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RR#2 Question


I had pacing problems with RR#1 (endurancenation.us.dnnmax.com/Commu...fault.aspx) which may have been partly due to more stop signs and traffic in the 2nd 1/2 of route.  Should I change the route to out and back or keep it the same so I can compare apples to apples?




  • I think it would be best to do the out and back with no stopping just like in the race.


    Good Luck

  • Agree with Steve. Try to make RR#2 as much of a "non-stop" route as possible.
  • Oh- and when are you scheduled to do RR #2? We really need to figure out a way to get together for a weekend ride one of these days!
  • Nemo,

    RR#2 is this weekend - probably Sun.  A group ride would be great, but, my issue is as always time.  I have this week off but my honey do list is massive.  Even now I find it challenging to do anything but get on my bike or deep water running shoes and go.

    I considered a long ride to the beach but the traffic and narrow 2 lane on 158 was a bit scarry.  Although I did a ride from EC to Chesapeake last month and the country roads were smooth and nearly traffic free until I got to Chesapeake.  What long routes to you take?

  • Mostly around here- Alligator River stuff. But did the Tarwheel Century a few weeks ago- nice roads over there. Just PM me your plans and if I can come out to join you I will.
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