Patti Thompson (New) Macro Thread
Heyyyy! So, as I have been discussing in my micro thread with Coach P, I'm nursing some foot injuries/long term foot issues. I've made a concerted effort to do my physical therapy every day and have cut back pretty heavily on the running. I ran for the first time in a week yesterday (Sunday) off the bike (I had to flip flop my bike and run weekend days). The reason I am posting in my macro thread is I think I want to put my 2017 focus a bit stronger on the swim/bike aspects of the sport. I have spent years trying to improve the run to no avail so I would like to throw myself in to really training the other disciplines. That being said, I am adding a 40 mile bike race to my schedule on April 30th and also Aqua Bike Nationals on November 12th. I will still be doing two 70.3's (Eagleman and Lake Placid) but I would perhaps take them down to C and B races, respectively. Let me know your thoughts and also what I should be adding/doing differently to get myself ready for a super performance on April 30th. TIA!
Sounds good but please give me this and any other notes you have here so I can plan this out for you formally.