and a million years ago at the same time that we got married. Anyhow had to get as much as possible in early. Kevin had a 5 hour planned so I figured I would keep him company for the first couple. Bit of a late start. Threw down some good watts for the first hour. 1x15, 1x20, 1x10. Nice scenic loop around Saratoga Lake with some big hills. Getting used to the new bike. Position is almost there. Did all the climbing in the bars which hurt the watts but cranked up the RPE. Was at least .93 for all the intervals. Once it started raining I lost any enthusiasm for going hard. First time in the rain since crashing and all. Rode home in semi tourist mode so the totals look weak.
Duration: 2:03:53
Work: 1541 kJ
TSS: 125.3 (intensity factor 0.779)
Norm Power: 237
VI: 1.14
Pw:HR: 10.11%
Pa:HR: -2.42%
Distance: 39.444 mi
Min Max Avg
Power: 0 574 207 watts
Heart Rate: 71 170 143 bpm
Cadence: 30 212 87 rpm
Speed: 2.2 36.2 19.1 mph
Pace 1:39 26:49 3:08 min/mi
Crank Torque: 0 931 205 lb-in
I have not ridden yet, took daughter for her driving test and she passed. But you say your wife loves you by taking you to a yankees game
Now if it was the Red Sox that would be different
All right, here's where I went Friday on my Saturday ride:
Up the towards the continental divide long this road:
66 miles up and back on the Fryingpan River Road, 4:15, NP=165, IF=.675, Climbing 4200', Avg HR=99 (!) Temps 65-85F. About as good as it gets: No cars, gentle grades (2-3% most of the way), clean dry air. No wonder Lance built a house here.
Just have to remember to apply sunscreen ALL around my forearm:
Rode with a local group of roadies, the Lake Harlem Group, and had a great ride. Kind of a big day for me. I was able to hang with the front group for the entire ride. Peak 60min was .97 IF. Legs are trashed.
Entire workout (148 watts):
Duration: 3:13:04 (3:39:03)
Work: 1714 kJ
TSS: 215.7 (intensity factor 0.819)
Norm Power: 196
VI: 1.33
Pw:HR: n/a
Pa:HR: n/a
Distance: 60.55 mi
Min Max Avg
Power: 0 689 148 watts
Cadence: 30 182 87 rpm
Speed: 2.2 35.4 19.3 mph
Pace 1:42 26:49 3:06 min/mi
Crank Torque: 0 1109 146 lb-in
Peak 60min (186 watts):
Duration: 1:00:00 (1:10:22)
Work: 668 kJ
TSS: 94 (intensity factor 0.97)
Norm Power: 233
VI: 1.25
Pw:HR: n/a
Pa:HR: n/a
Distance: 20.931 mi
Min Max Avg
Power: 0 689 186 watts
Cadence: 30 177 92 rpm
Speed: 2.2 34.4 21.5 mph
Pace 1:45 26:49 2:47 min/mi
Crank Torque: 0 1109 174 lb-in
Happy anniversary, Chris!
Chris- thanks for starting this great oldie but goodie thread!
I did a race rehearsal for my upcoming HIM- so the data is pretty boring. Double out & back route on the OBX HIM course with the race director and the race management director. Pretty cool. You cross over a bridge (over water) 4 times, the first 2 were not a problem, but the second 2 times the wind picked up and I was tossed around a little (Note to the RD and RMD- put warnings on the website about high winds and wheel selection). The only other eventful moment was when we rolled up to a black bear walking down the street. The route goes through a wildlife refuge and bears are known to be in the area- but we usually only see them in the fall. Pretty unusual to see them in summer. (second note to RD/RMD- add note to website about wildlife refuge and watching out for bears!).
No- I didn't get a pic of the bear! I didn't have my camera with me :-(
Chris - Happy Anniversary.
Al - Beautiful riding. Tough being you this weekend. :-)
Matt - Saw your tweet of 60min @ .97 IF. Are you kidding me!? Good work
Nemo - I need a hug.
Was debating not riding today and start builiding my sons tree house instead. But saw Matt's tweet and got motivated hit the road. THWACK!
Started with what I affectionately call the Carrie Chavez warmup = GO!
First 20' was all out hammering over some rolling hills. Then throttled back and got into a groove. Been awhile since I have "felt" that sweet spot where I am pushing but not fading but also not going any harder. Felt really good.
Duration: 1:24:04
Work: 902 kJ
TSS: 103.8 (intensity factor 0.861)
Norm Power: 202
VI: 1.13
Distance: 23.568 mi
Up to 381 TSS this week. Need to get to 500. Will swim tomorrow and then do a long run. Been a long time since I have trained like this. So far so good.
Lap 1:
Duration: 3:19:56 (3:31:32)
Work: 1878 kJ
TSS: 261.5 (intensity factor 0.907)
Norm Power: 191
VI: 1.19
Got in a solid good ride for the first time since the ToC. Did 4:28:xx with an IF of .81 and 288tss for 98 miles. Thought about a 1 mile out and back when I got back to get in the century but just too toast and hot, just jumped in the pool as soon as I got home.
Happy Anniversary Chris, and Al... any time you want to invite me out for a training partner just let me know.
Rode 65 hilly miles (for TX any way) out and around a local lake (Joe Pool Lake, Phillip), about 3k climbing. Nothing can compare to ToC! We ended up with low-90s temp, which I'm not used to - so I was DYing! Ended up with about .70 IF as I was riding with a buddy who was in the back.
Down to Austin first thing in the morning for the CapTex Olympic on Monday. Going to be a scorcher, esp since I'm in the second-to-last wave start (biggest age group).
Mu awesome wife suggested a plan where I got to ride to the family destination yesterday, so I rode from Worcester to Plymouth, my dad's house. 75 miles in a touch under 4 hours. Did it last year in just over 5. Felt pretty good. Every time I started to ease off, I just imagined Halligan about 25 yards up the road.
Happy memorial day, all.