Kerry Miller
Hi Rich,
I started my training officially yesterday so I am following week 1 for this week. Is it ok that I have to move some of the rest days? I officiate HS basketball and may have to move my workouts. Let me know. Also I will test out the end of this week and then do I send it to you? This is very confusing to me. Im also having trouble with my bike computer...its not registering on my back tire. I have to reach out to sigma for help but in the meantime Im riding based on time until I can get it to work. The HR zones, I have the garmin 920xt and yesterdays ride which were sprints, I rode my bootie literally off the bike and yet my HR zone was only zone 3 and I was aiming for zone 5...ugh
I am having difficulty seeing my workout. After this week I start the run durability but when I hit show week 2, 3, 4 it is the same work out for 4 weeks is that correct?
Hi Kerry,
Please see this screencast I created for you to explain what you're seeing and to walk you through the steps you need to follow next week. Thanks!
I did my run test and got my zones based on Avg HR, distance and time. What do I do with the run pace zones? I did negative split each mile which I thought was important, but I guess not for this. Thanks for the video on negotiating my next training. I hope I can do it.
I just reviewed the screen-cast again and you have me loading the OS training Monday, however this was my first week and I had the run durability plan to start Monday thru 1/22. Do I do both the run durability until 1/22 while dong the OS durability thru 4/16. Confused! Let me know
Great! In the navigation above, go to Training/My Zones and use that calculate your pace training zones.
I had you load up the RD plan so that you're in one week of that plan right now. Then, on January 9th you're going to follow my instructions in the Triathlon Season Roadmap, which are to load up the OutSeason training plan, setting it to end on 4/16. This will overwrite the RD plan, replacing it with the OutSeason training plan. THAT is the plan (the OutSeason) that you'll then be following
Yes, that's exactly correct
Since you did these tests already, no need for you to do them again. Just look for them to appear in your plan again at wk 8 of the OS plan.
I have had concerns over my testing, and yes it does suck. My run was out doors 6 am and 14 degrees on a flat pavement with the notion not to come out too hard bc I cant sustain 7:40 for a 5k so I was pushing to negative split each mile which I did 9:22, 9:07, 8:48...My HR never getting higher that 153 (resting 48) same on the bike but I rode for 30 minutes not 20 and my max was 147. I felt awful after the bike but not awful enough to vomit. The run too but I did have reserves but ran hard for me. I then thought Id wear the HR monitor to crossfit...20 min AMRAP all cardio 7 cals on assault bike, 15 GHD situps, 15 KB swings 35#, 10 pushups, 10 14# walls balls...cycling non stop steady but hard for 20 min and my HR never went above 156...So perhaps my test was accurate. Just talking with friends who have trained with HR thought my seemed low but perhaps not. What are your thoughts
- I don't see anything unusual about the bike and run test HR differences. That's very common.
- No correlation you can make between your HR on these tests and your HR in your CF class. HR is sport specific
- Likewise, nothing you can learn about comparing your HR to other peoples' HRs. Your HR is your HR and the only value is in (1) seeing how that HR changes over time and (2), most importantly, identifying your pace on the run and speed on the bike increases at those HRs