Tim Sullivan Official Coach Thread...
Tim, so IMTX is on the radar...that means some quality training in a short burst of time. That said, it looks like you aren't following the Triathlon Season RoadMap™ that Coach Rich built you (view it here). You are already due to be in the OutSeason® program...and there are only 8 weeks before race prep.
You adjust your plan using the Move / Change button on the Training Plan page...I'll load up the OS for you now..but let me know what you think when you dive in.
This early work is mission critical!
~ Coach P
Thanks. I thought the plan was supposed to start next week, but I'll get right on it!
Side note - where do you post the workout data? Would like to see what a Zwift race file looks like!
~ Coach P
Sorry for the delay. Still getting used to all of the material!
Zwift rides gets uploaded on Strava as well as training peaks. Its a .fit file that can be uploaded to TrainingPeaks or probably also Strava (havent tried as the Strava integration always works). I'll be happy to email you a copy of the file if interested as I didnt see a good attach mechanism here. Here is a link to a race yesterday (I had to get off the bike for a couple of minutes to attend to a kid matter) https://www.strava.com/activities/807290410
www.zwiftpower.com shows race results for a bunch of different races (it grabs the data off of Strava)
Basically want to make sure you have the week 14 testing done, so you can use the drop down to use / follow that for the week of the 16th. We'll have an interim week (23rd) where you can do Swim Camp Plan for one week and go from there!
BTW. My initial power numbers for the bike are based on NY trainer which I now realize is high as I just got a powertap pedal that registers lower (oh well
Have a great weekend!
Don't worry so much about the absolute number, we'll be care about more isn't accurate and consistent number for power. People experience in emotional fluctuations according to power meter readings, but they're often quite variable. A good power meter we'll help you execute properly which will lead to the best positive metric of all– an excellent finish.
Just got my stryd too, totally geeking out here!
Don't take this the wrong way, but I think you really could have run faster. I'm not surprised by the low HR at all; I'd expect a half marathon to be run at closer to .85 Intensity Factor overall...I am guessing yours was .81-ish. Call it a 1:45 finish time if we were clock only.
I am going to save the data, but out of curiosity I'd like to know your rFTP...
Enjoy some recovery!
~ Coach P
I think some of the factors that made me feel good for this run is that I gained significant leg strength due to my off season 5x5 squats routine which I got to 225lbs for five sets of five. That was an increase of 50% as I was at 175 for 5x5. I have not been doing that routine for a while as it would be too draining for any other work, but I definitely think it helped my running and biking. I also think the hard bike intervals has really increased my lactate threshold levels (at least TP says so). I think TP says I have increased that from about 155 8 weeks ago to 162-163 now. All that in combination with a couple days low work before the run resulting in a -1.7 form race day made it feel much easier.
I do now that I have a lot more to improve as I used to run much faster when I was younger (<18min 5k). I dont see myself returning to that speed but maybe somewhere between 19-20 with proper training? You would know much better than me on that.
Will do the bike test later this week after some more easy days. I know from TP that the bike FTP has gone up about 40 watts in the last 8 weeks. I have a lot more sprint power compared to 20 minute sustained power, but will keep working to increase my long term power.
Thanks again and looking forward to your thoughts!
I think that you ran well, so don't get me wrong. I meant to say that looking at this incredible power data it's CLEAR to me you could have been faster...something I only used to guess at.
And your IF is close...I think .95 is likely more total Half Marathon. You paced it right, and next time you'll know even more as you go...so don't get down on yourself.
I'd like to know more about your leg routine....I have some ideas of my own but would appreciate your input!
~ Coach P
Ps yes to a sub 20. Don't forget the intelligence and guile factors on your side!!!
As for my weight routine that increased my strength I followed the 5x5 Strong lifts routine from beginning of November till January 8th. I didn't stall but it's way too much work now with everything else. I will do maintenance with lighter weight and work on moving the weight quicker with good form but this is definitely on the back burner now. Basically the 5x5 does only five exercises across two workouts. Here is the link to the info.
I have been lifting for a while so I wasn't new when I did this but I definitely added a bunch of strength without bulk. Since all the exercises are compound movements my core and back and supporting muscles got a great workout. Since you start the program much lighter than you can lift I took the opportunity to do full squats and not just parallel. I was amazed how quickly you can gain strength. When I don't do this I do a variety of other exercises including a lot of pull ups and push ups. Till IM Texas I will just focus on the training plan as that appears to be quite enough!
Now for the bike test tomorrow or Friday. Legs feel pretty good now but might wait till Friday as I can still notice the fatigue from the half.
So my first glance at your file and review was likely misleading. It's not like you had tons of extra power, it just means that you have the capacity to work harder at the end. I hope to continue learning more as we gather more data... So please keep collecting it and crushing it!!!!
Beast Mode in the Gym...just watch your technique:
I'll be interested to see power outside as I have been doing trainer rides. But whatever it is, I'll at least know how to pace.
That forcing requires more power (think of it as the Heart Rate drift we see over a steady long run) as expressed in watts. It's not that you are riding stronger...but you are working harder. That hard work it's expressed as a faster pace...but a sustained / slower pace.
I think there's something to be done in that space to help us figure that out. Stay tuned...and keep running!
With regard to the bike, I feel very good. The only item I am having some problems with is staying in the aero bars for extended periods. I hope to finish the bike in 5-5 1/2 hours (will know more after the RR this week). My running also seems to be progressing. My HR has dropped significantly for the same pace, so I'm pleased about that. My pace has also increased (my TRP is 8:46). I know there is tons of room for improvement here as I used to run much faster. I am more careful adding mileage and stress during the run training to make sure that I don't overdo it. Here are some charts from TP to show my progress. I'm looking forward to the RR and seeing how I perform and feel.
Any thoughts or recommendations? I will update after this wee and the RR
I hope you don't mind that I used my computer to record a screen cast of advice for you. I'm going to post it on the forms of the team can see what my general recommendations are. If you want to watch that video yourself it's going to be over here in this forum thread.
I am super pumped for what you been able to do on the bike, and you can tell from your PMC that finances high. As I seen my video, I think it's more likely due to your addition of the run stress than anything special on the bike. You were already kind of crushing a bike so factoring in some of the run likely gave you an additional boost.
I agree with the Lava Pants...it's a no brainer, but I wouldn't train with them too much...1x per week is okay so you are comfortable with them.
I want you to work in some intermittent breaks on the bike. If it's a 30' cycle, think 25' aero and 5' sitting up, and repeat...eventually you will be able to stay aero for longer at the end of the ride. And there's nothing wrong with doing intermittent standing breaks on race day (10 to 20 pedal revs in a big gear when it's flat no headwind).
The run improvement is GREAT. But stay focused...a great run is not slowing down, so that means smart early running and great bike + run nutrition. You didn't mention much about the food side of things, how is that going? Remember we want you to pee 2x on the bike....
~ Coach P
I think my nutrition is working well. I will probably have to drink a little more if it gets hotter out. I'm going with mostly a liquid diet of gatorade endurance and some cliff blocks.
I'm good on the peeing part as I pee on the bike at least twice and I even had to pee after the run of the race rehearsal. I also took some locks of base salt.
Early meal before the rehearsal I have tried the Naked juice protein smoothie and a yogurt. I like the naked juicce idea as it has lots of what seem to be good calories. I learned about the naked juice from either the race plans or race reports. Lots of good stuff in those. I maybe even got the idea from one of your reports.
Thanks again
Here are some notes and some example data for you our call today. Hopefully not too much. During the call, I would like to discuss my pacing/strategy for IM Texas. Generally, I am a little concerned with biking too hard if I go primarily off my power numbers. I was not able to get a good test of my power on good flat roads. Instead, I had numbers off of either very hilly roads with stops, or TERRIBLE and extremely bumpy roads. I think I do have a good grasp on my HR numbers as well as power on my trainer.
I’m also concerned that if I go primarily by my bike power, I might not be able to run the entire 26. Currently, running is not as strong for me. Somewhat strange, as I just started biking again a little over a year ago, and I started running again a few years back.
I would like to push as hard as possible during the IM, and not take part of the race too easy (the bike). I am going to not change clothes during the IM and work on transition times. I figure that this practice will be good for future events when those minutes/seconds will matter. It’s not like you get too many opportunities at these long distances.
My body composition is great. I weigh 147 with about 5% body fat. Before entering the IM plan, I was 160 with 9% body fat (dexa scan). 147 is less than high school or college when I was 152 with about the same body fat. I am more muscular now. People say I look healthy, so I think that is a good sign. I did not do anything special to lose weight (besides ALL that work!!). I never thought I would get down to a 29 inch waist again!
Here are my thoughts on pacing based on the example numbers below.
Swim – Easy 2:00/100 yard pace – that’s what my long open water swims have averaged. Estimated swim time 1:20 – 1:30.
Bike – let my HR range between 130-149 during the bike portion. Bike for 15 minutes easy (165w) if my HR is higher than 140 and let it drop. Slowly increase the bike to about 205w as long as my HR doesn’t increase above 140. Stay at 205 for some amount of time (?) then increase my power to about 220w, which will keep me hopefully under 145. For some reason, on my bike rides I feel more comfortable when I am at a harder effort level. I don’t know why this is. Maybe I just zone out more. Estimated bike time 5-5:30. My last RR was 4:50 with an average of 214w. Will try to stay aero, but this is still a work in progress.
For the run, I will follow the run plan. First six miles at 9:57 (Z1+30), miles six to 18 at around 9:27 (Z1)(maybe faster? 9:00-9:15 depending on HR), then see how I feel and try to push to TRP pace. I wouldn’t mind even starting slower if that would be beneficial. Estimated run time 4:30 – 5:00 depending on HR and how I feel.
The only other thing I wanted to discuss was getting through the suck point of the IM. I’m good at pushing hard and not giving up (otherwise I would have stopped almost all the Zwift races I completed in J). I have NO IDEA what that feeling is going to be, so help here would be beneficial.
Current Numbers – My max HR is about 195 (taken from my training data)
Bike Zones
0 - 214
214 - 229
245 - 260
291 - 306
336 - 367
Run Zones
11:14/mi 129 bpm (10 mile run)
10:20/mi 120 bpm (4 mile run)
18 mile RR run
1 9:47 /mi 135 bpm
3 9:36 /mi 140 bpm
4 9:35 /mi 141 bpm
5 9:37 /mi 140 bpm
6 9:33 /mi 141 bpm
7 8:57 /mi 144 bpm
8 8:42 /mi 147 bpm
9 8:45 /mi 147 bpm
10 8:53 /mi 147 bpm
11 8:35 /mi 145 bpm
12 8:45 /mi 145 bpm
13 8:47 /mi 144 bpm
14 8:41 /mi 147 bpm
15 8:49 /mi 149 bpm
16 8:14 /mi 158 bpm
17 7:59 /mi 161 bpm
18 7:49 /mi 168 bpm
Bike – Current FTP 306 – sustainable for an hour
167w – 132 bpm (107 miles – TERRIBLE BUMPY roads)
190w – 125 bpm (Zwift)
190w – 139 bpm (Hills)
206w – 133 bpm (Zwift)
214w - 133 bpm (112 miles Zwift) – HR between 130-147 – first part of ride was about 200w – second part was closer to 240
237w - 142 bpm (60k Zwift)
240w - 145 bpm (Zwift)
256w - 150 bpm (Zwift)
264w –157 bpm (Zwift)
300w – 163 bpm (Zwift)
For me, I think this chart really shows my changes since last November, both in power, HR, and weight. You can see that I reluctantly went up to the "A" category after getting two "UPG". I didn't think that I would be able to consistently hold over 4 w/kg for hour plus races. I guess 4 races in a row over 4 w/kg proves me wrong.
~ Coach P