Peter Lautenslager Macro Thread
Hi Peter,
This is your very own “Macro Thread” where you and I can discuss any questions you may have about the Triathlon Season Roadmap (TSR) that I created for you here. This is also a space where we can discuss any big picture, season planning, race schedule and other related issues you may have going forward.
Welcome aboard!
Hi Rich,
Thanks for the plan, it looks great. I do have a question regarding where we log our workouts. Is that done somewhere on the site or do we use Training Peaks (what I use) or some other tool?
Great question. We don't have a training log on the site. Many of our members log their workouts in Trainingpeaks, Strava, and others.
Hi Rich,
Test sets are all complete. For the bike I train with power, so I'm all set there. However for the run which do think is better to train to - HR or pace?
I notice that the system seems to only take one or the other. Do you have a preference? I have used both. I usually race by pace and I do like to train with pace as well but can do HR if there is a benefit in doing so over pace. Any thoughts?
On the contrary, we want you to train with both:
Good call today. As I mentioned, that day off on Mondays (or could be Fridays) is best. Your Race Prep self will thank me. Can't overestimate the importance of one "no alarm day" in your world.
As for the Sweat Test, the info is all in the Wiki / Nutrition area here. It's under the "Recommended Nutrition" section. All you really need is to weigh before/after your Hour steady state..and do the math on the fluid. You'll likely do this a few times to be 100% sure...even outdoors.
Given how "hot" placid has been lately, being ready to consume more wouldn't be a bad thing!
Don't forget to set up that call with me at the end of the GetFast plan: (Please remember to include your phone number.).
~ Coach P