Bike fit
I spent 3 1/2 hours yesterday getting a bike fit. I was told I need an effective seat angle of 80.9% my current bike will not allow a seat angle greater then 77%. This seat angle seems quite high. Does anyone have experience with this?
Can you get another seat post to increase the angle? The Cervelo had a reversible post. Here is a picture of bike fit I had done by Todd Kenyon at
x2 on Attila's comment .... your LBS's recommendation does sound fishy !!!
Brent, I am curious to see how this panned out for you.
I too, recently had a bike fit and coincidentally I also ride a Kestrel, only I ride a Talon. My bike has always served me well, but this year I have been having issues with saddles and comfort. I won the bike fit in a raffle, a big deal with the seat pressure pad and everything. Since the fit I was told that my bike can't accommodate the fit that I require, my seat has been dropped a good inch and a half and on yesterday's first half iron aqua bike I had significant knee and inner thigh pain.
Please update us how things worked out and thanks!