Dave Howard 2017 PLAN
Hey quite the year huh!
To summarize the last year: NOV'15-NOW
IMAZ went well with only the hiccup of front& back of upper leg cramps (new phenomenon) cramping up at about 10 miles into run with both walking difficult or running difficult ...and lasted till about mile 24 when all of a sudden I was able to pick up the pace and even chat the last couple miles in (4:09 Strava shows longer time as I didn't stop watch). https://www.strava.com/activities/433623706/overview I was hoping for a 3:50 so not too bad.
Bike I feel went well I "could have done a 5:30" but held back a bit: https://www.strava.com/activities/433623740 5:56 Swim was "OK" at 1:13 (1:09 was a PR prior)
Took waaaaay to much time off after and essentially lost my fitness and had to start over Built up some OLY distance and did well enough in a few sprint/OLYs locally to get a USAT NATs for the OLY and again "OK" on "OK" level of training. Also did an XTERRA and my last and "A" race for year way the HITS Palm Springs HIM. Id say my training was a "B" grade [medical issues and work interruptions = lac of particularly Run volume [always having to drop Brick runs and missing several long days]and race performance an A- (7th AG (1 min off being 4th due to a poor run 2:06 died the last 5 miles)
FEB 18-19 As #2 man of a Duo riding the 24Hr MTB race "24 hours in Old Pueblo" http://www.epicrides.com/events/24-hours-in-the-old-pueblo/event-guide/ I've done a max of 3 laps separated by hours (1:20 each) in 24hrs on corporate team. This will be our first as a 2 man. My Bro-inlaw is #1 and is a monster MTB rider.
AA: Vineman...AKA IM Santa Rosa July 29 I've done Vineman (Old course) But this will eliminate some of the bigger hills etc but still unknown bike course, new swim vinue and flatter run. My wife thinks I have a Kona shot (I did IMAZ in 11:36) Id like to believe I can get close to 10 hr but Not realistic to believe Id go under 10 in such a short time based on my HIM results and realistic training limitations. I just have historically chopped 1 hr+ each IM I've done (14:30, 12:45,11:36) so she presumes much. My only hope is that I have a better (not great ie 5:00 HIM) start going into '17 than in past few years.
I think I can improve swim to 1:00 even (my form is much improved but I lack swim fitness now) and Bike to 5:20-ish maybe better. And I reeeeely need better run times- which I Know I can achieve IF I can get the miles in.
AA: IMAZ want to leapfrog off IMSR and push for bettering whatever times I get there ...still not so sure about a slot as 50-55 is well under 10hr now there.
I dropped my X-training and "pre-hab" WKOs and will aggressively resume starting this DEC with a structured strength and flexibility program. I have gotten a lot out of the old out seasons and look FWD to getting some speed/FTP build up Was less happy with my short course build for NATs.
My shoulder (labrum) is still reminding me its still there but I did OK with my HIM so I'm hopeful with modifications I'l be OK and will likely focus on dry land and re-hab/strength work for a while before doing much in pool. Only other injuries are some chronic mild-moderate neck and upper mid back stuff.
Will look for some sprints and OLYs to keep my race Mojo and skills up...I DO think I have improved much from the act of racing.
Thanks and looking forward to a BIG and successful year with Team EN!
Hey David,
Thanks for the detail! Please submit your schedule to me via the Triathlon Season Roadmap tool here. I'll look at your notes while I do that and we can schedule a call to discuss in detail next week. Have a great weekend!
Just a F/U:
Outseason ...mehh... Sorta went as planned ...
Been dealing with 3 different power #s (computrainer, Vector and -older Newton) I think the wonky Vector #s are due to single peddle low (~10% 20-30 w) VS Newton ...somewhat frustrating as Historical #s so much higher. Trying to convince myself that buying the second peddle is worth the $s and will magically fix the disparity [Per standard power/speed tables at my wt. the Vector IS low by 20+ w]. That said My 223 Vector FTP test at close of Outseason is ..."OK" (ran the Newton too and it showed a FTP of ~250 ...and tracked Computrainer #s....and it was close to Newton =slightly less as per usual ~5w.....) So OK, not ecstatic...but given alot of missed/shortened WKOs "OK". Minimal rides longer than 2.5 hrs .... reeeely need to get some 3-4hr stuff going
Run.... well so much for frequency... only made a few weeks of 3+ runs. Did get most long 12-13 mile runs in with a sprinkling of Z5 stuff ...jut missed alot of bricks and durability runs. 2 mile time (Army PT test) dropped slightly ...still not happy 13:50 Which correlated to VDOT 42 I believe and I just ran a spontaneous HM (no breakfast and have been playing with low carb ...and no taper- did a miserable TM 1.5 hr run that left me gassed despite not doing much other than ZTRP and Z2 followed by a day of Very fast 100s and 200s at track. (couldn't get to a bike that day). Then swim day. However despite all that ran a PR for a HM at 1:50. Got there to find no on course nutrition-water only. Ate 1 hamburger buns and found a jell in trunk. Did have 2 flasks with mountain dew that I brought for the "coke" for last few miles. Paced at Z2 for first 6 miles and only water...actually felt quite good_ after turn around started Racing a bit and stepped pace up to Z3 and slowly pushed up with a jell and then a squirt of MD at each aid station (too long at a couple fudzing with things + 2 pee breaks having to run off into trees). Last 2 miles into 20+ mph headwinds but got pace down to 8-7:50. Even that was manageable. So 1:50= VDO40 However I feel I could have probably started 8:30-8:45 pace (Z2-3) then 8:15-8:30 with last 3ml 8 flat. ? getting fat adapted helping? I don't know. Cold 50 degs helped-Yes definitely. So No not my VDOT 45 goal ...but at least not dropping.
Swim Camp:
Had to go to Ft Dix for the same 2 weeks.... Actually got some quality swimming in
Here is the thing... I have a very slow stroke rate but form not so bad...decent catch/pull etc but bilat very tight shoulders and bilat old rotator injuries and Labral tear(s) w/o surgical repair. Over last months despite no swims had several "clunks which set off "the pain" ... swims have been cautious -no paddles etc. Paces of 1:40+ don't seem to bother
Oh and only 1 ride for 1.5 hrs on indoor gym bike x last 2 weeks during swim camp, ...but plenty of hard runs as described above.
I have a OLY this weekend. (in stead of "big day") will use to re-eval pacing etc. Not sure how this time away from bike will hurt. No plan to reeely taper- probably just shorter HIIT THR and Swim/rehab FRI. SUN will try and get a Long Bike in.
I will be Mobilizing to Ft Bliss (TX) for 1 year starting 3 weeks from now. Good pool access...bad gym hrs. Will have indoor computrainer and will bring MTB, TT Bike and maybe a dusty road bike (not ridden in 2 years LOL). still trying to find decent areas for long race prep rides.... mostly crappy roads and big "trans mountain" type rides. Diet will likely be better controlled as well as weekends free....however work will likely be MO-FRI 10-12+ hrs. Additionally.... I'm 5 hr drive from wife...so she will be wanting me to visit periodically
Looking over new IMSR course .... still hoping to go <11 1:05 swim, 5:15 bike, 3:45 sorta my "perfect day" goals at this point with 1:10/5:30/4:00 sorta my "gold" level plan Based on prior performance and current #s seems reasonable (yes?)
Kinda a book....sorry!