New Cycling Heart Rate Training Zones Test
Based on your feedback we've changed the bike test that heart rate-based athletes use to calculate their training zones. Rather than having you TT for 40', you'll now time trial for 30'. At 10' into the test, you'll hit the lap button, so we can capture the data from this last 20' segment.
Your average heart rate from this 20' interval is your Lactate Threshold Heart Rate.
You'll then use that to calculate, save, and update your training zones.
All other details of the test remain the same.
This change has been made to the 2017 OutSeason training plans, as that's what most of you are in right now. Patrick and I have begun to create the new 2017 EN*Half and EN*Full training plan, and this change will be drilled down into these plans, as well as to all of the other plans. But, first things first, lots of peeps in the OutSeason so we made the change there first.
Let me know if you have any questions!
Why did folks want the change and will we see a difference?
Thanks! and Happy Holidays!
Basically, because a 40' TT on a trainer is brutal and 20' is good enough to determine LTHR.
You're welcome!
We've made another update to this test, please re-read the first post in this thread. This changed has been pushed into the 2017 OutSeason plans and the Trial training plan, and will begin to be seen in all of the other plans as we make edits to those as well.