Larry Steinberg Micro Thread
Hello - I'm getting started w/the OS plan in February w/run durability. I've been cycling consistently but not running much. I've gotten out for a 20-30 min run about once a week for the last two months. How do you suggest I ramp up my running for a HIM in June - I'd like to avoid injury? Thanks in advance.
Goal 1: Get you to running 4x a week.
Preparing for a Half means we'd like you to be averaging 24-26 miles per week for about 6 weeks.
Goal 2: Avg 24-26 miles (min) for 6 weeks pre race.
Minus a taper week, that means starting by 5/8 and ending by 6/18. So we have from now 2/6 until 5/7...or 13 weeks.
Here's what I suggest for you:
Then we can work on integrating you into final block of your HIM plan!
What do you think?
~ Coach P
~ Coach P
I've done some searching around but haven't found specific recovery guidance. It doesn't look like recovery weeks are built into the plans so that's on me to schedule. During OS I was traveling a lot so recovery was sort of built in but (fortunately) I've been off the travel road since I started my HIM plan. I'm starting to get drained and have another week w/o travel - so I'm trying to get all the workouts in. I'm dragging now (and 49) - curious of the approach? Stick to the high pri workouts and cut out the lows and some of the mediums?
Also - I'm curious on what comes next wrt to running. I'm executing the run plan well and am ~95% healthy. I have altered slightly such that my 'long' run of the week will be 5-10 min longer than the others. Overall I'm running 10 mpm based on keeping my HR low. So how do I integrate this progress into my HIM plan starting after 5/1?
re my paces for race day - simple question, complex answer. I've been out of triathlons for about 8 years (long IM burnout...) except for a few xterra's and sprints I didn't take too seriously. Been mostly mountain biking and very little running. So this HIM race is really about what I can do now - I want to do more than just survive but have been away from running for some time. I believe what needs to happen - now that I feel fairly good, I'll do a run test to assess where I am. Then expect to build some speed but prioritize run health first. Let me know if I'm at least directionally correct. My primary goal for the race is to execute well. Having time goals for the swim and bike will be easy to identify. Traditionally I'm fantastic at melting down during the run of longer tri's (hence my goal of executing well)... I don't have enough 'input' now to come up with a running pace goal.
Did you tag the wrong Larry here? Regardless, I appreciate learning from your discussion with @Larry Steinberg. Good luck @Larry Steinberg!
@Larry Steinberg - Yes, you roll your own. I recommend picking "a rest day" in your week and we can build around it as needed. That's what I am here for.
Yes to the run test, but if you have a good internal pace-o-meter, we can use that too. We build the run with Durability / Consistency first, speed second; I think it will be a very easy transition for you as it's not about really pushing harder here but being consistent.
We don't need goals at the outset re pace, but we can get you started on the nutrition (that's what helps off set your breakdown on race day). Tell me what you normally eat / drink on the bike and run. Bonus if you have amounts (aka 24 oz of Gatorade Endurance per hour).
As for the HIM plan, we can keep you rolling when we get there. The Half plan has a slightly different run can learn more about it here:
Please keep those questions coming!!!
~ Coach P
I'll do my run test next week (which per your guidance is 4x40' runs - that durability plan is working well- knock wood).
Re eat/drink on bike/run - I don't have a precise answer for you. I've not been great at this in the past and I've only done 1 long tri in the last 8 years (xterra Maui last Oct). For that I drank about 1 bottle with 1/2 diluted inifinit (3hr+) formula and a half clif bar an hour. So around 250 cals per hour. On the run I ate one clif blok a mile until I couldn't stomach anything else. My stomach is a challenge generally on the run. I'll be practicing my fueling strategy during the race rehearsals. Also will do the sweat test today on the volume ride. I race at 195# so the fueling might be light but I am always concerned about my stomach. Do you suggest I take in >250cal per hour? I can practice that.
As for managing the run buildup, we still need to be careful.I see that you're averaging about Eleven to twelve miles a week. I'd like to get that up closer to 20 miles, Which is essentially 1 1/2 times race distance. So keeping with the same process around your runs (Minimal intensity please), you would aim for these weekly targets:
- 5/01 - 15 miles
- 5/08 - 18 miles
- 5/15 - 12 miles
- 5/22 - 18 miles
- 5/29 - 20 miles
The only caveat is we don't want any single run to be longer than 6 miles...can you do that?Once we get through May, then you can do a few "longer" runs in Early June to get set!
~ Coach P
Just increase the TIME, not the distance. By increasing the time, the distance will come on it's own. We aren't in a rush, per se, rather we want it to increase it at a rate you can handle vs chasing an "specific" run distance.
Sorry be so vague, but I want you to focus on the process (inputs) not the results (outcomes).
~ Coach P
Checking in here. Over the last 6 weeks I've incrementally increased my weekly run duration (h:mm): 2:00, 2:20, 2:40, 2:40, 3:00, 3:20. No run over 60 minutes. Life is interrupting my bike and swim but I've kept on the run increase. Knee issue is good. I'm now 5 weeks out from CdA 70.3. I'll keep increasing the weekly duration - understand the target is 24-26 miles/week for 70.3.
My question is about the long run - I'm getting anxious not having a run over 60 minutes. What do you think about:
- 5 weeks to go: long run of 70 min
- 4 to go: 85 min
- 3 to go: 100 min
- 2 and 1 - shorter
Open to other wisdom as well. Thanks in advance.Only caveat to that ^above^ is the nutritional plan. Long runs help you refine that, so that could be a problem.
I would prefer you stack your runs like AM/PM to get your longer ones in...IOW, I'll take a 60 AM, 40PM that a possibility?
If not, let me know and we can craft a plan B!
~ Coach P
I can stack my runs (won't really look forward to it, but it's temporary
That means you can do some intensity mid-season and have some fun (if you want) before you choose either black diamond or Augusta. Remember the big delta to the end of season races is just how hot they can be (vs the early ones) so use your training time now to improve your hydration.
Regardless, we want to get you on the train of running consistently...this will help boost your run durability and set the tone for your 2018 season. Let me know if you have any questions!
I'm following the Short Course Advanced plan. The Vo2 intervals are 3 min. FWIW - this week I did 4x2/2 to test out how I could handle the work. Feel pretty good the day after. There are also a couple of 'negative' bricks each week. Looking for some guidance on how to tweak the runs. As for the bike, I'm happy to be back on my mountain bike for a few weeks!
I did sign up for Oceanside in April - my first race at 50...hope to set another PR (CdA was a PR).
Start off with doing that once in the first week the rest of your runs can be steady at TRP pace. The next week you can bump up to two of those sessions but that's the max.
As for the negative split bricks we are just looking for you to be able to manage pace changes off the bike. Nothing too flashy here, just follow the work out.