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Toeliosis and Spacers

There is no such thing as toeliosis but i do have toe related issues im looking for feedback on.... if any.....as a note i have hammer toe and bunion on my right foot and have worn a toe spreader to relieve/assist with pain and alignment.....however i do know resultant big toe inflexibility and alignment issues are causing run issue....instability causing limited and improper foot roll and toe off etc... ive worked on flexibilty and strenght to counter .... but was wondering if anyone has worn a toe separator while running/ridingt? i'm thinking of soft gel type between big toe and second hammer toe- How did you keep jt in place? How did it workout?


  • I have a hammer toe and a bunion on each foot.  I have spreaders but rarely use them; certainly not while running.  I have been struggling the last two years with foot numbness and saw an orthopedic foot specialist about 3 months ago.  His take was that my VERY tight calves were the cause of the hammer toes, and limiting my foot flexion forcing the ankle to work harder to lift the foot with a different tendon and land more on the ball of the foot.  RX = stretch the calf a whole lot more. 

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