Amulya's 2017 Micro Thread
Hi Patrick!!! Hope your doing well. I just had a minor setback in my OS. Everything was going like clock work for the first two weeks until I had a freakish accident on Sunday. I stubbed my toe (second toe from the pinky on the left foot) against the corner of a wall. I thought I had broken it for sure because it was painful and inflamed. It turned black/blue at the point of impact. I just got it checked by a podiatrist this afternoon and he said the X-Ray showed the bone to be intact. He says the bone may be bruised and the inflammation should go down by tomorrow. He suggested to stay off running for all of this week but ok to swim/bike only if there is no pain. He says I should most likely be able to return to normal activity by the weekend. I'm still walking with limp because it still hurts if I put pressure on it. I tried easy swimming yesterday and it wasn't bad. The foot just felt a little weird in terms of flexibility.
With that said, any suggestions on how to modify my workouts for this week? Any suggestions for next week if needed?
I say you basically bike it up:
Mon - Core / Yoga.
Tue - Bike As planned, no run.
Wed - Core / Yoga.
Thu - Bike As planned, no run.
Fri - Core / Yoga / Off.
Sat - Bike As planned, no run.
Sun - Bike steady for 60 to 90 minutes.
With that ^above^, you should be icing, elevating, etc. And when you feel good, maybe consider a few walks first (on run days, or off bikes, for example) to make sure it's happy!!!
Sound good?
~ Coach P
WOOT!! That's great news! Let's not be too aggressive though. This first week let's stick to just 20 minutes of running perhaps a total of three times. Next week you can try working the fourth 20 minute run. If that's still good, we can then consider running with some purpose starting in December.
~ Coach P
You were spot on about going out too aggressive (coach is always right
The new road bump is that I need to travel to India on Wednesday for 2 weeks. I decided to extend that trip until the end of the year and to use that opportunity to spend some time with my family back in India. Given that I will not have a bike starting Wednesday until Dec 31st what do you recommend that I should do with my OutSeason ? I will have access to a 25m pool and I can run. I'm fine to restart my outseason from Jan again with the JanOS folks if that is more productive.
+ You need to rest your toe three weeks.
+ In one week you will be traveling for two weeks.
+ You get extended time with your family.
+ January OS awaits you.
I say you plan on keeping the runs wicked short for now, and alternate with swimming as you are able. No back to back runs please, and no hard runs.
Once you are back, we can get you on a more consistent schedule to re-build you up for the Jan OS start.
How does that sound!?
~ Coach P