Dave Legg Macro Thread
Hi Dave,
This is your very own “Macro Thread” where you and I can discuss any questions you may have about the Triathlon Season Roadmap (TSR) that I created for you here. This is also a space where we can discuss any big picture, season planning, race schedule and other related issues you may have going forward.
Welcome aboard!
Working on figuring this stuff out and wanted to check do I do the test or start with the Run program this week? Was not sure which direction I was to go. Thank you for the plan and look foreword to the journey. Dave
Hi Dave,
This week I'd like you to go ahead and load up that run training plan, following my instructions and the screencast on the Season Roadmap page here
My question is this, when running pace on treadmill do we go by the machine pace or the watch (Garmin 920)? They are off by about 30-40 seconds on a given day with the treadmill pace slower. Thank you