Laura Searle Macro Thread
Hi Laura,
This is your very own “Macro Thread” where you and I can discuss any questions you may have about the Triathlon Season Roadmap (TSR) that I created for you here. This is also a space where we can discuss any big picture, season planning, race schedule and other related issues you may have going forward.
Welcome aboard!
Hi Laura,
If you're going to race an Ironman, and one of our key races, like IMMT or IMChat work for you, then that's a great option. We will have a LOT of athletes racing and put on a great race weekend for you for you and your family. That said, you don't "need" to do an HIM before a full, though it's generally a good idea.
All good questions to ask Patrick on your call with him. Welcome aboard!
Hi Rich- Thanks for calling and checking in. I'm sorry I missed you. I am a teacher and department head and just had a teacher resign over winter break- Ahh! Anyway, I LOVE the site so far. I spoke with Patrick on the phone, and he suggested I go with a half IM this year to get some foundation and endurance. I agree with him, especially since I have had lower back issues in the past when I increase my running. Interestingly, biking actually makes the pain go away! So I was wondering if I should change my plan for next week, or keep the OS run one.
I was telling Patrick that I swam in high school and college and am used to coaches- I think I'm pretty coachable- so feel free to speak your mind with me
My biking and running are weak, so I'm looking forward to working on those. I was a sprinter, so I have to make sure I pace correctly, etc. I like the focus on your site of some speed and then volume- that's what works best for me. I also noticed you don't emphasize swimming during OS, but sometimes I like to just stretch out my back and take an easy swim- is that OK?
Thanks again and I look forward to your advice.
One quick question- I can't remember exactly what Patrick said, but I only have a HR monitor right now. Should I invent in something to calculate Power, or should I go with HR until I have a little more experience. The problem I have with HR is that it goes up like crazy even when I jog, but is really low when I'm exhausted on the bike....I also seem to be higher % wise than the 220-age predicts.
I swam at Emory University, '86-90, did the 200, 500, 1000, 1650 freestyle and the odd 400IM now and then. Total endurance, high pain tolerance guy
You're fine with HR. Investing power is a big $$$ and mental investment item that can wait at this point until you're ready for it, but certainly fine for now to investigate and learn more. We have a LOT of power knowledge on the site and within the team.
I love Emory- great school. I have a lot of students that go there. I went to Michigan State and then Oakland University (Rochester MI) for grad school but had a year left of eligibility. I was exact opposite of you- 50 free with occasional 100/200 free and fly. I tend to go have a hard time reigning it in and resting when I should- I'm hoping this program will help! Once I do the bike and run test, will you be able to help me with appropriate heart rate zones?
I don't see a need to adjust your race schedule. Just run as frequently as you're able to on that trip and then just drop back into the plan when you get back. You'll likely lose some bike fitness during that trip's an awesome opportunity and 5-6wks when you get back is enough time.
P.S. I've been taking my mountain bike out a few times instead of my road- I like the hills and intensity, etc. There are more mountain bike trails around here than road. Can I continue to do that once a week or so?
- Run as frequently as you can / want to, considering this is vacation first, training second. Would be a great way to sight-see!
- Don't worry about getting in a ride on a fitness center bike. Would rather you run.
- Likewise, not sure I'd bother to rent a bike and try to train on roads I don't know in a foreign country vs using the bike as a way to see more of the cities. That is, fine to use a bike as fun transportation but don't worry about getting in any fitness-type work.
Short answer is to just run frequently and have fun!