Joe Ryan Official Coach Thread
I'm not even sure I'm in the "micro thread"...but, I think so..
When the run workout in the offseason says 60 min TRP, but then clarifies to not go over 13 miles....I figure I'm either even slower than I thought, or I don't understand! lol Just trying to figure out if there are actually people that run 5 minute miles in TRP...or, are the coaches expectations we go longer than 60 minutes. This time of the season, I'm probably only able to go 9:30 pace w/o skipping into, that means I'll only get about 6 miles in. Thoughts? Please advise!!! Signed: Newbee

When the run workout in the offseason says 60 min TRP, but then clarifies to not go over 13 miles....I figure I'm either even slower than I thought, or I don't understand! lol Just trying to figure out if there are actually people that run 5 minute miles in TRP...or, are the coaches expectations we go longer than 60 minutes. This time of the season, I'm probably only able to go 9:30 pace w/o skipping into, that means I'll only get about 6 miles in. Thoughts? Please advise!!! Signed: Newbee
~ Coach P
Just run for the time allotted..we want steady time, no flash here, so you are on the right track!!
~ Bad Coach
Bought the powertap/wheel from Benny today. Bought zipp 404 wheel and the cover. should be here in 2 weeks. Should I redo the bike test when it comes in and move from HR to power on my bike training? Also ordered a tracX flux smart indoor I should be all set up for power readings!
Had a couple questions during our phonecall last week. I think you said you were going to back with me on after reviewing my TrainingPeaks history. Have you had a chance to do that? Plus, you were going to look into why I wasn't given "permissions" to access a couple of the accountability worksheets.
Re the access, you should have it as they are open to the world. To be 100% sure, I sent your an email authorization...let me know if that needs to be a different address!
Looking at TrainingPeaks for your TRP it seems to be 10:15 with an Avg Heart Rate of 144 bpms. But your test data from 1/19 suggests you should be closer to I say ok...but then I look at your Zone 4 Threshold work from Sunday and you are running those at 9:03 and 9:11 respectively. So not close.
Makes me think your test was on a treadmill but your real running is outside...thoughts?
As for reverse engineering your zones, I'd say that if your Zone 4 truly is 9:07 (for example) then your TRP should be 10:31...and you are running that seems about right. So I would set your "5k test time" to be 26:23 and we go from there.
I say ^this^ as I don't want you to over-reach early on...plenty of season left!
What's next?
~ Bad Coach
In short, I guess what I'm trying to figure out is 2 things: 1) I would like to have a goal time for my run leg (for my big races). What should it be based on past year's data? Is it to early to realistically set that? 2) When doing my outseason training, how closely do I need to stay at TRP (as defined by HR)? For example, if I'm on a road run and I have to stay below 144 and I have a hill, should I walk a portion of it at this point if it takes that to keep my HR in TRP? Or, on a warmer day, do I really slow my pace down by 15-60 seconds because my HR is up from heat? Lastly, is a TRP based on the TYPE of race? So, if my big races was an OLY, would my TRP be higher on the HR ZONE chart or lower if I was doing a full?
Sorry for so many questions.....Newbee
When we look at fitness for zones, we look at current fitness, not what you ran last year at peak. If I did that, you'd implode. The idea is that your functional test gives you zones now to train at...and training at those zones will help you build up to (and eventually surpass) those old performances.
I was looking at your runs from the past few weeks in your neighborhood, including some of the 2 x 1 mile work, etc.
Q1 Re Target Run Pace: We set that initially off of your vDOT (IM is TRP, HIM is Zone 2, etc) your long runs build up this year, we re calibrate. But we don't sit down in January and say "Your race pace in August will be 7:15s!"....we let your body dictacte the pace as it's fitness changes across the year. This is why we have a Heads Tails competition in the Winter to raise your 5k vDOT score, as that is what matters right now.
Q2 Re TRP and Heart Rate: This early in the year, your TRP should rule the roost. The interval running is where we go fast, and we are building run durability, not speed. You can let it go a few beats (if it's 145, then a 5% delta is okay (up to 150, down to 140). Ideally you are running by PACE (it's called total running pace!) and you run that pace. Pace doesn't care about heat, your lunch or your weak quads screaming for help.
The TRP is always the an OLY you race in Zone 4, not at TRP...but the difference is while FULL and HALF athletes are training at race pace now (size of the event demands that), the short course folks don't get race specific until the final 12 weeks in their Short Course plan!
Keep the questions coming!!!
~ Coach P
Heading to Breckenridge to ski this Thursday - Monday....Not sure my condo has a fitness room to hit a bike (hoping).
If not, I'll still try to get a few short runs in...but, I'm a pretty aggressive skiier...and I'll definitely get in some great quad/cardio, regardless. Hopefully, come home "unbroken". :-0
~ Coach P
1. Did my run test yesterday. unfortunately had to use the treadmill, the first test was on open road (but the weather was obnoxious - cold and 25 mph winds). Bike test is Thursday. I switched them because of the weather situation.
So, was encouraged by my run test. 1st test I was 8:05ish pace and this one was at 7:13. Had a much higher Max heart rate (was 174 now is 182bpm), but average HR was the same (168bpm). So after I put that in your test input section, I noticed my zone ranges didn't change. Does that make sense? I thought it might change because my Max changed...but, the input after the test only asks for the Average HR and time.
2. My bike test is tomorrow. If you recall, I got a power tap meter from a few weeks ago and have been watching power compared to HR, but still training off of HR. After this test, I will input both the HR and Power scores...but, I'm assuming moving forward you will have me train more off of Power zones???
3. Lastly, I am realizing I have a crap load of travel between now and my 2 Ironman races...Not, sure why the late revelation - but, it's really hitting me in the head now. Races are Muncie July 8 and Ohio July 30. Here's my travel...ugh:
3/30-4/3 - Pheonix (probably have stationary bike and can run - no swimming)
4/9 - 4/13 - New Orleans (Won't have squat...other than can hit to road running)
4/28 - 5/6 - Punta Cana (will have stationary bikes and can run...maybe ocean swim???)
...and then the big one that sucks for training... 5/30 - 6/11 - England/Ireland (probably will only be able to run...and even then will be around family activities - not a lot of flexibility).
So, my question is how to approach this? Does my plan change (especially with England/Ireland). Do I bike more when I'm in town knowing I can't be in the saddle other times?? How bad will this hurt me??? Will 6/11-7/8 be enough time to rebound? :-(
1. the fact that your heart rate remain the same between the two tests is not really the point because one was inside and the other was out. In other words, your heart rate is always lower when running on the treadmill. So I would recommend you train by piece zones rather than heart rate at this point if that's possible. You're clearly fitter but the difference between the two tests is not captured by the HR data.
2. just, it's time to start using this power zones. Test them up and enter them into the calculator and let's go from there. There still might be some fudging with the numbers but you're absolutely ready for it!
3. Travel is what it is...sounds like a great year to me!!! Here's how I would handle it...see my "edits" for you in columns F and G, esp on Shortening OS by losing Wk 13 so you can test pre travel...we can do more details as we go...
The only thing I didn't understand was when you said to "run by piece zones" instead of HR?? Not sure what that means. :-0
Here's your updated Season Plan, as promised. This is where you'll return to post all your "coach" questions as responses; I'll see them and reply. This first post is my best outline of how to proceed with your races, but you can ask any / all questions you want. So post away, know that I reply here usually M/W/F each week.
Power User Tip: Click the Star icon by the Title of this thread to subscribe, and you'll get email updates when I do reply.
Your Notes
exercising about 6-7 hours a week. Mixing it up between swim, bike, run. Some interval work, but mostly Z2 work.I'm the dude that had a heart attack 2 weeks before IM Muncie. :0( I have been cleared for several months for full training. Had 5:45 as my target for Muncie last year. Appeared to be on or ahead of that track. My stretch goal was 5:20. This year I want to set Muncie as my target race and then jump to speed work for Chicago Olympic distance in late August.
Your Races
Season Update
These are your recommended training plans, including the date you should start each one (sometimes you won’t complete a full plan but transition to another one). You can change your plans on the Training Plan page by clicking the Move / Change button. Learn more about each plan on the Training Plan Central Page.
Coach Notes
Great to chat with you today! I have synced your plan with Robert Patrick's and included the trip to Chicago as you are good to go!
Regarding your Body Composition plan...I agree on keeping it simple. You know the keys to success, just remember to fuel the workouts so they are epic, the rest will follow. Mental note...sub 180 lbs target!
I can't find your power test data from last year, but don't worry about it. Your first OS test isn't until Week just get in, ride as hard as you can (without cracking!) and we'll use those workouts as a guide for what we think is possible in the Week 5 test. If you don't already, set up a Strava account and I can stalk you!
Let's get to work!
~ Coach P