Rob Sabo's 2017 Micro
Starting my micro with a macro look at 2016 post season eval and long range goals for 2017
2016 POST - Season Evaluation
Things I Did Well
1 Pre-season core and hamstring PT exercises
2 Pre-Run Active warm-up
3 Set up preseason goals with interim benchmarks
4 achieved almost all of the progressive goals
5 wetronome to get spm to 68 with a new TP <1:40 /100meter</p>
6 good use of run durability program with consistent mileage avg just over 31 miles per week for whole year
7 2nd half of season did well on run interval work
8 good run race performance 13th OA at St Pats 10 miler and 13th OA at April Fools HM
9 TOC 525 miles 45,000 feet of climb
10 5th at IMLP/5th and 6th at Quassy HIM and OLY/1st AG at AC70.3
11 run total 1586 miles over 51 weeks avg 31.1miles/week
bike total 5100 miles 100 miles/week
max CTL 160 in week 18 for IMLP
Things I Did Poorly and could be improved
1 dropped in-season core and strength routine
2 post outseason FTP improvements/retesting/20min intervals were poor
3 trouble keeping power in zones even Z2-3 on long rides
4 swimming wearing LAVA pants 100% of the time
5 not enough stretching / foam rolling
6 did not take advantage of my Normatecs or COMPEX
7 no run intervals 1st ½ of season to protect hamstring
8 didn’t calculate a full nutrition plan with ozs of fluid per sweat test/or calories/or sodium
9 didn’t ride like a biker or with bikers when I had the opportunities
2017 GOALS
Strength and Core routine 3x week OUTSEASON, 2-3 after OS, and 1-2 race prep
durability Nov raise to 30’s/wk; Dec >40m/wk
Keep run cadence 90
Continue active warm ups and post run stretching
I won’t run before Saturday rides to maximize bike and will do bricks or early evening run
5ks Thanksgiving and New Years Day
find HM march
St Pats 10 miler?
April fools half mary
Get vDOT back to 56 (11/5/16 – 54)
after 4 weeks of OS consider adding 4th ride
Raise Bike cadence to 90-95
By second test of OS have FTP>250W
By third test have FTP>272
With weight to return to 68kg=149.6 pounds would be 4W/kg
Work on the physical and mental strength to successfully perform 20minute FTP work intervals as well as 20 minute test
Long “centuries” Hell of Hunterdon – ride like a biker attack the ups when not doing race simulation
Add group ride every so often to continue to get comfortable being uncomfortable
Be ready for TOC
At TOC hammer it; get in some running; max out recovery
Sunday masters
Keep using wetronome and restart more regular swimming in January
Review mental execution to show the pool speed in open water
June Quassy OLY and HIM
June IMLP Camp
Confidence on two days full course bike and possibly do second day a little more aggressive than day one
Plan taper
Plan nutrition (calories, Na+, and fluid) more exact (but fluid might have to be drink as much as I can if it’s a very hot day)
Plan for the mental prep for the bike(keep the watts steady in a narrow zone, keep eating/drinking) and run(welcome the suck-make it a positive and self assess before the aid stations)
Goal swim < 1:04 T1<5:00<span> Bike<5:50 T2<3:00 Run<3:28 Total<10:30</p>
Top 5 AG
Sept IM AC 70.3
Win AG again - swim <30 Bike <2:29 run<1:29<span> total <4:40</p>
I humbly suggest that you continue to be conservative with your run miles...despite the bigger weeks in early OCT...I am thinking:
+ 30 mpw in Nov
+ 35 mpw in Dec
+ 40 mpw in Jan
Also, I don't think you need to add a fourth ride to the OS unless you want to cut out some of the running (can't have it all). I think you could benefit from change Thursday to the 110% intervals vs just the 30/30s....but that's your call.
Info of this scale (your post) is usually best handled with a call. I am happy to do that if you might also help if you GANTT chart this out...deltas over time...the thing most folks miss is they only add 2-3 things a month, but by month 6, that's 12-18 things to manage...
Keep it up!!!
~ Coach P
Where is the link to schedule a call?
If you can't find the call link after two years, it's time to move it.
~ Coach P
Rob, great to chat today...thanks for the time!
Big Picture Notes:
Race Thoughts:
Looking at race performance for LP (Wisconsin data bad, IMMT data not there), as I noted incredibly steady ride at 1.05 for your FTP. I think all things being equal, you lose the most time on the climbing sections, particularly back into town. Any improvment in FTP (your w/kg is tight) will make you faster there....IOW you are already riding 22mph out to Ausable Forks and the flat speed is there. Those ABP watts I mention are actually similar to what you'd be riding on the hills...and I'd like you to focus on "mod hard aero bar climbing / positioning" in race prep.
Current Thougths:
You're in a great place, the result of some good habits, so we want to keep that up as you noted.
?Please let me know if I missed anything!!
~ Coach P
~ Coach P
Let me know what you decide!
~ Coach P
I'm in a hole and I can't get out. TSB was never very low and is now +10, but I feel like it is -80. Had a mild illness going into LP camp and got thru with a pretty decent run on Sunday. As soon as the run was over, I was toast. Runny nose, fever, tired, body aches. Took Monday and Tuesday off as I could not even consider a workout. Slowly got back Wednesday with easy bike and run and Thursday - 10 mile run. Past weekend did ok but Sunday was Zone 1 that felt like Z2-3. Ran in the evening Saturday and Sunday which felt smooth and easy. Thought I was back. Monday AM swim and then no energy. Tuesday Swim and I was having trouble staying awake at work. I wake up and want to go back to bed. Yesterday, I got on the trainer and my legs just hurt at a zone 1 effort . It was a burning ache throughout my legs but not a specific injury. Got off and stretched and was done for the day. My work schedule would not allow a long run today(thank you work). What do I do now? My brain is waging a large argument that won't let me relax and rest but is telling me not to workout. I have been doing this for a long time and I don't know if I've had this level of fatigue. But there are those times when I can still get in a good run or swim set that makes me question whether I can work through this if I could just HTFU. I didn't know whether to put this in the micro to @Coach Patrick or in a separate forum but I thought you guys have the sense of IMLP around the corner and last 1 1/2 weeks of work. Opinions and advice appreciated.
Either something were not aware of that's attacking your system, or the cumulative fatigue of this year just had a tipping point in Placid. I know we rode fairly hard on the first day and that everyone paid a price, but I'm a little worried about the level of fatigue what you are describing. I literally see zero training you can do right now that's gonna be the solution. Let me know about the blood work ASAP on the Textline.
Plan for the next few months and I need your opinions and advice.
Just loaded up the ADV HIM plan for 70.3 Atlantic City Sept 17th - goal to qualify for 70.3 Worlds in South Africa Sept. 2018
Oct 22 is the Atlantic City Marathon (Training race)
Nov 18 is NYRR 60k Ultra in Central Park ( goal ~5 hour) and then consider Comrades Marathon (88k road race with 20,000 runners) in South Africa June 2018
after the NY Ultra and consulting with my family and checking weather forecasts; I will decide between the two races in South Africa to concentrate on for 2018
Thoughts were to follow the HIM plan and if I do the 2 hour runs that will have me doing 16 milers starting next week as I am still building back from IMLP and maybe do just one 18 and then about a week after the 70.3 start doing longer runs and Sat/sunday runs.
Let me know what you think
Here's your updated Season Plan, as promised. This is where you'll return to post all your "coach" questions as responses; I'll see them and reply. This first post is my best outline of how to proceed with your races, but you can ask any / all questions you want. So post away, know that I reply here usually M/W/F each week.
Power User Tip: Click the Star icon by the Title of this thread to subscribe, and you'll get email updates when I do reply.
Your Races
Season Update
These are your recommended training plans, including the date you should start each one (sometimes you won’t complete a full plan but transition to another one). You can change your plans on the Training Plan page by clicking the Move / Change button. Learn more about each plan on the Training Plan Central Page.
Coach Notes
I think the half plan to start is a great way to go. Remember that you have a bit of fatigue in you, so:
- You don't need to run very HARD if you are going LONG. Keep it at TRP or slower for ALL.
- Your bikes can be pretty short...think more 1.5 to 2 hour ABP vs long. You have a ton of long in you already.
Once through, I say you use the Ultra resource from don't need to run very long for the marathon, and the back to back weekend runs as part of the Ultra plan are pretty damn effective. Check those out and let me know what's what!Let's get to work!
~ Coach P
@rob sabo-
I have updated your updated Season Plan, as promised. You can see my new notes in the post above, including your new events like 70.3 Worlds and Bend Camp!
~ Coach P