Cath Jadot 2017 Official Coach Thread
Hi Coach P,
I will be traveling for work and need help to adjust my schedule.
I'm currently in week 10 of the Full Advanced plan and will race IMTX on April 22nd.
Traveling Feb 26 to 28th and then again March 8th to 12th.
On Sunday Feb the 26th, I'll reach my destination around noon and could do my long ride in the afternoon using the hotel gym's bike. But not sure what type of bike they have...
On the 27th and 28th no problem to do the runs, much harder for the swims.
For the second trip, I'll have a tri bike on the island and I can swim in the ocean/pool.
On the 8th, I'll arrive early afternoon and can use the rest of the day to do whatever needs to be done.
9th to 11th pretty flexible but a 300-min bike ride would be challenging, something ~2h max would be optimum
12th - long day traveling little time available.
13th I could do the long ride
I will be traveling for work and need help to adjust my schedule.
I'm currently in week 10 of the Full Advanced plan and will race IMTX on April 22nd.
Traveling Feb 26 to 28th and then again March 8th to 12th.
On Sunday Feb the 26th, I'll reach my destination around noon and could do my long ride in the afternoon using the hotel gym's bike. But not sure what type of bike they have...
On the 27th and 28th no problem to do the runs, much harder for the swims.
For the second trip, I'll have a tri bike on the island and I can swim in the ocean/pool.
On the 8th, I'll arrive early afternoon and can use the rest of the day to do whatever needs to be done.
9th to 11th pretty flexible but a 300-min bike ride would be challenging, something ~2h max would be optimum
12th - long day traveling little time available.
13th I could do the long ride
Newbie Jeff beetz checking in, Imtx 2014 finisher, local resident, if I can help just ask. I'm struggling navigating the site but ill get there!
For your travel week, I would make the Wed ride 90' (vs 75) and the Sat ride 5 hours (vs 4.5) and drop Sunday. Goal of week 12 is to rest a big, and this will give you a day (you'll thank me later).
Now Week 14 is a bit trickier given the volume....let's do this:
Mon - Your Long ride
Wed - Back on plan...
What say you?
~ Coach P
Thanks for the modifications.
For the first trip (Washington DC)
Monday and Tuesday swims will difficult (meetings, travels, etc), so I was thinking to only do runs.
How about week 12 - as you suggested, PLUS Swim on Sunday
Week 13
Mon - FTP run
Tue - steady run
Wed - Swim + FTP ride
Thu - back on schedule.
Second trip (St Barts)
Looks good.
I guess I keep the brick run before the long ride on Monday after I return, right?
Okay to keep to VO2 run the next day in addition to the optional swim? Or it'll jeopardize the rest of camp week?
Re brick run on AM of return, I say no. Just get on that bike...getting out of bed will be the equivalent of a run!
I say yes to VO2 run if you drop that Monday run...but I still defer to you. Your body might be fighting back and if so, that VO2 run should go!
~ Coach P
Hi @Coach Patrick ,
In week 17 of the Full Advanced plan and will race IMTX on April 22nd.
Question for this week - Friday swim RR that can be stacked with Sunday ABP ride. Does it mean we have an off day on Friday if we do the swim RR on Sunday??
I think we have a ton of lessons learned here. For now, load the Post IM transition plan...and then we can adjust your training starting 5/15 when you are closer to picking the next race.
Let me know what you think of the video!
~ Coach P
Last long run was done at an average of 8:05 min/mile, @HR 139
I agree, there is room for improvement on the bike. Will invest in a powermeter and jump on the Zwift bandwagon. Sounds like a fun way to improve. I also need to improve my turns, I really suck at it. Any recommendations for that?
Will do a little bit more thinking about which race to pick next and let you know.
When you say turns, I imagine you mean cycling. It's all about countersteering. If you want to go to the right, you need to push the right hand down and will make you turn on a dime....just slightly mind you!
This is a great video:
I think I made my decision re. the next race - IMFL.
What's next? I have submitted a new TSR. Anything else I should do?
- 6/19 Load the Advanced Bike Focus Block, 6 Weeks to end on 7/30/2017
- 7/31 Load the Advanced Big Bike Week to end on 8/6/2017
- 9/18 Load the Advanced 2017 EN*Full, 12 Weeks to end on 11/5/2017
#1 - Gets you plenty of bike time and strength, we can modify with some swim / run as you see fit.#2 - We plan ahead for a bigger week of bike volume to close out this focus period (info in Resources > Wiki > Bike as well).
#3 - We then transition you into the EN*Full plan. You should have a few days off here...but we can do that together as we go.
Let me know what you think!
~ Coach P
No problem, I understand. I'm just so much more motivated to train hard when I know I'm on a structured plan so thanks for the new TSR, looking forward to training hard again
I registered in a local Master Class, so I'll be swimming Mon/Wed/Fri in addition to the recommended training plans. I guess that's okay?
I've been taking it easy since the race ~2 months ago. I feel like it's time to get back on track for REAL WORK!
But travel for work will force me to tune it down so I guess that's okay