2016 year end SBR totals
I think this is the 4th year I have posted totals. Again its not a competition but a prompt to get people to review their own data year over year. Even if you don't wanna play along and post yours, at least review them.
Numbers were affected this year due to only 1 IM vs. 3 IM's per year and injury recovery in the first have of the year...Also a lot of my just for fun activity was done at longer lower intensities....
Swim - was right in line with previous years. Bike - was more hrs but less miles (more just riding easy, more MTB, more hills)... Run- a lot less time/miles due to recovery from crash in late 2015.... Weekly TSS lower as a result of easier training/recovery ...Total hrs less but right in line with previous SBR total hrs....
Swim- 427k yds 114hrs
Bike- 7235 miles 401hrs
Run- 1275 miles 214hrs
TSS- 799 per week avg.
Total hrs 728
Side NOTE: Strength Training total 48 hrs (never logged prior years cause I actually didnt do any)
2015 2014 2013
Swim 444k yds 117hrs Swim 505k yds 145hrs Swim 381k yds 117hrs
Bike 7075 miles 384hrs Bike 5843 miles 366hrs Bike 3700 miles 332hrs
Run 1709 miles 251hrs Run 1670 miles 239 hrs Run 1400 miles 206hrs
TSS 900 per week avg. TSS 933 per week avg TSS 817 per week avg
Total hrs 752 or 2hr per day Total hrs 750 or 2hr per day Total hrs 655 or 1.8 per day
* new bike trainer in use since September doesn't measure miles (Kick'r) wondering, how others deal with that. Suspect mileage is short by a couple hundred.
note that in 2015 I herniated a disc in July, lost a bunch of time after that. Interesting to see the consistency in hours between 2014 & 2015
Good exercice,
Never took the time to analyse the changes during the years in the sport.
What it tells me ? 3 things
1) I doubled my time at the pool for 3 mins race time shaved
2) Really like my run build since 2013, that might explain why my runs race time are where I PR and where I can catch about 50-60 people in my AG.
3) for my bike, I might have about 500M of commute, even with that decent volume I am still a bad cyclist.. but never rode a bike before 2013 also lol.
If/when I grow up, I want to be like TC. Until then, my numbers continue to look much more like The Hoff's. Speaking of, Scott, to track mileage on the trainer, just buy a Garmin speed sensor (I think it's in the $40-50 range) and attach it around your rear hub. Sync with Garmin once, it should pick it up every ride just like a PM or HRM. Set-up time is one minute.
My total time for 2016 looks like 2015, the big difference being that I swam too much in '15 and paid for it on the bike and run. Last year, I rode and ran more, swam less, and raced with more balance across all three. Lesson learned.
Year Swim Yards Bike Miles Run Miles Total Hours
2014 141,413 1,779 809 275
2015 289,602 2,187 986 407
2016 233,806 2,826 1,198 397
I suspect 2017 will involve a bit more time and mileage because I've got two HIMs and two IMs, with a race season spanning from mid-March to the second Saturday in October.
I really enjoy seeing the numbers you guys are posting. As a newbie, it's interesting seeing the time and effort required to compete at a higher level. I got a lot of work to do! :-)
Here's my numbers:
Year Swim Yards Bike Miles Run Miles Total Hours
2014 0 717.5 0 47
2015 0 4056(242hrs) 193(36hrs) 278
2016 47840 2,754(154hrs) 412(71hrs) 245
There's is a way in TP to get it to compute a HrTss. I used it year before I got a footpod for use on treadmill. TP would compute a TSS just based on my HR input for the duration of the exercise. It's not supposed to be terribly accurate, but it does produce a result. I also used it like that a few times during exercise sessions on an elliptical.
Whether or not it uses HR on the swim, I do not know, but the input is there since I have a swim HRM. I set up my TP much like yours, except I don't really include SwimTSS at all in any of the totals. I did use it last year, but felt it inflated my TSS(and thus CTL) way beyond where it really was. Based on my own RPE for me, I'd put the TSS value about 1/2 the TSS the software computes.
Thanks for posting your numbers. You're a machine!
No surprises to my totals as compared to the last 2 years. My swimming increased mainly due to longer swim sessions as I did more solo swims to get in the yardage per the EN plan and less Masters Swims (50-60 mins sessions). I also did more OWS. On the bike I did approx 95% of the rides per the EN HIM and IM plans including 7-8 100+ mile rides. Running distance decrease because I ended my run streak in Dec 2015 after ~390 days and dropped back to running 4-6 days a week.
Year Swim Yds/Hrs Bike Miles/Hrs Run Miles/Hrs
2016 340,190/129 4,729/274 1,478.5/195
2015 255,570/97 3,284.5/201 2,096.2/285
2014 262,469/104 2,386.5/157 1,261/183
A 390 day run streak is very impressive! I am 56 days in thus far. What benefits did you gain? What was the minimum distance you would run a day? Any advice you would give someone undertaking a journey like this?
The key is to make your recovery days very easy and short and you will not have any additional or increased fatigue. I basically followed the EN OS, HIM, IM advance plans, and on the off day(s) I would run a very easy 2-3 miles. These runs were more like an active recovery workout. My shortest runs were 2 miles, which would be the days after races or the 2 times I was sick. Running 1 mile was just too embarrassing for my ego. I also didn't develop any injuries. I really believe the streak greatly contributed to my improved endurance and speed. In 2015, I set PRs in the 5K, 5 miler, HM, full marathon and IM marathon.
Again, I think it's important to run easy on your easy days and if you're not training for a race, do most of your runs at Zone 1 to TRP paces.
Good luck!
I've got ten years of consistent data easily accessible (7 more on an old computer that I can't retrieve easily); just divide by ten for the annual average!:
#/hours/distance (2016 in parens)
I've used HR to get a TSS for weight room (about 25/45 minutes), skiing (about 60/hour of actual downhill work time), and hiking (about 12/hour) in TP's WKO 4 program; it also calculates swim TSS.
2014 was my first full year of endurance training, sprint and oly tris and first 1/2 marathon in the fall. 2015 saw more sprint and olympics and first full mary in the fall. While I did a few sprints in 2016 my swim/bike was in support of run training for a BQ attempt at Chicago (which was successful!).
My major tri limiter has been my weak swim which is perpetuated by the nearest pool being an hour away (I live in the sticks). Ive finally made the commitment to improving the swim which is a major commitment of time, but it is what it is. I expect my 2017 numbers to be much higher with my first 1/2 and full IMs this year!
Year Swim Hrs Bike Miles/Hrs Run Miles/Hrs Total Time
2016 96,250/44.5 1862/131 1096/168.5 344
2015 59,100/29 1548/96 949/142 267
2014 28.5 3036/179 826/127 334
2013 Swim 76 hrs Bike 195 Hrs Run 137 Hrs avg tss 620/wk total hrs 408
2014 swim 96 hrs bike 262 hrs run 178 hrs avg tss 702/wk total hrs 536
2015 swim 109 hrs bike 307 hrs run 200 hrs avg tss 807/wk total hrs 616
2016 Swim 97 hrs Bike 306 hrs run 214 hrs Tss 710/wk. total hrs 617
It is interesting to see how much more some of us respond to training stimulus than others. Or I might be jumping to conclusions there. Taining smarter, recovering better, better technique, better dietary habits all also come in to play.
My goal this year might be to try and get more quality into my hours. Especially on the bike and in the water where my chances of injury are reduced.
2016 Swim 137,178 (43:53) / Bike 2,821 (167:28) / Run 1,126 (173:00) | 1xIM, 1xHIM, 1xMarathon, 1x50K
2015 Swim 131,669 (44:26) / Bike 2793 (169:42) / Run 736 (107:45) | 1xIM, 2x HIM
2014 Swim 188,083 (62:42) / Bike 2823 (167:41) / Run 681 (110:02) | 2xIM, 1x50K
Of note to me in these numbers:
I added significant run volume in 2016 (distance, time and runs). This was in part due to the early season marathon and due to the fact that running seems to be my default sport. I'm surprised at the consistency of my bike totals year over year. Especially given that 2014 was a 2xIM year. I need to get more miles in on the bike. I'm hopeful that a solid JOS will provide those miles. Finally, I'm surprised, but I should not be, by the swim volume in 2014. Basically I don't swim unless I have a race on the calendar and even then it's a fight. More consistency in swim volume will be a focus in early 2017 since I have an August IM instead of a November IM this year.
2016 465,306/160 5,127/336 1,354/200 596
2015 461,815/156 5,881/337 1,399/200 593
2014 315,225/112 5,981/428 1,087/165 705
Continued high volume swimming with little to show for it
I'm gonna need a 3 day rest break to recover from reading all the work you type "A" personalities have posted!
I like Jimmy's comments / observations regarding how we all respond differently.....different ages, athletic abilities, work loads, family loads, climates for training, dietary habits, sleep habits, experience levels all coming into play here.......
Year Swim Yds/Hrs Bike Miles/Hrs Run Miles/Hrs Total Time
2016 553,878/177 6,365/389 1190/151 717 --- Best result was 9:41 Kona w/ 5' penalty (Did 1 IM, 1 HIM, 2 Oly)
2015 562,643/180 5,991/340 1173/147 667 --- Best result was 9:26 IM Coz (Did 2 IM, 1 HIM, 1 Oly)
2014 54,912/42 2,602/145 868/102 289 --- Best result was 4:44 Half IM (Did 2 HIM)
Blog: www.lackofhustle.com Strava: www.strava.com/athletes/2393839
2017 Races: Puerto Rico 70.3, Oceanside 70.3, Chattanooga 70.3, Eagleman 70.3, Worlds 70.3 (hopefully
Apparently, volume does its bit as well... that's a LOT of swimming, Rob.
That's one hell of a streak! I'm certainly impressed. Love that you just kept rolling, no matter the distance, one day at a time. And 2100 miles in a year is no joke. Again, very impressive.
Blog: www.lackofhustle.com Strava: www.strava.com/athletes/2393839
2017 Races: Puerto Rico 70.3, Oceanside 70.3, Chattanooga 70.3, Eagleman 70.3, Worlds 70.3 (hopefully
I have many friends that still swim with him at his current program @ pacific palisades santa monica, as well as those still @ ucla masters.
the highlight of his program for me was training for the annual usa masters 1 hour postal swim and trying to beat the 4000 scy/hour barrier by as many yards as possible. I also did the sunday morning manhattan beach and santa monica beach ocean swims with him or the LATRI club where we would meet @ tower 26 or on the pier
I now live in naples fl and I still miss the program and my swim friends