2016-2107 Core Week 3
Hey everyone! Week 3 here in Core and hope you all are READY!!! We are in week 3 of 4 in the "Prep" phase that builds the foundation of a strong core! ADDING SETS & REPS!!
This week's workout ups the sets! I want you to chime in though on this: if you use music to help you through your core work (I ALWAYS DO!) share a song or two or three that help motivates YOU to hold those planks!! Do you have a song that helps you smash through those pushups! Research has shown that exercise accompanied by upbeat music reduces perceived exertion! Music helps you go harder and longer. So get out there and pump some tunes with your corework this week. POST and SHARE and let us know how your're doing!!
WEEK 3 Core Workout:
Goal: Adding sets, progressing to where we max on sets week 4.
Execution: Use your per exercise repetitions from last week to provide goals for this week. For each exercise you are NOT to go to failure but a tick above last week!
4x Front plank (yep, 4!!!)
1x Catch, w/finish
1x Straight Arm
1x Catch w/finish
1 x Standard
1x Military
1.x Standard
1 x Military
Have an awesome week!!!
"The more you sweat in peacetime, the less you bleed in war." - Navy Seal Quote
Planks: 4 x 1:15...felt good.
Cords: 3 x 20...tough. I think I finally got the catch form down and it is definitely burning at the end.
Pushups: 3 x 20, then 1 x 12...I was absolutely wasted at the end of these.
Planks: 4 X :45... not bad for me
Cords: 3 X 10. Not bad wanted to save my arms for push-ups
Push-ups: 4 X 8
I'm feeling much better this week.
Cordz 75 catch 40 straight
pushups 23 regular 13 military
Must need this because it's tough
4 x 1:15 plank
4 x 35 cordz
30/25/30/25 pushups (std/mil)
After just doing Friday's sets yesterday, the abs aren't very happy with me right now...
4x 1:00 planks
35 military PU
40 regular PU
75 cords
So I gained a few pounds since last Monday, but I was at the Wine and Food festival at Epcot last Friday. The added weight was gone Tuesday, but I'm turning things up a notch to stay on track. I started logging my meals and snacks in the myfitnesspal and plan to continue for a little while. I'm on my thurd day, and have learned a bit about my eating (and drinking) habits.
Did the core workout Monday: Planks 4 X 1:50, Cords 3 X 30, Push ups 54.
Planks 4 x 1:30...shaking like crazy w/45sec to go on last set. Pain.
Cords: 3x20...I think they are getting easier?
Pushups: Regressed big time. Maybe the planks took my shoulders out. 1x20 standard, 1x20 military, 1x12 standard, 1x8 military
@Brian - Wine and Food festival - sounds excellent. Not your fault. An entire event dedicated to indulgence...game over!
Plank 3x 1:10 1x 1:00 total 4:30
Cordz 79 catch 46 straight total 125
Push-ups 28 straight 18 military total 46