DOS2016 - Week 1 - Run Test!!!!!
Hello all, and welcome to the official kick off to the December Outseason run thread, where thru weeks 1-14 you will be receiving direction, motivation and maybe even some smack talkin.
Now.....onto week 1
Week 1 Run Video / Podcast
Your Week 1 objective is to complete a 5k run test. Your results will set the pacing for the next 7 weeks of your training. Simple enough, but here are a few things to keep in mind while planning your test on Wednesday:
3. Plan your pacing - Without a plan, you stand a good chance of blowing up somewhere in mile 3. Ideally, you want to negatively split your run test.
Using a past 5k result, select a starting pace for your first mile. Run the second mile 10-15 seconds faster. On the last mile, run each successive 1/4 mile 10-15 seconds faster. It would look something like this:
mile 1 - 9:00
mile 2 - 8:50
mile 2.01-2.25 - 8:40
mile 2.26-2.50 - 8:30
mile 2.51-2.75 - 8:20
mile 2.76 - All out
Testing takes practice and you should get better at it each time. Do the best you can and remember that no pace is to slow, so do not get intimidated if Mark posts a sub 20min 5km and yours comes in at 35min. Its all about sharing where you are at this very moment and then sharing how you progress into a BEAST!
I, your Race Director will be assuming the roll of thread captain this week, until all are onboard and someone wants to take this task over for me (who would like to be thread captain?).
Here are a couple of highlights of the next 14 weeks.
Here are a couple of highlights of the next 14 weeks.
- BE THANKFUL - OS used be 20 weeks back in the day
Remember that when things get touch.
- There WILL be bonding, because you will be spending the next 14 weeks getting to know each other.
- Work the Plan, Do not Let the Plan work you (in other words.....listen to your body. If you need to dial something back do it. If you need an extra day of rest, take it and DO NOT play catchup. Consider the workout gone and move on.
- Week 1, 8 and 14 are test weeks, and will look similar. Similar except for the fatigue that will be building through the course of this training block. Test week is your opportunity to validate all of the hard work that you have put in. Having said that remember.....not all people are good if you do not have a great test, that does not mean you have not increased your fitness. It just means that you did not test well. If this happens reach out to your team mates or the coaches in the Micro Forum to ask for advice
- NEW VIDS/PODCASTS - The coaches have created all new videos for this year's OS, and I strongly encourage you to watch or listen to them.
- The Outseason Plan Resources Page is the BOMB. It provides a COMPLETE overview of the OS - get familiar with that page.
Now.....onto week 1
Week 1 Run Video / Podcast
Your Week 1 objective is to complete a 5k run test. Your results will set the pacing for the next 7 weeks of your training. Simple enough, but here are a few things to keep in mind while planning your test on Wednesday:
1. Test Location - Choose a location that you can test on all season. If your OS means lots of snow and or rain, then an indoor track or treadmill may be your best option. Make it as consistent and repeatable as possible.
2. Be rested. Ensure you get a good nights sleep; preferably 7+ hours. Allow yourself recovery time between testing and your last hard run or bike workout. Take an extra day off, or structure workouts to allow for maximum recovery time. Do not forget about hydration and fueling either.3. Plan your pacing - Without a plan, you stand a good chance of blowing up somewhere in mile 3. Ideally, you want to negatively split your run test.
Using a past 5k result, select a starting pace for your first mile. Run the second mile 10-15 seconds faster. On the last mile, run each successive 1/4 mile 10-15 seconds faster. It would look something like this:
mile 1 - 9:00
mile 2 - 8:50
mile 2.01-2.25 - 8:40
mile 2.26-2.50 - 8:30
mile 2.51-2.75 - 8:20
mile 2.76 - All out
Testing takes practice and you should get better at it each time. Do the best you can and remember that no pace is to slow, so do not get intimidated if Mark posts a sub 20min 5km and yours comes in at 35min. Its all about sharing where you are at this very moment and then sharing how you progress into a BEAST!
St. Louis first and second on this one. I am with Scott. I ran , but tested over the 2 previous weeks. I think I am going to change up what I have done in the past and I am looking for input. I routinely test on the track. Flat and reproducable. During my most recent test I was at 6:05 pace, I think a VDot of 55. The next week, I ran 3 miles with my son then did a hilly 6 mile run ( Turkey Trot). I finished that at 6:23 ' , vDot ~ 52. In the past I have stuck with the track result, but honestly I think when I take those numbers to the hills around my house it is just a little too hard. i can keep the paces, but am absolutely spent by the end. I think I will stick much closer to the paces from the turkey trot but adjust down as I had not run more than a total of 20 miles in 2 months and had been out drinking bourbon with friends the night before. Thoughts.....
I have an on-going medial knee issue that I've been working through, so although not on the plan at this point, I am going to hit the pool and continue my TRX and kettle bell training. It's just something I need to do to get myself back to health.
@ Elizabeth, be smart with the extra credit. As long as it is in the spirit of rehab/easy as she goes, I think those things are great. If you start hammering out 100's in the pool or are swinging a huge weight on the kettle bells, that might work against you as the weeks build. And mojo should be a plenty!
Great work everyone!
I think mother nature is telling me to go use the TM for today's test. It is cold, wet and nasty. TM test will be a first in 4 years. Which means I have to go to the YMCA! WAAAaaaa
Great job everyone! We have some seriously fast people in this group. WOW! I will be happy to roll up the carpet for everyone as I bring up the REAR!
Yes, I remember the 20 week OS. Half of my entire season was just the OS! 14 weeks is just fine!
That sucked. My Garmin 920 is being a bad watch this week. It currently is in time out. Totally miss paced my test. Mom is NOT amused. Yet Garmin connect was accurate. Who knows. Anyhow. Vdot a meager 29. I negatived up the pace. Harder to push myself on the TM especially when some dude steals the floor fan! Some people. Prefer the open air. Currently freezing rain. So I made the right choice. Time to go Christmas shopping.
Have a great day guys! Be safe.
@Scott - pretty nice VDOT!
@Jacklyn - just think how much better the next test will be!!! Good to see your name again!
Did today's run yesterday. The 2x1 mi z4 weren't as bad as I expected. First one was a 10:34. The second one was a COOL 09:40. Now. I did not intend to run it that fast. I was just cruising along. OOPPPS.
Told ya my test was slow. My hot felt very good after that run. It started to rain half way through. I was so cold when I got home.
@Joe- I am very pleased to see you too. I hope life is treating you well! Any big plans next year????