Ellen Sauter Micro Forum
Hi Patrick - excited to get started with EN. Quick questions - as I mentioned in my road map, I am still rehabbing a pretty bad shoulder and knee injury. As part of that rehab, I lift weights twice a week for legs and arms. Where do you see that fitting in with this week's testing? And in future weeks?
Honestly, I don't see the pressure to put you into the NovOS right away.
We could have you start with the DEC OS folks, and do Block 1 of the Run Durability Program (RDP)...as an entry point to getting on a schedule and getting consistent (both critical f0r your future success). Then you would lift Monday / Friday....and after the four weeks of RDP end, you would transition to the Dec OS (Still lifting Monday / Friday).
Let me know what you think!
~ Patrick
I'm excited to start the NovOS - working out consistently isn't an issue. My arm just functions at about 90% right now and I am hoping to get it back to 100%. Lifting and getting that entire shoulder area stronger is unfortunately the key (I HATE lifting weights
) The knee surgery left me with a run that isn't what it used to be, but maybe we can get that back. I am set to do the run test today, so let's see what happens. Lifting on Mon/Fri would certainly work - I do my core at that time as well, so similar to the core work for the OS. Thoughts?
~ Coach P
As far as training - my run test went way better than expected. I was thinking I could hold 9:00 miles for 3 miles, and it turns out, I did 8:30s!! Pretty excited about that - means I'm working my way back. Power test went well - I've seen higher number before, but not bad for November. FTP is 167. I'm really liking this so far - really glad to have found EN.
I think your basic week should look something like this:
Mon - OFF
Tue - Bike, Brick Run, Weights.
Wed - Run as planned.
Thu - Bike as planned.
Fri - Swim, Lift.
Sat - Bike, Brick Run.
Sun - Run.
I think that set up should get you just enough work, with the additional functional stuff for talking about, and keep you on track. If you find yourself in a week when you need a little more rest, then I would drop the swimming on Friday.Sounds like you can do your lifting at home which means there is zero cost to that training session.
Let's get you want to consistent schedule and once we have that baseline we can investigate doing more work on making modifications as needed.
Great to have you here!!
~ Coach P
Hi Patrick - how is your knee. Not trying to be nosy - just saw you had posted about knee pain and going to see a PT. My guess is bursitis - hate the bursitis!! Anyway - questions about this weekend's long run. I would like to do that with my running partner, but we always run at a trail that is pretty hilly. Holding pace wouldn't be an option, so I was wondering if running by heart rate would be ok? I am trying to make the most of the OS and "stick with the plan", so I wanted to get your thoughts.
Trail run is fun and go do it. If you give me 75% of your OS workouts (Mon-Fri) and you do your best on Sat / Sun with fun, quality sessions, I can't complain.
Just take a picture and post to Instagram with the tag #EN4keys or @teamendurancenation so we can find it!!! #jealous
~ Coach P
Hi Coach P - I can't do my run test until Friday. I would prefer daylight when I do it
I'm going to bike test Tuesday morning - wondering what I do with myself Wednesday and Thursday?
Good Morning Coach P! Need some input on the run plan please. First, my running is going great - very pleased with the progress I have made in the OS. I know the plan calls for running a half or 10K that last week. Here in the frozen tundra of Columbus, Ohio, the only thing I can find within a reasonable distance is an indoor tri at Ohio State. We HATE the Buckeyes, so I will not be doing that
I'm not really interested in sinking a ton of travel expense into doing a 10K, so wanted to know what the alternatives are. Just do another 5K test? Beg my husband to do a "mock" 10K with me? Let me know your thoughts. Have a great week!
Sending you good weather wishes!
~ Coach P
So, my questions: I am now to the point I'm getting an MRI. Possibly a pinched nerve in my lower back?? I don't know - I just know it hurts. Now really running much at all now. Can you give me suggestions on how to modify the plan? Bike more? Take up the eliptical? (torture, but I guess I could handle 30 min)
I'm off to North Carolina this weekend to do the 6 hours of Warrior Creek mountain bike relay race. My brother is my partner - not doing it solo! That should give me some good bike workouts.
Hope all is well with you - sounds like your knee is doing better. Happy training and a belated Happy Birthday!
While you wait on the MRI (what's the date on that?) we can have you switch to "aquabike" mode to keep things rolling.
Since you are on the Short Course plan, that would look like this (note your choice of off day):
Sunday is fun day. You can ride on the trainer for a bit if you like, or you can get outside when the weather is nicer and just explore and have fun. IOW I don't want you to crush yourself (that's what the other bike days are for!).
I will be curious to hear what your ortho says about your hip; as it might be possible to cross train vs run in the meantime. Let's see. When you do have more info, please set up a call with me so we can discuss: http://meetme.so/patrickmccrann (Please remember to include your phone number.)
~ Coach P
Out of curiosity,How many people actually look at the MRI? Sometimes it's just a technician…and then the doctor goes by their report. The more than look at it, the better. And if you have the MRI on a disk, other people can easily view it.
Psoas Stretch:
Technically only a PT Can help you out, maybe some ART. But it's not guaranteed. You can stretch the heck out of the area though, and this post has a ton of them at the bottom (and a video too). Maybe your PT can help a bit?
Before Any Run, you need to do our pre run warm up (no sound):
With the Off Road USAT Nationals on 6/4 we don't have a ton of time. Here's what I recommend:
I say we load up that Short Course plan for you to get your Swim // Bike // Run on...let me know!
~ Coach P
Husband put me on the multi-angle hip machine as part of my re-hab (remember, he is a PT
LOL - i should have been on the short course plan two weeks ago. I was too busy "getting faster", - didn't even pay attention! The Get Faster plan is harder, so I'm not worried. Bike is good, swimming continues to improve. Hopeful about the run.
I forgot your husband was a PT. That is a significant competitive advantage!!!!
Slow and steady will help you lock it all in....very excited!
~ Coach P
Just for you - I set up a Strava account! It is linked to my Garmin Connect account, so all my data is in there. Not really sure how you access it, so just tell me and I will make the adjustments. I few things to note: I don't always (but I'm changing my ways!!) wear my Garmin watch, so not all my runs are in there. (Sometimes, if the run isn't specific, I just like to run - I know, weird) I also don't wear my heart rate monitor - I know, BAD Ellen. I will start, but if you could explain why that information is relevant, that would be great. If we are running by pace, who cares what your heart rate is???
Last week was hectic - drove to Houston (from Ohio) to collect my daughter from college. 36 hours of driving in 84 hours. We did fit in a work out each day, so I will call last week a recovery week. I got all my running in, so that is a win!
I'll stick with the running plan you gave me unless you tell me different. Hope all is well with you!
That run build up is great...can't ask for more than that! You might just surprise yourself on the run...just be steady, both in training and on race day.
I like HR as you use that on RACE DAY. We train with PACE to push our muscles and record our HR at the same time. The HR is the expression of how your body is HANDLING the WORK. PACE is the expression of THE WORK. So on race day with heat, nutrition, terrain...plus pace...your body is experiencing NEW WORK.
But if we know your typical level of work ENDURED as a function of HEART RATE, then on race day you can make good decisions about what do to based off of the HEART RATE you are seeing. Because even though you trained for a 10:00 mile...you are running 12:30s on a 90-degree day and that's also friggin competitive according to your HRM even though your Garmin is beeping at you to run faster dammit.
Also, I like ALL CAPS today. Sorry. SORRY.
Run plan is good...let's see how the week treats you!
~ Coach P
A few questions:
Curious - on the bike race rehearsal, it has you riding for 45 min at your FTP. There is no way in hell I could ever do a triathlon bike at my FTP! Am I missing something? Am I working too hard in my power tests and my FTP is too high?? Those 10-15 min intervals on Tuesday and Thursday are hard enough!
Second - headed to Boone, NC over Memorial Day weekend for some riding - both mountain and rode. I realize my race is the following weekend - what are your thoughts on mileage/time for these rides? I was hoping to ride Friday, Sat and Sun. After that, I will probably reign it in.
Last - I have to say, I am very impressed by you and these Micro Forums. I read through them sometimes - there are quite a few people on here looking for your advise! You must be very busy.
I'll leave you with a photo to make you smile while you type out all these answers to people's questions - that's me being exhausted this past weekend doing a 6 Hour MTB race. Good grief - it was hard!
as for the race rehearsal, we want to get as close to that upper end effort as possible as that is likely your target on race day. Rather than focus on the numbers I have written say, instead focus on what that race effort will be for you – that is what we're trying to achieve for 45 minutes in the rehearsal.
how does that sound?
Training is paying off - did an Olympic on Sunday - won my age group AND had the fastest bike split (in my age group) by over 10 minutes!! 5th fastest bike split out of all the women. Work works.
Hope your training is going well - less than a month to Lake Placid!
Being able to support your husband is pretty cool. From my perspective I would only want to make sure that you get in the queue runs that week: the interval run and the long run. The other days are just gravy.
For those "other" days you could get in 30 or 40 minutes of run with a few strides at the end. All of that money will add up and have you pretty strong by the time you get back. Don't force anything simultaneously with distance in intensity, after all we want to keep you healthy for the race… There's more than just chasing Fitness!