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Potential L Knee Bursa Issue

On my way to see my PT this week, but thought I would ask for your collective wisdom first.

I've always had a clique in my left knee especially when under heavy training load. Nothing painful but always there. Since my layoff due to my hip and my subsequent return, the clicking is definitely been more pronounced. I never really thought anything of it, but have noticed during some hard cycling sessions some discomfort in my left knee. In post exercise I have found it difficult for me to sit back on my heels because my left knee feels "inflated" for lack of a better term.

Just last night I was sitting down doing some stretching and flexibility work and I noticed A squishy bump to the left side of my patella tendon. It's easy to palpate and is slightly tender. Doing some Google research on this led e to some pages about inflamed bursa that seem to map very well with my symptoms.

I'm curious to know if any of you have have this issue, if you have what has been your first actions? I plan on resting in the interim; hoping you can provide some insight. 


~ Coach P


  • I had (and still do sometime) have a clicking right knee (the one that I had surgery on). PT says it comes from the IT band being tense and pulling on a part of a quad, wich in turn, misalign the patella...wich cause the knee to click. Stretching/massaging and PT work on the IT band + patella usually do the trick and stop the "clicking". Good luck
  • Coach P,

    To add what David mentioned.  I've had a similar and other knees issues with a Dr. noting IT band, and muscle tightness and muscle imbalance issues.  I find the stretching/rolling along with some anti-inflammatory (prescription) helps bring the swelling and issue in check.  The med's are used initially if swelling/pain is bad otherwise I  ice my knees after each workout.  Finally for me some light leg exercises which for me was and leg curls and extension seemed to help strengthen and stabilize my knee.  I've also got 18 years of pounding from figure skating in these knees and do have some degeneration due to that. 

    I've started back to more exercise (cycling recently) and noticed I also have the clicking in my knees.  Thanks for the reminder to get out the ice and get back some additional exercises.

  • FWIW - any time I have questions about my IT Band, I use this IT Band Stretch. Not sure it works for everyone, but it seems to help loosen mine pretty quickly.

  • I've never had any "clicking" but a couple of years ago I had some problems that wouldn't go away. Nothing the PT did worked. Watched a video on KT tape and how to apply it and it was fixed in a week. Their website is great. Can't hurt.
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