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Mallorca Training Camp

 Hi folks - just back from a superb training week on the island of Mallorca, Spain - was kinda a last-minute decision 'aided' by too much work stress and a realisation that I hadn't taken a holiday for 18mths! 

Family all busy so went on my own which was also good to do - time to catch up on where I'm at & where I'm going etc.

We have travelled to mallorca for family holidays and love the place, just a nice atmosphere and is very relaxing place - first time to ride bikes however which i now feel a litlle silly about considering how special the place is. Understand now why many Pro road teams base themselves here in the winter.

Was able to do lots of quality riding on the TT bike (which I needed!), open-water sea swims in a wetsuit (which I also needed) and a few easy runs.

One side of the island is all mountains with alpine-like climbing; average say 5-8miles @ around 6-7% so great opportunity to do threshold work - most of the roads are newly surfaced (better than my home roads) and the traffic light and very 'bike aware' due to the number of bikes on the roads.

Opposite side of the island & the interior is flat so is was great to mix the terrain up and stay aero for long-periods.

Great coffee & majorcan custard & apple tarts! Plus, had 80-85F temps throughout my stay, lovely!

Few pics taken with my phone so bad quality unfortunately;





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    Thanks for posting, David.  That looks amazing, and has been added to my long list of 'dream training camp' destinations!



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    David - This sounds like a perfect tri training base camp; everything you need all in one spot, with great weather as a bonus. I got a chuckle out of the last pic - a serious cyclist for sure at this table: besides the obvious helmet and bike, there is the contents of the back pockets, I presume - banana, a multi-Allen wrench, and the coup de grace, the zip lock bag with $, cards, and phone. I keep thinking of buying one of these, but I'm afraid I'd get laughed off my group ride.

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    What a great setting David. Must have been terrific.

    And thanks for the link to the cyclist wallet Al! I say let 'em laugh!
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    @Al - yep, standard cyclist ritual at the cafe stop - empty the back pockets of all your junk before you sit down! The island is so geared up for cyclists that many of the cafe's have bike racks outside, think there's a network of cyclo' - tourist stops across the island.

    What appealed to me was the variety of routes available across different terrain - easy to do hours of long climbing one day & flat out & back work the next.
    Definitely going to try and fit in another visit later in the year if I can, fortunately we have a budget airline that flies 3x /wk from our local airport (20mins from home), so works out pretty cheap & only a 2hr flight. Hotel was good with great food, the killer buffet! Lots of fresh local seafood & salads etc so good training & good nutrition.
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    Insert button here.

    I've been to Ibiza before, but that was for a different kind of 'training'. LOL
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    @ Al, yes, we would make fun of you for that bag.

    @ David, thanks for sharing!!!!
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    Wow, beautiful! Sign me up for that training camp!!! Thanks for sharing, even the cell phone pics rock!
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    I'd say you took a great vacation indeed! (and should take one sooner than 18 months from now)
    So beautiful there---How was the climbing on the bike?
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    Hi Kitima - love the TT bike (Cannondale Slice) and the steeper angles appear to have solved my hip/back issues - yep, more comfortable on the tri bike! Climbing felt good, sat up and spinning, apart from some steep sections around switchbacks (one climb I did had 28!) i remained seated most the time. Some wicked descending practice, had to be real careful and not get too carried away - other cyclists must have thought I was mad, not only for being on a TT bike but also for descending on the long sections still in the aerobars! :-) One descent was so good, I had to do it twice - nice 15mins just downhill (bit longer going up however!), wicked!

    Considering I was a TT bike rookie beforehand - I feel so comfortable now on the bike which helps of course, just doing the basics such as drinking & eating etc. 

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