IMPR70.3 Wk 2/5-2/11 Winning
Last night I was supposed to put this thread together and as you can see I'm a day late. Now in my defense, yesterday was an unusually hectic Sunday for me with fitting in the 2.5hr workout I had planned, rushing home to get the kid's needs met and finally preparing for what ended up being the best Superbowl I have ever watched. Full disclosure, I am a huge Patriots fan. Grew up in New England and lived through many really bad seasons so the past 10ish years have been awesome. Why am I telling you this? Well, I got to thinking about what I wanted to put out there this week during my swim this morning and its about winning. Being a winner. Its indisputable that these two men are winners. They put the time, the effort and the work into being the best. No matter what the struggle is, the mountains they have to climb, the nonsense they've dealt with they remain focused on the mission…to win. With six weeks until we meet up in PR to race for a team win of our own what time, what effort, what focus have you put forth (or will put forth) to show up ready to give your best on March 19th?
Last week was a mix of the good, the ok and the ugly for me. Swim volume is increasing and I was able to get in about 7000m total in 3 days. I have been consistently following up each swim workout with 20' in the sauna (heat acclimation) to do my core work. Bike workouts were better than expected this week. Rode a total of 5 hours on the trainer, 1 being a VO2 workout that had me doing 7x2'(2')…not going to lie that was painful especially coming off of the OS where the VO2 intervals were 30 on 30 off. Two minutes felt like 20 minutes! Getting stronger and that is the goal. Saturday and Sunday I did the typical EN back to back bike rides. Plan said to do 4 hours on Saturday. Umm, no not happening. I basically took all of the Z4 &Z3 intervals and did them and cut out the Z2 stuff at the end. Sunday, I modified because I had an awful Thursday long run. I biked for 90' (2x 20'@Z3 and 1x15'@Z3) as an ABP ride then jumped on the treadmill for a 60' progressive paced run. The ugly: this week's running. Ran Tues, Wed, Thur, Fri and Sunday. Tuesday on treadmill I knocked out 3 strong 1 mile repeats, Wed a brick run that wasn't great, but ok and then Thursday. Thursday was to be a 2hour run. I got to 70' and called uncle…it just wasn't my day. I was discouraged . Friday morning I ran early and although it was only 4 miles I felt good and the bummed feeling about Thursday's run disappeared. I also have been going to yoga 2x a week to stay flexible (which Im not, but try).
This week, if you are in the HIM plan, has us doing a RR on Saturday. Given that this would be done entirely inside, I'm considering a modification. Any suggestions? Anyone else doing the RR?
my swim and bike are ready now - but having started running only in October my run is still a WIP
also, despite living in naples fl area and relatively much more heat acclimated then most of you - I am concerned about the heat stress of this race
For example - i ran 90 minutes this morning on the beach - it was sunny, 79 deg and humid
before run - 157.6
after run - 154.6
loss - 3.0
gatorade drank on run - 40 oz
total loss - 5.5 lbs
avg hr for run - 142 (resting hr 32)
(on my next long run i will drink at least 20 oz/30 min)
the PR race will be hotter, more humid and my hr higher and the race much longer - that concerns me
if anyone racing wants to come naples fl for a few days of training or do a race rehearsal in somewhat racelike conditions (I live on beach and water temp is 67 deg - I did a 1.75 mile ows yesterday) your welcome to stay here and i will help you