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Sabra Gonzalez Macro Thread

Hi Sabra,

This is your very own “Macro Thread” where you and I can discuss any questions you may have about the Triathlon Season Roadmap (TSR) that I created for you here. This is also a space where we can discuss any big picture, season planning, race schedule and other related issues you may have going forward.

Welcome aboard!


  • Good morning! I have a couple of questions. 1) I telework from home Monday, Tuesday and most Fridays. I see that the steady run is scheduled on Wednesday which is my busiest office day of the week. Since I work from home on Monday, it would make better sense for me to run that day. Is it OK to switch? 2) Where in the world do you upload everything? I think I saw a few Google sheets somewhere. Is that where it all goes? Or do you just upload test data after each test? Is there a sync with TP or Strava? I think that's it for now.

    Thanks so much!

  • Posted By Sabra Gonzalez on 07 Nov 2016 09:37 AM

    Good morning! I have a couple of questions. 1) I telework from home Monday, Tuesday and most Fridays. I see that the steady run is scheduled on Wednesday which is my busiest office day of the week. Since I work from home on Monday, it would make better sense for me to run that day. Is it OK to switch? Yes, that's fine. 2) Where in the world do you upload everything? I think I saw a few Google sheets somewhere. Is that where it all goes? Or do you just upload test data after each test? Is there a sync with TP or Strava? I think that's it for now. Good questions:First, understand that we don't have a training log on the site and we don't check athletes' training logs, unless requested to do so for a special reason, etc. For daily logging of workouts, a lot people upload their workouts to Strava and/or Trainingpeaks. 
    1. Thanks so much!

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