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Jonathan Mugel's Micro Thread...

JM, great to talk yesterday. I can see you haven't loaded your plan yet...so get clear, your Triathlon Season RoadMap™ is live online here under My Season.  There you'll see all the plans according to Coach Rich's guidance...in your case, the OutSeason®  plan through 4/16.

Here's how you load a plan:  


 In terms of your year, you have Hell of Hunterdon first, followed by a later season half. I recommend you modify the OS weeks as follows: 

Mon - Day Off / Exercises for Back
Tue - Bike Main Set only, Run/Snowshoe of 30'.
Wed - Cross Country Ski of about 90 minutes. 
Thu - Bike Main Set only, Run/Snowshoe of 30'.
Fri - Day Off / Exercises for Back
Sat - Bike Trainer Day...full session. 
Sun - Cross Country Ski of about 90 minutes.

This gets you recovery time, it gets you doing the bike basics (except a full Saturday, recommended) and gives you room to both build up your running and enjoy the outdoors. 

Let me know what you think!

~ Coach P
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