Bruce Read's Micro Thread
Hey! Here's your Micro Thread, as promised. As you'll see in this forum, I handle all manner of edits and changes. So post away!
I usually check in 2-3 times a week; for more urgent questions, please use the Chat Icon in the bottom right of the page!
~ Coach P
As for the legs, skip the brick runs on Tues/Wed for right now. Give the plan ~ two weeks and then we can add one in (your choice) and if that goes well, we can add another one.
No point in pushing too hard too soon...we want you to ramp up right!!!
Keep me posted,
~ Coach P
If you're having calf problems, it's possible that fleet is too far forward towards your toes. This would put additional pressure on your couch.
We would recommend loosening the screws slightly to slide your cleat back towards the arch of your foot. This reduces the amount of cycling a load on your calves. Depending on how hard you need to slide that piece of plastic, you might need to actually lower your seat a little bit to accommodate for the effective reduction of leg length...
1. check your cleat position.
2. if the cleat is indeed far forward, take a pen and draw an outline around the cleat (this will save your original position in case you want to return to it).3. loosen the screws slightly to slide the cleat backwards.
4. tighten the cleats, and ride your next workout.
5. pay attention to see if you have any lower back or saddle discomfort related to this new change– This might be a sign you will need to drop the seat a little bit (like half a centimeter!).
Of course, you also want to see if this helps your calves.
Let me know what happens!!!!
~ Coach P
I would suggest to you slide it back
I tend to micro analyze everything!!!
I am okay with you extending your workouts indoors, just keep in mind that for the run it's always nice to get back outside at least once a week to keep your legs sharp. For the bike, I assume you can have to be indoors all winter because of the conditions. And that's fine.
Nov 6 Dec 21 Jan 29
Mile 6 = 9.20
Overall = 57.42
Average HR 167
May have started my push a little soon on 5th mile but I hit two hills on last mile that kicked my ass.
~ Coach P
Looks like you're supposed to load the short course plan a few weeks ago.
There will likely be a bit of transition as you starts working swimming in and adapt to a new schedule, but that's what I'm here for!
Let me know what you think!
~ Coach P
Next up run test on Sunday. Goal is to beat last weeks time, get under 56 min.
test Day
Nov 6 Dec 21 Jan 29 Feb 5
Mile 6 = 9.20 9.05
Overall = 57.42 55.56
Average HR 167 165
Incredible pacing on latest test....vs your 11/6 first three miles, you were 3 minutes and 40 seconds faster over that "5k." CRAZY!
And bonus that your HR was even a bit lower as you got faster...the very definition of fitness!!!
Feel free to dial it back...we are still early in the year so you don't have to crush yourself.
~ Coach P
Note that the swim will impact Bike Perceived Exertion and nutritional be prepared!!!
~ Coach P
Most triathletes under estimate the cost of swimming. It really only becomes apparent on race day, or in training sessions like this one where you bike immediately after swimming. So that bike will likely feel very challenging even though your heart rate in power will suggest that you are right on track. Something to keep an eye on.
Regarding the attrition, the same rules apply. You'll have lost fluid and burn calories in the water and as such should start your nutrition plan right away on the bike. Normally you can wait 45 minutes to an hour on a"ride only" day to start eating… Not in this session.
This is, in fact, exactly why we do this recession. We want you to experience at a small level what race they will be like.
Thank you for the advice and support. All still very new. I am actually getting a little nervous with the swim part and it is still a long way off.