David Glenn Macro Thread
Hi David,
This is your very own “Macro Thread” where you and I can discuss any questions you may have about the Triathlon Season Roadmap (TSR) that I created for you here. This is also a space where we can discuss any big picture, season planning, race schedule and other related issues you may have going forward.
Welcome aboard!
Hi Rich,
I'm excited to get started. I have a lot of questions but I'll control myself for now and just begin with a few!
First of all, I had to shuffle the 1st week generic schedule you gave me. I'll be gone this weekend and won't be able to test. So, I did the run test on Sunday and the bike test this morning. I loaded all the info into the training zone and got the corresponding heart rates at which to train. I do not have a power meter and am in the process of getting my road bike on the trainer. To do the test i used a spin bike at the 'Y". I figured it was a close enough approximation. Please tell me if this is wrong! The spin bikes that i have access to show wattage but don't calculate average watts. My best guess is that for the 40' test ride I averaged 163 watts. I suppose i need to get a power meter for my road bike, huh?
Questions: Is HR training just as good a power training? Tri bike vs. road bike? I do not have a tri bike. Should I invest in one for IMCA? Do i need to think about participating in a 26.2 before IMCA?
Ok I think that is big picture stuff. I'll leave you alone for now! I look forward to learning from you. Ive never trained using #'s or intervals before so I'm kinda nervous!
Just wanted to check in. I've been on the plan now for a couple weeks (run durability) and am really liking it.
Due to my schedule though I've had to move some workouts around. I've had to get the swim in on Monday with a weight session before hand instead of taking the day off. Tuesday and Wednesday remain as scheduled, Thursday I do Fridays run, Friday off, Saturday and Sunday as scheduled. I'm hoping that's OK at this point.
Also, I'm conflicted on WHERE I should run. Living in the PNW lends itself to hilly terrain. I try and find flattish routes but most of my runs have hills. Getting out of the perscribed HR zones happens often. should I run on a track to stay true to the HR zones? Or since I will be running a hilly I'M should I continue road running?
I'm just getting started on trainer road. I'll keep you posted on how that goes.
Hope you had a nice Christmas, talk soon,
Don't over think it. Running hills is good, and not a problem if you're going out of the prescribed zones...within reason.
Hi coach,
Did the bike test Saturday. I wanted to send you the results (graph) via TrainerRoad but can't figure out how to attach it to this thread. Any ideas on how to easily do it?
I wanted to send to you just to make sure it looked like I tested ok. I feel like I did. I was gassed afterwards! The numbers are humbling thats for sure!
200 FTP with a 243 VO2. I will run the 5K test tomorrow.
5K test done. Felt spent afterwards. I have improved my time/pace and vdot over 1 month. Could be a function of having done the test 2 times and knowing what to expect or my fitness has improved.....I'll go with the latter
5K: 23:30 (down from 26:15). VDOT 41 (up from 36).
Here we go....
Great! Yes, often for new members new to testing and/or high intensity work there's a bit of a learning curve with regards to pacing, becoming more comfortable with discomfort, etc. But up is up so congrats and keep going!
I was hoping to squeeze in a triathlon before IM Canada (7/30). Looking at races offered around here the best option early season event is on 6/3 and is an Olympic distance.
I was thinking it would be a good idea to get my 'feet wet' and get a race in under my belt to work kinks out before Canada. Also, I really enjoy participating!
Any thoughts? Would it mess with training too much?
Oh yeah, the outseason seems to be coming along nicely. Im so glad I found you guys!
Not a problem to add an olympic to your schedule. Good luck!