NEW: Redesigned EN Cycling Kit on SALE through Monday, 11/21
Grant and Mariah have been hard at work for weeks completely redesigning the EN cycling kit and working with Pactimo, our new cycling kit provider, to provide greatly improved production timelines and terms.
Sale Notes and Terms:
- Sale begins today, October 31st, ends Monday, November 21st, and you save 20% on retail when you purchase during the sale.
- At that time these items will be turned off for ordering and the order placed with Pactimo.
- Pactimo's promised delivery time is four weeks vs the typical 8-10 week timeframe of our former providers, and their minimum order quantity is much smaller. So product will ship to Trisports by mid December and then be shipped out to you.
- On January 1st these products will become available for additional order but at regular price. Then, going forward, orders will be batched and placed monthly. For example, orders placed in January will be sent to Pactimo early February and delivered to you by early/mid March.
We hope you enjoy this completely redesigned look and choose to take advantage of this sale! And while you're in the Store, please note that we have placed additional items on sale and have a new product for you, an EN branded "Jersey Bin" to keep your phone and other valuables safe and dry while riding.
Please visit the EN Store here on Trisports to purchase your NEW 2017 Cycling Kit!!
Men's and Women's Jersey
Men's Bibs
Women's Shorts
As background, Rich, I and even the Honorable Dino Sarti wore them and felt they were true to size. Bonus that they look sharp and hold up well. We used Pactimo for BRC and the kit still looks sharp months later!
Here is a sizing chart:
On a side note; when I first saw the teaser about the EN 10th anniversary tri-kit, I thought it might be based on the pattern and color scheme above and was disappointed to see otherwise. I would like to see this color scheme in a sleeved one piece some year.
Final balance with Pactimo is paid, expected to ship to Trisports on 12/19 and I expect will start to go out to members the week of 12/26.
This Pactimo order is for cycling kit. The 10yr anniversary kit is racing kit. We see the cycling and tri kit as two different sets of branding considerations, and, since we don't race in cycling kit, we can step outside of the EN branding box, with regards to colors, etc, a bit more.
Pactimo shipped this order to Trisports on Monday, December 19th. It should arrive at TS early next week, be counted into inventory, and then begin shipping out to everyone soon thereafter.
Look for us to then turn this product on again, for ordering, in the Trisports store, batching together and placing orders with Pactimo about monthly.
Thanks for your patience and we can't wait to see pics of you in your kit!
A few items for you:
Thanks for wearing the kit and we can't wait to see your pics!