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Patrick Marsh's Macro Thread

I am scheduled to do IMLP 2017 and have signed up for the EN IMLP camp in June.  However, should I be looking for a spring 70.3 (perhaps Syracuse) or an Olympic length race to prepare my equipment and rehearse my transitions?   My ability to travel long distances for a race is somewhat restricted given work and parenting obligations.  Thanks for your thoughts.


  • Posted By Patrick Marsh on 06 Sep 2016 08:21 AM

    I am scheduled to do IMLP 2017 and have signed up for the EN IMLP camp in June.  However, should I be looking for a spring 70.3 (perhaps Syracuse) or an Olympic length race to prepare my equipment and rehearse my transitions?   My ability to travel long distances for a race is somewhat restricted given work and parenting obligations.  Thanks for your thoughts.

    Yes, good idea to do a half in the May to early June timeframe in preparation for IMLP. It also gives you a shorter term race to focus on vs just having IMLP only on the calendar for months and months

  • Coach Rich - I finished my HIM and am going to my transition/recovery for the next two weeks. I have some changes to my annual calendar. Next May 20th, I would like to do the Battenkill ride. It's a very hilly ~70 miler. Not sure if final course set yet. Date was just set this week. Also, I signed up for the EN IMLP camp in June and will sign up for the Rev3 Quassy HIM next June. Do I need to tweak my training plan to accommodate these events? Thanks for your help!
  • Yes, please submit another TSR. Thx
  • I updated my race schedule. However, I couldn't add the EN IMLP camp for 2017. Therefore, you will see the 2016 camp in there. Kept trying to create an event, but couldn't get it to work.
  • Coach Rich,

    Thanks for updating the schedule. At first blush, everything looked pretty similar so I thought I was good to go. Then, I went to drop this in my excel file / calendar, and realized that I have question regarding transitioning from a HIM plan to a full IM during

    On April 9th, I am supposed to load the HIM plan that will end on June 4th. Then, about three weeks later you have me loading my full IM program to end on 7/23. Why do you have me do doing four weeks of a HIM plan (HIM weeks 12 through 15) and then transitioning to the IM?

    Just wanted to clarify that I was looking at this correctly. I have a crazy work and parenting schedule, so I try to have my calendar well developed several months out, and wasn't sure I completely understood this transition in my training plan.

    Otherwise, I understand the schedule that you created for me. Thanks!
  • Coach Rich - I didn't realize that you embedded a video at the bottom of the screen. You answered my questions about the abbreviated HIM plan block. Have a great day. Thanks
  • I have to go to Tokyo for work on January 8th until January 14th. This poses a number of problems. Dealing with jet lag. Losing two days while entombed in an airplane. No access to any decent cycling opportunities.

    There's a lap pool in my hotel and a decent park for running. However, I will miss at least two cycling sessions.

    Thoughts on how to stay on track? Situations like this will continually arise for me as I have to travel often for work. I recognize and accept that my work is a big limiter for my triathlon performance. Just need advice on how best to juggle.

  • Posted By Patrick Marsh on 21 Dec 2016 01:18 PM

    I have to go to Tokyo for work on January 8th until January 14th. This poses a number of problems. Dealing with jet lag. Losing two days while entombed in an airplane. No access to any decent cycling opportunities.

    There's a lap pool in my hotel and a decent park for running. However, I will miss at least two cycling sessions.

    Thoughts on how to stay on track? Situations like this will continually arise for me as I have to travel often for work. I recognize and accept that my work is a big limiter for my triathlon performance. Just need advice on how best to juggle.

    Hey Patrick,

    The short answer is go 'cycling heavy' on the front of your trip, adding 1-2 more bikes in the week leading up to your trip, dropping a run or two if possible. Then during your trip, run as much as / as often as you're able to, given logistic constraints, jet lag, etc. Then pick up your normal schedule when you're able to on your return. Core and other dry land exercises could take the place of swimming during your trip as well. 

    At the end of the day, do the best you can, and when in doubt...run. 

  • Thanks Coach Rick.  

    I will add two extra rides this week to make up for my loss next week.  Hopefully, I will have time to run or swim everyday.  I will post you after I return to let you know how far I fall behind (i.e., how challenging the NOS workouts are after I return).

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