2017 resolutions
Hi guys, in the wake of the "holiday weight loss challenge", and watching this video:
Scary statistic: 95% of those who make a resolution on jan1st give it up by jan 15th...
I thought I would create this thread as a tool for all wishing to put out their resolutions/goals for 2017, and hold each other accountable. Remember that a goal without a plan is just a wish, so let us know your goals and the plan that goes with it
Feel free to join in...
1- get back to the "less than 10% body fat" club (around 55kgs)
plan: incorporate 1 fasting day every week + 2 or 3 longer fasting periods thought the year, change my relation with food, cut back a lot on carbs (experience with keto), use smaller plates/portions, focus on nutrient dense food+ use the 2nd round of the "holiday weight loss challenge"
2- get in the 4Watts/kg club (linked to goals #1)
plan: get FTP to 220watts (my 2016 FTP) or higher using EN Z4-Z5 bike sessions while getting my weight down to 55kg
3- stay injury free:
plan: incorporate smart weight lifting sessions and core work + 2-3 sessions of yoga/stretching per week
1-I did the training
2-I honored my training self by getting my body comp to where it should be well in time before the race
3-Achieving this goal is about training consistency at the right levels of SBR on a daily and weekly basis
It's all about commitment!
Keep to the plan.
1) Be able to maintain my race weight to a regular weight;
2) Put as much focus on the bike that I had put on the run last;
3) learn to swim with a wetsuit and be able to transfer pool time into OWS - an easy 15' there.
1) Stay focus on multiple goals and make wise moves to get to it
2) Family focus
3) keep hating the stupid cat
My resolution this year is to not slow down and stay injury free. The plan:
Race goals, finish the Alaskaman Extreme Triathlon, hopefully with a smile on my face. The plan: