Stryd Running Stress Score
Stryd has introduced a new metric, the Running Stress Score. The formula is similar to TSS but with a bigger coefficient, so you will accumulate more RSS/hour than TSS/hour for runs above threshold, and fewer below threshold. Supposedly this better tracks the stress of increasing running intensity. The blog post with details on RSS is here:
The formula is RSS = 100 x training duration x (Power/CP)^K
What is not mentioned in the post is the value they are using for K. I tried to reverse-engineer it from the charts there, but I'm not getting a consistent number.
The formula is RSS = 100 x training duration x (Power/CP)^K
What is not mentioned in the post is the value they are using for K. I tried to reverse-engineer it from the charts there, but I'm not getting a consistent number.
Stryd critical pace 6:12, CP 323
If you don't have a separate running threshold power set, TP will use your bike FTP, which can give you TSS numbers that are too high. You can set the run power in Settings --> Zones --> Power --> Run Power.
A lower bike power would give me a higher TSS score. I'll take a look at the run formula in Stryd too to see if I can make more sense of it. I should get off the treadmill too to get a better comparison.