@Catherine ~ I'm also with Team Fraser. There is a big group of us going out to Vegas for the Rock&Roll Marathon..
Where do you normally train (when the weather is nice)? We typically bike around Grass Lake (Waterloo), or up at Island Lake Rec Area. Most of our swimming will be in Trout Lake at ILRA. Running can be anywhere from Grass Lake, ILRA, Kensington, etc.
Happy New Year!...excited to get this season going....this will be my 4th OS...though this will be the lowest level of fitness I will be at entering the season...after IMLOU in 2015 I took 2016 off from IM/Triathlon...did some trail running...alot of fun riding in the mountains of NH/NY and some swimming....but nowhere near the level of training I have maintained since my first IM in 2010...so in addition to begin much older(55) this will be interesting....but I feel good and like I hear from everybody.....ready to go!.....oh yeah...goal is IMLP!...hope to meet/see many of you there or along the way!
This year will be a challenge scheduling wise .... I no longer have complete schedule autonomy, as it were ... so I will be juggling the workouts. Hello Micro Thread!!!
This will be my 7th OS. Just like others I have had great, so-so, and total bust OSs in the past. This group is great and I can't wait to get at it with you all.
In for the JOS. Did I stumble on the all-star ninja thread? Wow, excited to train with you all. I haven't swam much since IMMOO but have tried to keep a maintenance run/bike routine these past 3 months.This will be my 3rd year with EN.
So far my 2017 race calendar has IMLOU in Oct. and a 50k in June. I'll probably sprinkle one or two local races in there as well.
Hello All. Insies for JOS #5...really? 5??? Oy! Like many of you, some were good, some not so good. Hoping to get the best from the OS this year. I do have three vacations (keeping my winter hating "sponsor" aka my husband happy) that I will need to work around which usually does not bode well for training or diet. BUT...I will tap into the micro thread and make the best of it per Coach P.
The bad news is my weight is at an all time high since starting the sport. I've been heavier, but not while chasing triathlon goals. I am ready to get back on track, but my usual methods of the past have not been working, so I'm looking into some new approaches.
I ran a NYE race for my run test and though I've not done much TH work AT ALL since IMWI, it went ok. Happy with the result considering my weight...Vdot 36.
My year has lots of good stuff in it...JOS, Blue Ridge Bike Camp, Aspen Bike Camp, IMLP Camp weekend and IMLP. Then maybe a local oly and possibly Savageman 70.0 in September. Finishing out the year with Jason and a whole big MI crew at the Las Vegas Rock N Roll Marathon.
HI gang. I'm in! The beauty (I think) is that I really don't know what I'm actually getting myself in too!!?? I'm excited and nervous at looking ahead. I've done a bunch of tri's but the training has been to 'just get through'. Nothing as specific and focused as this.
I've got IMCA scheduled as my 'A' and only event. I'll probably add a running event in at some point after Canada. I'll be asking a lot of stupid questions so bear with me! Looking forward to hanging with you all this season!
Time to way in. This will be my 7th OS with EN. I know right :-) I am currently training for 6 snowshoe races so I will be talking to Coach P about hacking my OS to make those goals work with the OS (yes, you can do that). I am also working on becoming a fat adapted plant based athlete (no comments please. This is my journey and negativity is not invited or welcome). I am only doing two triathlons this year (1x HIM, 1x IM (Mont Tremblant). Last year was 3x Oli and 2x HIM so its time to put a different hat on this year. Although it was fun to do, it is now time to get back to IM. I like to do one every second year so I can do something a bit different with the years between. Its my way of keeping myself interested and uninjured. Seems to be working for me. I look forward to suffering, ur I mean seeing gains over the next 16 weeks with you all.
Hello Team, Bridget Pichette from New Hampshire checking in! I'm back after a 2 yr hiatus primarily due to work, but a rough race in Kona 2014 took a lot out of me. I haven't raced much since then. This will be my 3 OS and I'm finally ready to work hard again. I hope to recover my old fitness levels for 2018 so I'm keeping this year simple so far with only one half IM in the fall unless impulse takes over and I sign up for more. Looking forward to starting again. I'm doing my bike test tomorrow.
I'm in too, if a little late. Leaving LAX bright and early tomorrow for Japan until the 20th so I will be 2weeks behind. I'm not much of a traveler but my son is Navy, stationed near Tokyo and has a week of leave so we could tour with him.
What a great team-seasoned all stars and motivated newcomers! Thanks Scott and Francis for taking on the leader mojo! This is my 6th JOS-I too like the OS for the commaraderie in suffering-I will follow the thread on hotel Internet and hopefully have some runs to post.
Since IMAZ all I have done is run. I finally just cleaned the bike which had been parked in the garage since the race. And have only looked at the cap and giggles sitting on my desk. I will try to run in the hotel gyms. Part of our stay will be st the Atsugi naval base so there has to be a decent treadmill there.
I'm not very creative about race schedule-my usual spring and fall lifetime olys and IMAZ. Also the Phoenix half Mary in February-haven't done that in a while.
Here I thought I was late starting on 1/9 and now I am right on time. That makes me happy. I am doing my test today as I am traveling this week for work. I look forward to sharing the pain cave with all of you. This will be my third OS with team EN. But this is the first in 4 years as I am a returning team member.
As a way of introducing myself: Here is a brief synopsis
I was a high school science teacher for 24 years, and in the 19th year of my career, I helped pioneer a method teaching that is called Flipped Learning. My simple life as a teacher has been transformed as I am now am leading the Flipped Learning Movement globally. I travel extensively. I have written 8 books on the subject and am working on the 9th.
Triathlons are a passion of mine, and I believe that all of my best ideas come on long runs and bike rides. I am a strong swimmer, a decent cyclist, and a challenged runner. I am training for IMWI this year. This will be my 4th ironman. My best IM was IMAZ 2 yrs ago where I did 11:15.
I am married to the love of my life (25 yrs and counting) and I have three grown children who are amazing.
I'm in and looking forward to another completing another "first" in this great sport. I'm 54 and live in Dayton Ohio. I completed my first IM last year in Louisville. I was pretty sure it was going to be a one and done for me but once I finished the race I knew I wanted to do it again. Not too sure what my race schedule will be this year. My training last year was heavy on volume so my wife is not too crazy about the idea of another IM. coach Patrick has told me EN is not heavy on volume (not a regular stream of 8 hour Saturday workouts) so life balance should be more obtainable. I'm thinking of doing a couple halfs this year along with several local Olympic Distance races. I'm looking forward to experiencing OutSeason with you and entering race season ready to go.
@ Catherine and Jason -- I may have to make the drive to Detroit to do the Motor City Tri. Was looking for something in June, and I've never done an Olympic distance race.
Had a great 2016 ending with a solid race at ITU Long Course Worlds. Took a few weeks off and blew out a lower back disc unloading the dishwasher! Neurosurgeon says OK to Swim and Bike for now. I'm still working on spending a full night lying down, so run jail for at least a few months. My son says "You're not that good at running anyway... probably could podium in Aquabike." I've been a triathlete for 35 years... and I'm not going down without a fight... but it would be fun to hammer the bike without worrying about running... at least a couple of times. I'm going to ease into structured bike OS workouts. Holding off any long range plans... but Buffalo Springs is my home court, and I already know how to ride aggressively in the canyons, and into the headwinds coming off the cotton fields ;-)
It will be worth the drive--it's my favorite tri thus far! The bike is my strength, and this course repeats loops around the island--no U turns or other silliness. Even though I managed to forget to put the speedometer on the bike (or maybe because I forgot ;-) I came in 2nd in my AG on the bike, I'm REALLY curious to see how I'll do when I've got some way to judge how I'm doing! Of course, I also think the fast kids do the Olympic and not the Sprint, but I'll take the confidence boost and stick to the sprint for now. :-)
Hello All....I am back for OS - last time I was serious about OS was in 2014 when my goal was to NOT have a 3rd 6:15 marathon time for an IM. Happy to say thanks to EN plans and me doing the work - I had a 5:19 marathon @ whistler. Since then I have completed IM Choo and AZ following different routes. I am back because I signed up for IM Lake Placid and I LOVE the EN way of training! I excel at following plans. Been doing Tris for 10 years. Swimming times never change...but my bike and run get better every year. I had my first stress fracture on May 1,2016, recovered and killed the AZ course...solid bike and run.
Married for 26 fantastic years to the best husband ever - I am spoiled...no kids had animals for while but we aren't home enough to have them now. ....work @ Starbucks Corp as a system analyst for the last 12 years.
@Catherine Branch: another race option to consider is the Maumee Bay triathlon June 18. I plan on racing the Olympic distance this year. HFP Racing puts on some really good events.
WOWZERS ! -THIS is quite a group! I started reading down the list to get acquainted with the newbies and am feeling priviledged to be leading the bike thread and training along side this esteemed group of some of ENs best and most inspirational/ motivational athletes, just what I needed!!! This is my 6th year on EN and probably my 4th oS (I had two seasons of setbacks) Due to a Pre-OS routine I've been on, i will be a week ahead, but adjusting for a couple of ski trips. I will also be jumping out onto the HIM program in early March, but continuing the bike thread leadership, as I have the PR 70.3 with Mike Roberts who is in this group as well.
Looking forward to learning, failing, succeeding and being inspired for the next 14ish weeks by this awesome group!
Good evening all - and welcome to another Out Season! If my math is correct, this is my 34th year of doing triathlons (Note to self: see neurosurgeon and schedule an appointment for a lobotomy ASAP!!). Key race for this year is Ironman Lake Placid - which will be my 35th IM start (with 31 finishes). I am thinking of sprinkling in Quassy (and possibly the Berkshire Camp?) with another possible half or full in the fall > TBD. The past couple of seasons (and for a variety of reasons), I have not been as focused and/or as accountable as I should have been. That said, my love for all things EN has never dwindled. If you are new to the team: WELCOME! You will receive top notch coaching AND tremendous teammates - some who will become friends for life. Let's do this - BAM!!
This group is full of badass, never thought we could reach that level. I guess this group will create so much heat that all the ice & snow will be melt before April!
I am joining the group next week, but did not want to wait to introduce myself. I am joining late as we are in Disney World and just ran the marathon. We were signed up for the Goofy, but the half was cancelled. We will spend the rest of the week in Disney and I will start the OS next Monday. I look forward to training with all of you.
The current plan is to race Eagleman, IMMD, and IMCHOO this year.
Hello! As per typical a sputtering start to the new year but looking forward to this my 4th OS EN member. Looks like I may be MOBing (CONUS) soon so probably will have some interrupted training ..but that should also free me up for some good focused training. (yes I haul my computrainer etc with me LOL) Have a 24hr MTB race at end of FEB that I am woefully under prepared for so the next month may look off VS the OS plan till then. I am a bit frustrated at my #s as I wanted to start the OS with a VDOT >43 (HM based) and a FTP > 230 but...well I'm no worse than 2015s start point for IMAZ and am still hoping to improve well beyond that result by IMSR (AKA Vineman) in July. I also am doing IMAZ in NOV. No plan on going to USAT AG Nats 2017. ....maybe if moved to fresh venue. Still issues with un repaired labral tear(s) which may through a monkey wrench in the worx. New QR PR6 Di2 is a great bike if I can get the fit tweaked and may try Q-rings as my next equipment hack. Definitely will be adding back my strength and yoga work -particularly KBs and dynamic (lateral & rotational movement) work.
May not get to comment much for few weeks but I will be lurking till I can catch up at night etc.
@ Paul -- Thanks for the heads up on this race! This cold and snow up here is for the birds, but having such a wealth of races to choose from is wonderful!
Looking forward to the JOS. Just coming out of the NOV OS with some high motivation. Have a few running races mixed in in Feb, March and April. Excited to see new bumps in fitness!
Joining the fray! Great to see all the veteran teammates and friends, and great to see all the new people. The OS is definitely one of the most exciting times of the year on the team. I'm really looking forward to working with you all!
This will be my 4th OS as part of EN, 5th overall. I've seen improvement every single time. My big project this OS is body comp, i need a lot of work in that department. In that vein, I'll be focusing heavily on the run as that's where the pounds come off easiest for me. I'll be running a trail marathon in May, Quassy half in June and IMMT in August. Looking forward to meeting and racing with a lot of great teammates at those last 2 events.
@Catherine ~ I'm also with Team Fraser. There is a big group of us going out to Vegas for the Rock&Roll Marathon..
Where do you normally train (when the weather is nice)? We typically bike around Grass Lake (Waterloo), or up at Island Lake Rec Area. Most of our swimming will be in Trout Lake at ILRA. Running can be anywhere from Grass Lake, ILRA, Kensington, etc.
Hope to see you out there some time!
In! Balky hamstring and all.
Happy New Year!...excited to get this season going....this will be my 4th OS...though this will be the lowest level of fitness I will be at entering the season...after IMLOU in 2015 I took 2016 off from IM/Triathlon...did some trail running...alot of fun riding in the mountains of NH/NY and some swimming....but nowhere near the level of training I have maintained since my first IM in 2010...so in addition to begin much older(55) this will be interesting....but I feel good and like I hear from everybody.....ready to go!.....oh yeah...goal is IMLP!...hope to meet/see many of you there or along the way!
This year will be a challenge scheduling wise .... I no longer have complete schedule autonomy, as it were ... so I will be juggling the workouts. Hello Micro Thread!!!
This will be my 7th OS. Just like others I have had great, so-so, and total bust OSs in the past. This group is great and I can't wait to get at it with you all.
In for the JOS. Did I stumble on the all-star ninja thread? Wow, excited to train with you all. I haven't swam much since IMMOO but have tried to keep a maintenance run/bike routine these past 3 months.This will be my 3rd year with EN.
So far my 2017 race calendar has IMLOU in Oct. and a 50k in June. I'll probably sprinkle one or two local races in there as well.
Looking forward to training with this group!
The bad news is my weight is at an all time high since starting the sport. I've been heavier, but not while chasing triathlon goals. I am ready to get back on track, but my usual methods of the past have not been working, so I'm looking into some new approaches.
I ran a NYE race for my run test and though I've not done much TH work AT ALL since IMWI, it went ok. Happy with the result considering my weight...Vdot 36.
My year has lots of good stuff in it...JOS, Blue Ridge Bike Camp, Aspen Bike Camp, IMLP Camp weekend and IMLP. Then maybe a local oly and possibly Savageman 70.0 in September. Finishing out the year with Jason and a whole big MI crew at the Las Vegas Rock N Roll Marathon.
Toledo is not too far from me Steve! Is your lady coming with you??? I could make a road trip to cheer!
I've got IMCA scheduled as my 'A' and only event. I'll probably add a running event in at some point after Canada. I'll be asking a lot of stupid questions so bear with me! Looking forward to hanging with you all this season!
What a great team-seasoned all stars and motivated newcomers! Thanks Scott and Francis for taking on the leader mojo! This is my 6th JOS-I too like the OS for the commaraderie in suffering-I will follow the thread on hotel Internet and hopefully have some runs to post.
Since IMAZ all I have done is run. I finally just cleaned the bike which had been parked in the garage since the race. And have only looked at the cap and giggles sitting on my desk. I will try to run in the hotel gyms. Part of our stay will be st the Atsugi naval base so there has to be a decent treadmill there.
I'm not very creative about race schedule-my usual spring and fall lifetime olys and IMAZ. Also the Phoenix half Mary in February-haven't done that in a while.
Here I thought I was late starting on 1/9 and now I am right on time. That makes me happy. I am doing my test today as I am traveling this week for work. I look forward to sharing the pain cave with all of you. This will be my third OS with team EN. But this is the first in 4 years as I am a returning team member.
As a way of introducing myself: Here is a brief synopsis
I was a high school science teacher for 24 years, and in the 19th year of my career, I helped pioneer a method teaching that is called Flipped Learning. My simple life as a teacher has been transformed as I am now am leading the Flipped Learning Movement globally. I travel extensively. I have written 8 books on the subject and am working on the 9th.
Triathlons are a passion of mine, and I believe that all of my best ideas come on long runs and bike rides. I am a strong swimmer, a decent cyclist, and a challenged runner. I am training for IMWI this year. This will be my 4th ironman. My best IM was IMAZ 2 yrs ago where I did 11:15.
I am married to the love of my life (25 yrs and counting) and I have three grown children who are amazing.
@ Catherine and Jason -- I may have to make the drive to Detroit to do the Motor City Tri. Was looking for something in June, and I've never done an Olympic distance race.
It will be worth the drive--it's my favorite tri thus far! The bike is my strength, and this course repeats loops around the island--no U turns or other silliness. Even though I managed to forget to put the speedometer on the bike (or maybe because I forgot ;-) I came in 2nd in my AG on the bike, I'm REALLY curious to see how I'll do when I've got some way to judge how I'm doing! Of course, I also think the fast kids do the Olympic and not the Sprint, but I'll take the confidence boost and stick to the sprint for now. :-)
Married for 26 fantastic years to the best husband ever - I am spoiled...no kids had animals for while but we aren't home enough to have them now. ....work @ Starbucks Corp as a system analyst for the last 12 years.
Super excited to be back in the haus!
@Catherine Branch: another race option to consider is the Maumee Bay triathlon June 18. I plan on racing the Olympic distance this year. HFP Racing puts on some really good events.
http://www.hfpracing.com/events/fit/maumeebay/This is my 6th year on EN and probably my 4th oS (I had two seasons of setbacks)
Due to a Pre-OS routine I've been on, i will be a week ahead, but adjusting for a couple of ski trips. I will also be jumping out onto the HIM program in early March, but continuing the bike thread leadership, as I have the PR 70.3 with Mike Roberts who is in this group as well.
Looking forward to learning, failing, succeeding and being inspired for the next 14ish weeks by this awesome group!
The current plan is to race Eagleman, IMMD, and IMCHOO this year.
As per typical a sputtering start to the new year but looking forward to this my 4th OS EN member. Looks like I may be MOBing (CONUS) soon so probably will have some interrupted training ..but that should also free me up for some good focused training. (yes I haul my computrainer etc with me LOL)
Have a 24hr MTB race at end of FEB that I am woefully under prepared for so the next month may look off VS the OS plan till then.
I am a bit frustrated at my #s as I wanted to start the OS with a VDOT >43 (HM based) and a FTP > 230 but...well I'm no worse than 2015s start point for IMAZ and am still hoping to improve well beyond that result by IMSR (AKA Vineman) in July. I also am doing IMAZ in NOV. No plan on going to USAT AG Nats 2017. ....maybe if moved to fresh venue.
Still issues with un repaired labral tear(s) which may through a monkey wrench in the worx.
New QR PR6 Di2 is a great bike if I can get the fit tweaked and may try Q-rings as my next equipment hack.
Definitely will be adding back my strength and yoga work -particularly KBs and dynamic (lateral & rotational movement) work.
May not get to comment much for few weeks but I will be lurking till I can catch up at night etc.
BTW: https://www.strava.com/athletes/417630#graph_date_range?chart_type=miles&interval_type=week&interval=201701&year_offset=0
Good Luck and Good Season to all!
@ Paul -- Thanks for the heads up on this race! This cold and snow up here is for the birds, but having such a wealth of races to choose from is wonderful!
This will be my 4th OS as part of EN, 5th overall. I've seen improvement every single time. My big project this OS is body comp, i need a lot of work in that department. In that vein, I'll be focusing heavily on the run as that's where the pounds come off easiest for me. I'll be running a trail marathon in May, Quassy half in June and IMMT in August. Looking forward to meeting and racing with a lot of great teammates at those last 2 events.
I'm jumping into the OS again after some (too much) time off following Louisville in October. I look forward to the work.
We stand alone together!