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2016 IM Florida Week 14- Run Run Run

Week 14- Run Focus Week
Alrighty folks- how ya’ll doin?!? It’s AWESOME to read your posts and hear how things are going! Things are certainly ramping up and ya’ll are ROCKSTARS!
So the coaches declared this a “Run Focus Week”.  What that means is if possible, aim for a few more than your "typical" week by either inserting another run day or adding a small amount to every run you do.   HOWEVER- This is entirely optional, it simply plays into their separate build / taper approach for managing fitness by discipline across your Race Prep phase.
In saying that, as we start the week- check in with yourself.  How are you feeling? How’s your body handling the training stress? PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE watch Coach Patrick’s discussion on cumulative fatigue under Week 14 IM video.  (Located on the right side of your Training Plan page).
He shares some EXTREMELY important and valuable information about smart training.
Alright Florida Crew-Make sure to post in the forum or social media so we can see your hard work this week. I am so unbelievably proud of you all for the talking going on in the forums. This is hands down going to be an awesome group of EN'rs and I can't wait for you to crush it. Go out there and make us proud!


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    Big weekend for me kicked off today. getting SB&R in today but the big event was swim RR. 3800SCM in 1:10. Tried to move along at race intensity. Had to dodge a water aerobics class for 30min or so. Good sighting practice.
    Feeling better. Results from InsideTracker blood work show better hormonal balance and vitamin levels than after IMTX so everything looks good right now.
    I cat get m calendar to line up exactly with the EN training plan schedule but I'm just not stressing about it. The work is getting done and the progress looks good.
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    ok. big weekend was a qualified success. After thursday's race rehearsal swim I ran an hour friday morning, then took care of some work commitments and was left with a good 4.5hrs to ride outside. But it was noon and 93 degrees. I made it for 3.5 hrs and pulled the plug. In the last hour my EF was actually under 1 as my hr was over 140 even soft-pedaling.
    Saturday was better. 30min trainer shakeout followed by 2hr run. Then got another hour on the trainer later in the day. Sunday was a good 4hr trainer session building from below race watts to well above race watts and my EF actually improved over the session. In all 19.5hrs for the week and 1200 tsp which is big for me.
    Next week will be a recovery week as I have to travel for work monday to wednesday. I will bring running gear but my expectation is for 1hr run each day. Longer on wednesday morning if possible but the point of putting the big week where I did was so that I could rest during the travel. TSB is currently -42 so I can afford to let that creep up a bit.
    Hope that everyone is healthy and as sane as possible. These are the dog days.
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