Peter Greagg's Comeback Micro Forum
Hi Patrick
Just returned from maintenance mode.
Had DNFed IM Australia first Sunday in May with knee trouble.
Then in run jail for 3 months while strengthening and activation of core, gluteus, knee etc.
Been running 3 hours a week, along with 3 hours of bike a week, for 4 weeks or so.
Everything is going along pretty well.
That's the background.
Now I have entered a 70.3 in late Feb, hoping just to finish and have fun. Also hoping to RACE a 70.3 in first week of May.
So the question is, how do I get there from here?
Was thinking to start OS, Intermediate next week, with a view to loading up Intermediate HIM, in the first week of January?
Or is there a smarter approach?
Just returned from maintenance mode.
Had DNFed IM Australia first Sunday in May with knee trouble.
Then in run jail for 3 months while strengthening and activation of core, gluteus, knee etc.
Been running 3 hours a week, along with 3 hours of bike a week, for 4 weeks or so.
Everything is going along pretty well.
That's the background.
Now I have entered a 70.3 in late Feb, hoping just to finish and have fun. Also hoping to RACE a 70.3 in first week of May.
So the question is, how do I get there from here?
Was thinking to start OS, Intermediate next week, with a view to loading up Intermediate HIM, in the first week of January?
Or is there a smarter approach?
This re entry time is critical, so let's keep that rolling so you aren't working too hard too early.
Let me know what you think!
~ Patrick
Just so happy to be training again!
Cheers Peter
This is 8 weeks before Christmas, when I will be away with the family until New year.
I have a B Race HIM on 19 February 2017, which is 6 weeks from when I get back from New Year.
Then I have my A Race, an HIM on 7 May 2017, which is 10 weeks from the B Race.
So my question is, what is the smartest way training wise so I an enjoy participating in my B Race on 19 Feb that is 15 weeks after I start serious training (also, given I will be restricted to just running between Christmas and New Year)?Presumably the main options would be:
load up HIM Plan to end on 19 Feb; or
do a period of OS, then switch to HIM Plan — if so, when would I switch to give me enough Far, so I can finish the race.
I assume that what ever we decide, my A Race will take care of itself being a further 9 weeks after the B Race.
The only other modification you need to make to the OutSeason® plan is to extend this Saturday rides to 2 1/2 to 3 hours. That means doing the Main set as listed, For the remainder in zone two/Steady.
Let me know what you think!
~ Patrick
Sounds like a great plan.
My PT/sports rehab guy has been getting me to do some barefoot running on grass once or twice a week to improve my running form. I started with 4 x 50 m, and am now up to 5 x 400 m.
Should I continue with that? If so, how should I incorporate that?
I say that you plan on doing that on EITHER:
+ A monday / friday as a short stand along run.
+ After your Tues / Thurs bike in place of the regular brick run.
BTW, thanks for helping me get set for my season. I am really hungry for the work now. As an aside, the enforced lay-off has given me the chance to freshen up mentally, so I am looking on the run jail as a great reset opportunity. Of course I have some body comp work to do <span class="afEmot" style="width: 20px; height: 20px;" onclick="amaf_insertHTML('<img src=\'/DesktopModules/ActiveForums/themes/_default/emoticons/crying.gif\' />')" unselectable="on"><img alt="" width="20" height="20" title="<img src='/DesktopModules/ActiveForums/themes/_default/emoticons/crying.gif' align="absmiddle" border="0" class="afEmoticon" />" onmousedown="return false;" src="" /></span><img alt="" src="" /> <br />
ooops. Not sure what went wrong there?
Just checking in.
My running is progressing well, but still quite slow. Though I am sure the run test this week will show a bigger Vdot. My knee stability, and consequent good running form, is quite heartening.
Given I am still going to be running slowly, how much run distance should I do when I load up the Intermediate Half plan on 2 January. I am worried that as the wkos are expressed in time, I will be short on volume come race day.
I expect my MP (Zone 2) pace will be somewhere in the range 6:45 to 7:00 mins per km.
I say weekly as individual run workouts can be quality, but due to the fatigue / form breakdown over time, could prove too costly.
I'll just keep an eye on my weekly run volume to keep it in that 35 to 42 km range. If I add any more than the wkos as written, it would be Z0ne 1.
BTW, I have averaged over 50 km a week for the last 6 weeks.
I am having an easy week this week, and only short runs between Christmas and New Year.
~ Coach P
Got my half iron on Feb 19, and am pretty happy where my fitness is. So thanks for your help.
My run is progressing well and have done all the prescribed run wkos and at the specified paces. I usually struggle with the long runs with the zone 2 and above paces. I assume this means I can expect a Vdot bump when I test after I recover from the race.
my swim is around where it normally is at this stage of the season, so I am happy with that as well.
I have struggled at bit with the bike, particularly the endurance wkos. Not surprising though given how little bike I did before Christmas. My FTP was 160 watts, an all time low, at Christmas.
I started my half iron training plan at the start of January. I did the mid-week intervals as I could. Just rode for the time, while accumulating time around 160 watts. On Saturday's long bike, I would do the intervals, and then try and just do the time specified. Usually this meant the last hour or so had an IF around 0.6, as I was struggling. Sunday's apb ride, I just did as much work as I could at an IF of around 0.7.
When I tested my FTP a few weeks ago, it had climbed to 180 watts. I am happy about that as I started last season around 190 watts. My race Rehersal showed me I can probably target an IF of 0.73. Which makes sense to me as I was struggling with the long rides in January.
All in all, I am happy where I am as I only wanted to participate in this half iron.
My A race, which is also a half iron, is 10 weeks after this upcoming race. This raises two questions.
First, what do you suggest I do as recovery after the race? I usually start feeling better by the end of the following week, but what do you suggest I do?
Second, I am very keen to do a big bike week, given my lack of bike endurance. I was thinking that perhaps I could do it when I have recovered from this race. What do you think?
Thank you so much for the update. You come a long way, and what you've done in such short time is no small accomplishment.I'm glad that you have the perspective to understand what you have achieved.
I am sending you lots of positive paper vibes so you are ready for race day. Do yourself a favor and go through all of the mental visualization stuff. Even though you don't bring your a game from a fitness perspective, you can still be on it logistically. That only pays greater dividends when your fitness finally catches up with your execution.
We need you to recover, but we don't want you to take too much time off. The extent to which you need to recover will be dictated by how well your run goes. In general, I recommend today's completely off and then returning with swim bike and run days consecutively.
That would be:
Big Bike Week
2/20 = Recover
2/27 = Load Half Plan to end on your next race, do _that_ week.
3/6 = Big Bike Week
3/13 = Return to Half Plan
The big bike week design is really up to you and I. First, does 3/6 work? Then, what do you think would be the right amount of work? I don't like to go much bigger than 250 miles, but with 7 days there's lots of wiggle room.
Already doing the mental visualisation stuff, which is easy as I have raced this course for the last 8 years. Thinking about each part of the course and what I expect to be doing etc. Btw, I am really excited to be able to race.
Love your recovery plan. I am usually keen for a longish bike by the Saturday following a race, so that should work well.
In terms of the big bike week, given how little bike work I have done, I was thinking about doing something like the one in the drop down plan, but kilometres instead of miles. I have done that before and coped with the fatigue. Of course, I will monitor how I am going and will reach out to you if I get in to trouble. How does that sound?
I will let you know the race goes.
Can't wait to hear about the race!!!
~ Coach P
Had a very good race, given where my fitness is at.
Swim of 40 mins (it is a 2 km swim), 3 hour 9 min bike, right on my target of IF=0.73, with a VI of 1.03, and the first 16 km of the run was right on my pace targets (eg first part at zone 1.5, then next 11 km on zone 2).
Then my run fell apart. I started to really feel it around my troublesome knee and my quads were starting to scream. Also, by this time the temperature had climbed to the mid 30s. I toughed out the rest of the run around zone 1. But all in all, I was very satisfied.
I am recovering well. I am following your suggested recovery week.
The big bike week - I was thinking Mon 60 km, Tues 80 km, Wed 80 km, Thurs 30 km, Fri 80 km, Sat 100 km, Sun 70 km, for 500 km. This is what we did a couple of years ago in my ironman build, ands it worked well for me then. What do you think?
Your big bike week looks good to me, but is there anything we can do to accelerate the strengthening of your knee / keep you happier for the long races?!
Nicely done!
~ Coach P
thanks for the feedback. Much appreciated.
in regard to my knee, I should have said that I am working with a PT every Monday for 45 mins on stability and strengthening of my knee. For example, I haven't been able to do lunges on my right side for a couple of decades, but now I can. The PT thinks I have lots of improvement still to come. I used to have difficulty climbing stairs, but now it is much easier and relatively pain free. So thanks for the query. I should also confess that when I thought my running was finished I had a pity party for months and my weight ballooned to 12 kgs above my race weight. I am still 5 kgs over, but am loosing about 1.5 kgs a month.
I have just reviewed by run file from the race and I think I have learned something about half iron run execution. The first 5 km at TRP had a heart rate of 130 and felt very easy. When I moved up to zone 2, my heart rate jumped up to 138 within a couple of kms, then it slowly drifted up to 143 over the last few kms until I slowed to zone 1. The last part of the race at zone 1 my heart rate was 138. So I am thinking in the middle kms of a half run, I should be seeking to keep my heart rate around 140, or thereabouts but definitely less than 143. Any thoughts?
That's great news on your rehab...even old dogs learn new tricks!!!
That can only help you on race day, not just daily life...let's keep it up!
And YES to the run file. I noticed that as well. As we age, your HR "bandwidth" gets narrower as your Max HR Drops. So your 138 to 143 is only 5 beats for you...but for a 25 year old, that would be more like 10 to 12 beats which would seem super aggressive!
Add that to your next race plan my friend!
~ Coach P
Just checking in after my Big Bike Week. The last 2 days before I started the BBB, were the normal Saturday and Sunday in the Intermediate Half Iron, so these had some impact on my BBB.
I did 420 kms over 6 days of the actual BBB, with a total TSS of 1100, at an average IF of 0.080. As I did the kms rather than the miles in the plan, and having regard to the fact that I am training for a 70.3, I was on the gas more than the plan called for. I cut the week short because yesterday was really tough and I was in just survival mode for the last 10 km. Also had interrupted sleep last night which is often a precursor to overtraining in me. My best day was Thursday where I did 100 kms for a TSS of 265 at an IF of 0.87. I am certain my FTP has risen by a lot, based on the numbers I saw on my Powermeter over the week. I look forward to testing. I was thinking of testing midweek in the week after next (ie in 10 days or so)?
I am just about to start week 5 of the Intermediate Half Iron (12 weeks) Plan.
I am resting today and will closely monitor my recovery and do the volumes specified but keep a close check on RPE, and be happy to cut short any wko if I am struggling.
I will keep you posted.
just checking in with an update on my A Race, Port Macquarie 70.3.
It's a very tough bike course. Best Bike Split has at least 6 hills that at my weight (67 kg), I need more than 200 watts, and one @ 250 watts. My FTP is in the high 180s.
After a 38 min swim (I had Google leaking that took 3 goes to fix), which is normal for me, I did the bike I should at 3:16 (could have done 3:05). The weather was 25 degrees and 75% humidity. So I ran by heart rate. The first 30 mins @ my bike heart rate of 122. Then my usual long run rate of 130. The last 3 km I just cranked it up and hung on. I averaged 130 bpm for the whole run.
Long story short, I got a roll down slot to the Worlds 70.3 at Chattanooga on 9-10 September.
So, first up, thanks for all your encouragement and support. I really appreciate it a lot.
My query is how should we approach training for that event? An issue I will need to deal with is the winter weather here in Canberra, particularly for the bike. I have a Computrainer that I don't mind using with my road bike, but for some reason, it is quite different and much harder on a TT bike on the CT. I can run outside almost always, and have access to a gym with treadmills.
Cheers, and thanks again.
I guess my comeback has "officially" arrived!
(Takes Coach hat off)
(Puts Coach hat back on).
Awesome. That's a GREAT race by you, and very well executed run. Finally, after all these races, you cranked one in and made some magic happen. I hope you are celebrating. Still. Now. Because that would be okay.
First things first, the recovery...let me think on the training for you. Give me a bit and I'll come back at you. Any other races between now and then? How's the body holding up?
~ Coach P
thanks for the great post, and yes very happy to get your considered response in due course.
I should have said this was the end of my season and I thought I would be getting started on the OS soonish. So nothing scheduled before the Worlds.
I am on a 9 day holiday with my ex-fiancée (wife that is) at the end of May.
I really drilled myself on the run and have had a fair bit of trouble sleeping with the aches, pains,and excitement.
I was below my previous 'race weight' for the race and had been dry (no booze) for the last 6weeks. I am letting myself enjoy the fun now but will back on my plan after the time away with my wife.
As always I seek your guidance. That said, given where I am fitness wise, I was wondering about a mix of GF plan early with 70.3 in the lead up. My thinking being that I appear to respond well to judicious mixes of intensity and volume at the same time. And that volume of GF on the bike is probably doable on the CT in the pain cave.
But as I said, happy for you advice.
Btw, I think I am finally 'getting' the execution stuff. I didn't tell you about all the things that could of derailed me but didn't because I made smart decisions this time.
Just about to complete the post Half Iron 2 week plan. My recovery has been great. Had to hold back on wkos this week. I think I will test next week, both run and bike.
After that week, I fly out with my wife for 10 days away. I intend to run 30 mins @ Zone 2, every second day.
I am back home on June 8, ready to start work on Monday June 12. This is 13 weeks away from the Worlds at Chattanooga on September 10.
How should be proceed from here?
- Load the Traditional EN Half Plan, to get you to Worlds.
- Modify that plan to account for the course itself. The swim is fast, no worries. The bike isn't that bad it either aside from a few false flats and 2 to 3 short steep climbs. The run is the killer here. So I'd like a focus on both Body Comp and Run Durability.
Let me know what you think of the above and what your own personal goals are..and we can go from there!~ Coach P