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Bruce Read Macro Thread

Hi Bruce,

This is your very own “Macro Thread” where you and I can discuss any questions you may have about the Triathlon Season Roadmap (TSR) that I created for you here. This is also a space where we can discuss any big picture, season planning, race schedule and other related issues you may have going forward.

Welcome aboard!


  • Had a good call with coach Patrick on Thursday to go over training program. Looking forward to program and benefits of everyone's experience and passion. Very new to all of this as I have never raced in running, bike or swimming but determined to learn and make it happen. He also mentioned something about an App to record your times into.

  • Posted By Bruce Read on 05 Nov 2016 05:29 PM

    Had a good call with coach Patrick on Thursday to go over training program. Looking forward to program and benefits of everyone's experience and passion. Very new to all of this as I have never raced in running, bike or swimming but determined to learn and make it happen. He also mentioned something about an App to record your times into.

    Great! Welcome aboard!

  • Hi Coach. I needed to take Thursday and Friday off due to sore left knee. Felt good today and I am travelling so was only able to run. Went 5k with an average heart rate of 146 and averaged 10.34/mile. Will be travelling until Wed evening and will try to get a run in as a min.
  • Sounds good, thanks for the update!
  • Hi Coach. Wanted to let you my race plans have changed. Officially signed up for a sprint on May 21 and then an International distance on July 8th. Not sure what that means for training. Did not realize I needed to do anything different and have been following the OS plan until now. 
  • Hi Coach. Wanted to let you my race plans have changed. Officially signed up for a sprint on May 21 and then an International distance on July 8th. Not sure what that means for training. Did not realize I needed to do anything different and have been following the OS plan until now. 
    Please go here to submit these races to me so I can rework your TSR. Thanks!
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