Brenda Ross Micro Forum(2016/2017)
Hi Coach P, I started preparing for January OS a couple of weeks ago. Here is what I am doing:
Monday - cardio kickboxing or rest day depending on how I feel
Tuesday - Zone 4 trainer ride (1hr) + mobility/strength with trainer
Wednesday - recovery trainer ride (1hr) + hilly hard snowshoe run (1hr)
Thursday - Zone 5 trainer ride (1hr)
Friday - swim (1hr) + mobility/strength with trainer ( I see this as recovery day)
Saturday - flat snowshoe run (1hr) - would like to lengthen to 1.5hours
Sunday - swim (1.25 to 1.30) + trainer ride (1hr)
My question is that I have 6 snowshoe runs on the agenda this winter, with the National Championships in Saranac Lake in February. Only two of those are 10km runs which takes about 1.5hours depending on the terrain in snowshoeing. I would like to add in a 3rd snowshoe on Monday starting at 30minutes, to build my endurance in the sport. Thoughts?
Or you could keep both on same day (tough!) but drop Friday swim (keep weights) for a TRULY light day.
~ Coach P
Hasta la vista kickboxing
, snowshoe running
is BOSS!
Attached is an excel sheet with what my schedule was, and two options of what I think it could be. Can you take a look and let me know your thoughts.
Thanks alot.
As you know I will be in Lake Placid this weekend to cheer the team on. I need to figure out how to fit in my workouts. I am in week 16 of the Int IM plan.
Schedule calls for this:
Monday - Swim
Tuesday - Swim + 45min run
Wednesday - 75min bike with Z4 and 40min run
Thursday - 2hour long run + swim
Friday - 40min run + swim
Saturday - 90min swim, 210min bike, 40min run
Sunday - 210 min bike + 60 min run
Unfortunately, I am not going to be able to swing that schedule as I have my volunteer gig on Saturday at Lake Placid and a change in schedule with clients, and I do have to work so I can pay the bills, soooooo......
I think the following could work - what do you think?
Mon - Swim - done!
Tue - 1 hr Swim + 45min run with hill repeats + 30min flat trail run with my son
Wed - 75min bike
Thursday - 210min bike + 1hour run
Friday - 90min swim + 40 min run
Sat - 210min bike - and if have time will run off the bike
Sunday - 2 hour run