George's 16/17 Micro Thread
I feel that my glutes are a weakness that I have and would like to strengthen them as part of my OS plan.My thoughts are to do something on Monday and Friday when I do my cords, etc. Should I? And if so, what exercises should I do?Thanks
1. Warm up by holding cords in hands, standing on the cord. Then, with cords tight, walk 10 steps right with straight legs, then ten steps to the left. Like scissors. Do a few passes and your glutes are on FIYAH! See this video: but imagine you are holding cords in your hands and they go under your feet in a giant U shape.
2. Get to the sofa, with your back/head on the seat cushions, hips off, feet flat on floor with knees bent. Raise up, squeezing glutes. Lower and repeat. Weight on belly button after this gets easy. See this video:
3. Reverse lunge. Stand tall, weight on your big toes. Lift your right leg up and reach behind you 2.5 to 3 feet and lower the rear knee to the floor as you keep your back straight/vertical. Return to the standing / legs together position and squeeze that left glute. Repeat 10-15 times, then switch legs. See this video:
That's a great place to start without actual weight lifting!!!
~ Coach P