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Post IMWI Foot Pain

So... my legs feel not so bad, given how slow I was in the run, I am not surprised, but i have this major pain in my left foot. Outside, down near the heel but on the side, see pic attached. Can't figure out if it's a stress fracture type of dealio or a soft tissue item that will disappear over time, rest, ice... 

any thoughts?


  • Hurt all the time? With certain motions or with impact?
  • @Scott - I have had pain in that exact area (inside and outside) for years. There are bursa in that area of the feet/heel that can become inflamed, and as I know, can be very painful. As Rachel asked, is it more painful on impact or when you flex the foot up and down? Does it hurt when you apply direct pressure? I'm not saying that this is 100% what yours is, but sounds similar to what I've had and its not always exasperated by fast running.
  • More painful on impact/ walking... Goes away sitting. I am thinking it might be Peroneal Tendonitis. Focusing on Ice & eating lots of food :-)
  • as an update... seems to have gone away from almost 2 weeks of doing nothing (except one very slow 18 mile walk/run)
  • Scott, glad to hear it has gotten better. I came away from IMC with something similar, probably peroneal tendonitis. It took three weeks of rest to fade away -- the most frustrating part was avoiding biking too as even an easy ride would aggravate it. I eventually saw a podiatrist to make sure it wasn't a stress fracture. The podiatrist tried a shim under that part of my foot, but that seemed to make it worse as the shoe was too tight.

    I still feel it after my longer runs and occasionally ice it, but it's no longer affecting my training.
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