2016-2017 NOV OS Core Week 2
Hey everyone! Week 2 Core is ON! Your body should be beginning to adapt. You have repetition frames from week 1 to work from as baselines. When executing corework this week use your exercise repetitions from last week to provide you with goals for the week. For each exercise you are NOT to go to failure, but rather a tick above last week's numbers. Also remember you can take breaks between sets but not too long. Total workout 15-20 min.
Week 2 Workout:
Plank- 3 x Front plank
Cords- 1 x Catch
1 x Straight arm
1 x Catch
Push-ups: 1x Standard
1x Military
1x Standard
Go get it Team!!
Week 2 Workout:
Plank- 3 x Front plank
Cords- 1 x Catch
1 x Straight arm
1 x Catch
Push-ups: 1x Standard
1x Military
1x Standard
Go get it Team!!
I got my Cordz things on sunday. So i did the following:
Planks - 45 Seconds each for a total of 2:15
Straight arm and Catches - 10 each set. (by the way, i got the green cords... Why? i have no clue.
Push ups - 8 each -for all three sets. Military pushups are fun?!?! maybe.
The soreness from last week has subsided, so was able to get the 'tick above last week' theme for the Monday core wko.
Planks still suck. 1:26, 1:15, 1:01 Total 3:42
Cordz 60 x 3 = 180
Push-ups 22 std, 8 military (uggh), 20 std = 50
I like to take my weekly weight after a workout, so I will get that done after Tuesday morning pain.
Planks 1:15/1:20/1:25
Push ups 16/7/15
Cordz 40/25/45. I have the green as well and they seem perfect. In a few weeks I'll be up to 70.
Planks 1:00, 1:00 I agree Ed, they still suck
PU 25, 25
Cords 35, 30
Planks: 3 x 1:30, upped time by 0:15 for each. Seeing progress as these are getting easier.
Pushups: 20 standard, 18 military, 15 regular. The military ones took me out!
Cords: 30, 25, 25
Did the Friday core work out yesterday. I was traveling and am not as hard core as Stephanie, so I did not have my cords. I did 3 X 1:40 planks and 3 X 15 push-ups. My 70 year old dad then got down and ripped off 20 push-ups no problem. He had not done them in years and says he will 20 per day from now on. He inspired me to get better at push ups!