Got in my 2nd bike of the week today as I had some work travel to adjust around. I have not even downloaded the data but got in 2X8x30/30 @~1.2 IF and topped it up with 2X6' @ ~.87. Total 65' a good quality workout.
@Paul Curtin - you get a gold star for going totally into beast mode! did you save that Wko somewhere that we can download it on Trainer road?? also, were the gorillas tag teaming just trying to keep up?
Thank you @Scott! That was from a custom CompuTrainer course; I repeated sets on a 3.6-mile rolling course. I need to start using Trainer Road; that would be a good workout to share
As for the gorillas: they can't keep up on shorter sets and get dropped after the first interval. But those winged monkeys (a la Wizard of Oz) ... apparently my pain cave is invested with them. Can't lose power even on the 19th interval or they'll sweep me away to somewhere. The only choice is to push harder
And the nightmares those flying simians create. To be safe I sleep with one eye open the entire OutSeason.
@Al Truscott - STOP the videos... really annoying me that I didn't come this year
knocked out the 4x13s with a viewing of the documentary "flatline to finish line" Need to plug this, if you have amazon prime, please watch AND review this... Great charity and one of the stars is ENs own Ellen Charnley... If you pay attention, I actually got 15' of a full facial shot that is somewhat ominous in that 2 years after that shot was filmed, this charity was incredibly helpful to me with my own navigation of a harrowing Mis-diagnosis.
I slept through alarm thurs and worked til 10 pm so no thurs wko for me. I toyed with make up Friday afternoon but decided that would affect today. So, did 70' on trainer today-my modified 80/20 so 1x12'@ 1.0 and remainder at target HR. I added to the run as well-70'
Did my thursday workout on friday (i've shifted my schedule a day), and nailed the numbers on all of the intervals. I was actually thinking how shocked I was, since I wasn't wrecked at the end of them. I was actually thinking how yesterdays workout felt easy. I forgot all of that, its 24 hours after the workout, and my legs are trashed - worse than they've been this entire OS. This is what the gorilla does to the body.....
@Betsy - that's a good strategy. I'm still learning how not to try and make up for missed workouts. @Steve B - excellent workout! That's probably cumulative fatigue you're feeling. Let me know if you figure how to make it go away :-) @Jon B - thank you sir!
Did today's bike workout as planned, although started at noon instead of 8 am due to carryover fatigue. The gorilla shows up for me on these longer sets: first 12-minute set was fine; second one was harder; third one was a challenge; fourth was plagued with silverbacks. Very sluggish on the run afterwards - although the power-nap in between workouts helped
Thursday bike went pretty well. I was feeling strong. I chose to modify it just a little bit and did 30 x 30/30 to ensure that it was reasonably challenging and I was getting the work. I won't dictate all the powers, but they were 300-315, generally on an upward trend, off an FTP of 246. Felt good. The brick run was fine. Nothing special.
Friday, I woke up with a bit of scratchy throat and felt tired. Did my run Friday evening but felt really tired. Not so much fatigued from a workout, but just that edge of a cold or something. On Saturday, I called an audible and took the day off, feeling tired again.
Sunday (today), I felt better and did the bike from Saturday. Did anyone else notice that 4 x 12 is starting to get to be a long time at FTP???? I did them at about 98%, i.e., 242 ± 1 W. I had to take a little longer breaks between the sets than proscribed. Dropped the brick run and am planning on doing a longer run later this afternoon. Overall, I think taking the day off was a good idea, even though I'm going to net the loss of a run and probably have to drop some of the intensity from the Sunday long run.
Finished up the week on a positing note...wanted to ride outside today but too much wind chill...did all my work in a short sharp hour long session to Sufferfest The Way Out..
Great work going on in here.. Curious if others that have been around see the extreme ramp up in FTP time per week vs the past. Maybe I'm imagining it...? any thoughts. Steve Boer's comments rang loudly..
Wan't feeling the brick this morning, so a slept in for an extra hour and just hit the run. The extra hour of sleep is always good!!! Will be on the prowl this week go hit the bike hard!!!!!
Scott good catch on the the changes; the Z4 time is higher than last year through the first 4 weeks. Looked at my TrainingPeaks log from last year's OutSeason:
Typical Tuesday workout: MS: 2 x 12' (4') @ 95-100%/Zone4/Hard. Remainder of any time you have available (if any, not required) @ 80-85%/Zone3/Mod-Hard.
Typical Saturday workout: WU: 10-15' @ 70-75%/Zone2/Steady MS1: 15-20' at "Best Effort", then 5' Easy. See notes for details. MS2: OPTIONAL: another "Best Effort" set, if you feel up for it. MS3: Remainder @ 80-85%/Zone3/Mod-Hard.
In contrast, week 4 of this year was: 3 x 11' on Tuesday; 4 x 12' on Saturday. Total time in zone 4 is clearly higher. Thursday's workout is vastly different from last year, with several 30/30 sets instead of 5x4' Z5 @110%.
Did saturdays ride today, didnt think it was going to happen due to a sore hammy, but once i got on the bike, the muscles felt fine. Even more doubt crept into my head, when half way into my warmup my HR was already 5bpm higher than normal. I managed to hang in and get the whole workout done, and really grew to hate the way the workout was done in TR. This is my first year with a smart trainer, and the way the workouts are done in TR, I ended up with 2x4.5' at 100% to close out the workout. No sandbagging allowed due to smart trainer, but I realize I'd racked up quite a bit of FTP time for sure. 2x14 + 2x4.5. I have to say, i think I'm actually looking forward to re-testing, but that doesnt happen until week 8. At the start of the OS, my 20' was at 199, and its going to be a real challenge to figure out what number i'm going to target in week 8. Fortunately, i've got another 3 weeks of build to pick a target.
I'm still looking at my 2013-2014 numbers (wk1/wk8/wk14 - 165/197/217). I feel like my initial test back then was low, hence the 20% bump in the first 8 weeks. I'm thinking about targeting 8-10% bump in my week 8 test.
@scott Yes there is more FTP time and it seems more of a ramp up. In part I believe due to the loess running intensity. Not sure how I would handle the advanced plan I'm sure it's much worse
My 3rd bike was a mental challenge to get started. In the end a strong workout 2X14 both at 1.03 with 2X10 @.87 and .88. Total time 80' 103 TSS @.88.
@FrancisPicard - Animal! HUGE work on the FTP front! @Scott Dinhofer - Leading from the front as well knocking down big FTP interval sets! BOOM! @Paul Curtin 4X12' is only for real men! BAM! @Steve boer - looking strong! @Gordon Cherwoniak - 103 TSS says WORK got done!!
Today's One Minute Interval...on Scott's Run. This is not actually a run, just an abandoned lifeline from the old days. Dinhofer liked it so much, I've named it...Scott's Run
also, were the gorillas tag teaming just trying to keep up?
As for the gorillas: they can't keep up on shorter sets and get dropped after the first interval. But those winged monkeys (a la Wizard of Oz) ... apparently my pain cave is invested with them. Can't lose power even on the 19th interval or they'll sweep me away to somewhere. The only choice is to push harder
And the nightmares those flying simians create. To be safe I sleep with one eye open the entire OutSeason.
knocked out the 4x13s with a viewing of the documentary "flatline to finish line" Need to plug this, if you have amazon prime, please watch AND review this... Great charity and one of the stars is ENs own Ellen Charnley... If you pay attention, I actually got 15' of a full facial shot that is somewhat ominous in that 2 years after that shot was filmed, this charity was incredibly helpful to me with my own navigation of a harrowing Mis-diagnosis.
So, did 70' on trainer today-my modified 80/20 so 1x12'@ 1.0 and remainder at target HR. I added to the run as well-70'
@Steve B - excellent workout! That's probably cumulative fatigue you're feeling. Let me know if you figure how to make it go away :-)
@Jon B - thank you sir!
Did today's bike workout as planned, although started at noon instead of 8 am due to carryover fatigue. The gorilla shows up for me on these longer sets: first 12-minute set was fine; second one was harder; third one was a challenge; fourth was plagued with silverbacks. Very sluggish on the run afterwards - although the power-nap in between workouts helped
Thursday bike went pretty well. I was feeling strong. I chose to modify it just a little bit and did 30 x 30/30 to ensure that it was reasonably challenging and I was getting the work. I won't dictate all the powers, but they were 300-315, generally on an upward trend, off an FTP of 246. Felt good. The brick run was fine. Nothing special.
Friday, I woke up with a bit of scratchy throat and felt tired. Did my run Friday evening but felt really tired. Not so much fatigued from a workout, but just that edge of a cold or something. On Saturday, I called an audible and took the day off, feeling tired again.
Sunday (today), I felt better and did the bike from Saturday. Did anyone else notice that 4 x 12 is starting to get to be a long time at FTP???? I did them at about 98%, i.e., 242 ± 1 W. I had to take a little longer breaks between the sets than proscribed. Dropped the brick run and am planning on doing a longer run later this afternoon. Overall, I think taking the day off was a good idea, even though I'm going to net the loss of a run and probably have to drop some of the intensity from the Sunday long run.
Followed up with a short sharp 2.5mile to prepare for The Pats beatdown of the Falcons.
Typical Tuesday workout: MS: 2 x 12' (4') @ 95-100%/Zone4/Hard. Remainder of any time you have available (if any, not required) @ 80-85%/Zone3/Mod-Hard.
Typical Saturday workout: WU: 10-15' @ 70-75%/Zone2/Steady MS1: 15-20' at "Best Effort", then 5' Easy. See notes for details. MS2: OPTIONAL: another "Best Effort" set, if you feel up for it. MS3: Remainder @ 80-85%/Zone3/Mod-Hard.
In contrast, week 4 of this year was: 3 x 11' on Tuesday; 4 x 12' on Saturday. Total time in zone 4 is clearly higher. Thursday's workout is vastly different from last year, with several 30/30 sets instead of 5x4' Z5 @110%.
I'm still looking at my 2013-2014 numbers (wk1/wk8/wk14 - 165/197/217). I feel like my initial test back then was low, hence the 20% bump in the first 8 weeks. I'm thinking about targeting 8-10% bump in my week 8 test.
@scott Yes there is more FTP time and it seems more of a ramp up. In part I believe due to the loess running intensity. Not sure how I would handle the advanced plan I'm sure it's much worse
My 3rd bike was a mental challenge to get started. In the end a strong workout 2X14 both at 1.03 with 2X10 @.87 and .88. Total time 80' 103 TSS @.88.
@Scott Dinhofer - Leading from the front as well knocking down big FTP interval sets! BOOM!
@Paul Curtin 4X12' is only for real men! BAM!
@Steve boer - looking strong!
@Gordon Cherwoniak - 103 TSS says WORK got done!!
Some Saturday FTP interval work for me: