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Patti Thompson - A question!


I'm on my first week of training and have already screwed up a bit.  Was out late on Monday night (past 9PM!!!!!) and could not get my run in on Tuesday so now I am running a day behind on everything.  Should I just do the runs right on through the week, as they are all easy and I am severely unfit or should I take the swim day and actually swim?





  • In the OS, we skip and move on. These workouts aren't so critical that every one counts (you can see color coding next to each one to help you). I'd rather you not workout tired...or don't cram it in elsewhere.

    Besides, the OS is when you are supposed to stay out late (hopefully it was fun)!


    ~ Coach P

    Okay, sounds good, I skipped the swim but kept the quick runs and feel better.  And yes, staying out late was fun... until the next morning!



    Thank you!




  • How are things going now? Are you back on track?

    ~ Coach P
  • Well, I did push the bike to yesterday (Monday) so that I could get it in and today started Week 2 as written.  Feeling good and have chosen my goal half marathon for March 12 where I would love to beat last year's time of 2:16.  I think I am going to do a new 5K test in January for more accurate run zones.  thanks for asking!



  • Fantastic. Let's make a point of connecting in a week or so so we can talk about how to pace that half marathon. Remember that your final time is a combination of both fitness and execution. While I can't run that race for you, I can certainly help you outline the best way to execute it.

    I hope you enjoyed the holiday!

    ~ Coach P
  • Okay, sounds good.  There are a series of winter 5Ks nearby on the same flat course within a park that I am planning to jump in to get a good test. Also, I seem to have been running around with low RBC for the past few years and I'm now on an iron supplement which feels like it is helping A LOT so fingers crossed on that too! 
  • If you're willing to share, I would appreciate you putting information on that supplement into the nutrition form. It might help a lot of our members!

  • Posted By Coach Patrick on 06 Jan 2017 03:51 PM

    If you're willing to share, I would appreciate you putting information on that supplement into the nutrition form. It might help a lot of our members!


    Right now I'm just taking Slow Fe which can be purchased otc!  I have some Floradix ordered and am waiting for that to be delivered from the UK.

  • Patti, how are you doing? Just want to check in with you!

    ~ Coach P
  • Hi Coach, funny you should ask.  I"ve been cutting the runs down a bit like only doing 10 super easy minutes off the bike because I can "feel" the PF and also the posterior tibial tendon during some of those.  I have a question.... I mainly feel plantar fascia pain when I get up in the morning - like seriously limping around for first ten minutes of the day.  Then at work if I sit for too long when I stand up it will be pretty stiff.  Days like today (MOnday) after a longer run (5 miles) yesterday I will really be sort of sore most of the day.  My question is should I keep running or should I be aiming to completely be pain free?  I'm not sure that stopping running altogether would even be the answer, as I was being pretty lazy all fall and still had PF pain.  Should I just do what feels right?  I know Coach Rich said I want the foot 100% for Eagleman in JUne but I'm not too sure this foot will ever be 100%.  Luckily, a lot of my bigger races this year are aqua bikes!  :D

  • Patti, you need to warm that bad boy up before you get out of bed (ankle twists, slight massage, etc.) and I hope you are wearing the boot at night.   As for in the office, get out the golf ball and roll baby roll when you are sitting. 

    You also want to work the calves and hamstrings. As long as the length or intensity of your discomfort post run isn't increasing, we are good to go...so let's be smart and let it recover!

    Do you maybe need to examine your footwear? Are you in a minimalist / zero drop shoe? 

    ~ Coach P
  • Okay I have an arsenal of tools beside my bed to work the leg before I get up in the morning. I don't have a boot or even the sock! I do ice the heel in the evenings after longish runs and roll it on a cricket ball. Sounds like a plan to me! Thank you! 

    I wear Hokas Cliftons most of the time... tried NB Fresh Foams and they felt "jarring" after 3 years in Hokas.
  • Patti, great. I humbly suggest the night splint / boot...n=1 it works for me. 

    The Cliftons have a 5 mm drop...I'd like to see you in a 10 to 12mm drop shoe...if that's an option for you.  The stinson might be an option...it's a bit more...

  • Hmmm, now you have me researching shoes... I used to run in Asics 2000's until about 2 1/2 years ago... never looked at the change in drop but now I see the Kayano is 12-13 mm drop shoe!  Perhaps I will add a pair back into the rotation....
  • @Patti Thompson I think that you might find it beneficial...worth a shot!
  • Hi there Coach P, just wanted to check in.  The Stinsons are great on the road and even better on the treadmill.  Backed down even more last week, as I got the cold/disease thing that was going around and just ended up feeling drained and miserable.  Building back to normal schedule this week, but did half the run today (35 minutes rather than 70) and will also do a little short brick run tomorrow.  I am really being good about getting my stretching and PT done and I think that helps a lot.  Shooting for a good 5K test and assessing my run fitness from there.

  • @Patti Thompson - thanks so much for the update! :love:

    I like that you dialed things back a bit to accommodate your cold (they suck!) and your plan to get back up to speed is perfect. Health first, speed second!!!

    Go Team Stinson! 

    ~ Coach P

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