Justin Perry Year One Coach Thread
Hey coach Patrick,
During my zone 1 run on Sunday, the upper calf/lower hamstring (kind of behind the knee) on my right leg started getting really tight at about 40 minutes into my scheduled 60 minute workout. I stopped and stretched as soon as it was clear that it wasn't going to pass or loosen up. I have since foam rolled, stretched, and iced the area multiple times. My workouts on Saturday (40 min run and 90 min bike) were without incident but I did notice some fatigue in my legs on Sunday so I'm thinking I over did it a bit. How should I proceed with the remaining run/bike workouts this week? Skip the workouts all together or lower the frequency and/or intensity? I did complete a swim workout this morning (no fins or kick board drills) with no issue. At rest I do not feel any discomfort but I do notice a bit of tightness in the area if doing calf raises. Thanks. Justin
The biking should be okay, as well as the swimming...so let's keep those up.
The area you describe is the intersection of calf and hammy. So be sure to do some work on both areas, not just the calf. Do you have the option to get any ART / massage work done? Sometimes you just need a hand to push over the edge in addition to what you are doing.
Finally, any footwear changes recently?
~ Coach P
Ok, sounds good. I will keep the runs short and slow and I will report back if there is any continued discomfort. As for the shoes, they are pretty new... within the last 45 days. Massage is something new for me but it is definitely something I can look into. Thanks for the help!
~ Coach P
A quick update on where I'm at with my running. I've been keeping my runs at an easy pace (mostly between TRP/9:28 and zone 1/10:00 min miles) letting my calf be my guide. I did over do it slightly a week ago and ended up missing my Tuesday and Wednesday runs due to some tightness behind the knee but I think I am back on track after my Thursday, Saturday and Sunday runs went well. I do have a quick question about the weekly mileages on my training plan. This week my plan indicates that my target is 26 miles. If I keep my pace on the slower side I will probably end up around 19 miles and my guess is that I will be behind my projected mileages for a little bit. Should I be talking with Coach Rich about adjusting my plan to account for this or should I just proceed with what I am able to do comfortably and slowly build up my distances knowing that I will probably not be meeting the projected mileage for the week?
That not really pretty planet simply meant to be a cap. I don't care how much time per week, I just want you to run the same sustainable number from week to week.So if 18 as the magical number I want minimum of 14 weeks at 18 miles, done. That's 252 miles...not too shabby!
Bonus if that gets better!!!
~ Coach P
Question about my upcoming Sunday run. I am planning to go snowshoeing on Sunday but do not want to write off the run completely. I normally have Fridays as a "rest" day (core and swim prep=planks and push ups) so I was thinking about moving my Saturday bike and run up to Friday and then move the Sunday run up to Saturday. Does this seem like a reasonable approach? Guess I'm still figuring out how to balance other outdoor activities with my training.
Option 1: If you aren't trying to push that vDOT, then you can keep the schedule and just get the SS run in for a similar time, done.
Option 2: If you are trying to get faster, then let's have you do either the FTP part of the run from Sunday on Friday (call it a 45' run)....then Sat bike as planned, then Sunday endurance SnowShoe. OR you can move Sat bike to Friday, then Sunday Interval to Saturday (short) and then the SS run on Sunday.
Pictures of the snowshoeing please!!!
~ Coach P
I think this is a micro thread question, but maybe not... The wife and I are celebrating her 40th b-day and will be in Maui from 2/1 to 2/10. I am scheduled to end the November OS on 2/5 and start swim camp on 2/6. I know this is a bit early to start planning for this but I wanted to give you a heads up since I am sticking the proverbial monkey wrench into my training plan
Unfortunately it looks like I re-aggravated my calf/hamstring issue. Usually it only lasts for a couple days if I let it rest but this time it is sticking around. After the initial incident, I took a few days off and last week I started walk/jogging to ease back into it. I have also taken the following steps to hopefully help resolve the issue... lots of stretching and foam rolling, bought new running shoes, re-fit on my road and tri bike, and scheduled appointment with my PT for Tuesday. This week I have been able to run (longest run was 60 min, others were 30-40min) at z1 and TRP. On the bike I have kept it at z2 and z3... anything more than z3 seems to aggravate the hamstring pretty quickly.
I am 8 weeks from race day so I am looking for some direction on the best way to proceed so that I maintain fitness and let my injury get settle down. I should know more after my visit with the PT but I've read about aqua jogging and I'm thinking that may be an option.
I will definitely be working hard to get this resolved ASAP and I look forward to your thoughts about how I approach the next few weeks.
Additional thoughts on my approach or advice on building back my Thursday long runs in a reasonable manner? My HIM is on 6/4 so I definitely want to make sure I am getting the injury resolved but also keeping an eye on fitness. Thanks!
What do you think about me adding strides and z2/z3 work into my running? I have to admit that I am wanting to do these efforts so that I feel like I am not losing the gains I made earlier in my training. However, I am also feeling the need to remain quite conservative since I am getting closer to race day, i.e no bonehead maneuvers. Decisions, decisions:)
Sorry to miss your thread earlier. So proud of you, young grasshopper for making such good decisions. I think that as you continue your return, we'll want to make sure that your run frequency goes up before the intensity. So back-to-back run days is a good sign. But we need to sit on that for 2-3 weeks first.
Health Trumps Speed on Race Day Every Time.
I am excited the bikes feel good...here's what I say:
- I would like to see you get to 5 runs a week first.
- Once there you can add in strides to the end of two runs, eventually three.
- When you are at five days of running with 3 of those finishing with strides for two weeks, we can then talk about Zone 3 time.
So when _that_ happens we can talk!!!What do you think the timeline will be for that evolution?
~ Coach P
I should be able to get the 5 runs in this week. So that would be about 3 weeks before I look at trying to get some time in at zone 3... assuming all goes as planned:) I think the split run on Thursday will be a good test for the leg. I'm scheduled for 60 min and 45 min but I think that might be a little too much too soon so I am thinking of seeing how 40 and 40 feels. If that goes well, how fast should I increase the times on the long run?
- ChelanMan 1/2 on 7/15
- Black Diamond Tri 1/2 on 9/10
Since ChelanMan is your top priority, and soonest race, I recommend the following.- Load the Beginner EN*HAlf plan to end on 7/16
- SUPER EASY through this Friday...keep it to 30' max of either swim or bike (I prefer swim).
- This weekend = one day with a two hour ride (not hard) and one day with a 45' run (also easy/steady).
- Then launch into the EN*Half Plan. My only edit here is that I'd like a big bike weekend either 6/24-25 or 7/1-2. So this it back to back longer rides (Z1 or Z2) to boost your fitness. Let me know which.
Along the way, please continue your Open Water swimming so you remain happy!Once through Chelanman, load the Post-Race Transition Plan for two weeks (to end on 7/30) for a better recovery, and then you can I can talk about priority to Black Diamond.
Really review those Strava files and capture your lessons learned before Chelandman!
~ Coach P
If you have an open ended your anyone to stay fit, we recommend that you walk yourself through our run durability programs in order: one, two, three. Each plan is four weeks long and will get you to the Outseason with some good distance on your legs ready to do more.
your goal should be to build up to about six runs per week. Remember I'm not worried about the distance you cover or the speed, at this phase of the year we just want to get you out and running. And we want to turn them running from a workout into just something about you "just do."
Thanks man!!
~ Coach P